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ITT we post Jailbait kthnx.
ITT we post Jailbait kthnx.

Jailbait or JB, is the term used for an underage whore who is fully developed and fully asking for it. At least 100% of these pictures times these pictures are taken by the individual in the photo who usually suffers from a bad case of internet disease such as the internet celebrity and /b/tard cracky-chan.

[edit] GTFO PEDO

Unfortunately for pedobear attraction to anyone under the age of eighteen makes you a raging sick fuck pedo and you will be immediately sent to jail for goatseation by Bubba, hence the name jailbait. This impeding threat forces these freaks to go to such websites as 4chan, however, 4chan disabled the jailbait section.

[edit] JB

Image:Pedobear_small.gif Jailbait is part of a series on Child Abuse.

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