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æ The Moar You Know Did you know
that... when you die, no one will remember you?
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Ignoring is the highly scientific process of not giving a fuck about someone or something. To ignore someone is to completely deprive them of any value in modern society, thus ensuring plenty of An Heros.


[edit] Attention Whores and Trolls

A recent study by the United States Centers for Disease Control revealed that, despite the widespread public belief, Attention Whores and Trolls do not eat dog shit and spoiled milk to survive. Instead, it was found that they extract nutrition directly from messages posted on the internets telling them to STFU & GTFO.

Over 9000 subjects where selected for study over a 14-month period. For this project, a special algorithm was developed that could be installed on any forum server. Half of the test subjects would receive an automatic reply, poorly spelled, and typically in uppercase letters. The other half would be allowed to post, but would receive zero replies.

The results where as conclusive as they where horrific.

[edit] Troll Attention-Whore Reply Deprivation Syndrome

Your mom desperately trying to get the attention she needs.
Your mom desperately trying to get the attention she needs.
Michael Vick, TARDS victim. Join the fight to save Mike
Michael Vick, TARDS victim. Join the fight to save Mike

TARDS for short, subjects deprived of replies exhibited symptoms similar to your mom deprived of cock. Previously unknown to medical science, TARDS can have life-long effects. Symptoms include:

Persons who suffer from fourth stage TARDS can expect to survive only for a few weeks after diagnosis. It is believed that as the disease progresses, damage to the lulz-detecting part of the brain causes a massive influx of anti-lulz. The subsequent bitching due to anti-lulz overdose causes even trained medical personnel to not give a shit about the subjects well-being. The complete lack of attention from anyone or anything results in E-Death.

[edit] Michael Vick

Main article: Michael Vick

Last Thursday, Michael Vick, an unwitting subject in the study, suffering severely from TARDS and genital herpes, made a desperate move to ensure his survival. Working through back doors and deepthroat like encounters with homosexual reporters in parking garages, he revealed to the world that he was, in fact, a NEGRO. The resulting drama should be enough attention to sustain him until doctors can find a cure.

[edit] Ignored on Youtube

Weaboos, furries, your sister, vlogers and presidential candidates thrive on two things: Buckets of cum, and attention. Without it, they die.

[edit] Lonelygirl15

Case in point, Lonelygirl15. Even though the whole thing is MADE THE FUCK UP, it proves that if Anonymous pays attention to how to make people not pay attention to the attention people are getting, then attention for the attention-seeker will drop, and they die. Or something.

[edit] Ignored on Television

[edit] Firefly

YOU KILLED IT! I hate you. I HATE YOU!!!
YOU KILLED IT! I hate you. I HATE YOU!!!

On the internets, you may encounter fags who say that the turd of a show Firefly should still be on the air. They should be shot on site. Firefly was ignored HARDCORE and got what it deserved. It's ratings where lower than that public access show on at 3am with that guy that shits in a coffee can. But just like that psycho in Fatal Attraction, it popped out of the bathtub of doom for one last gasp of air: Serenity: The movie. luckily your wife got the gun out of your bedroom and blew that bitch away.

[edit] External Links

is part of a series on
Dying Alone
Those Who Have Died Alone

Hitler | Ripper | Mitchell Henderson | Tyler Dumstorf | Lilo | Anna Nicole Smith | Chris Benoit | Arielle Newman | Otoya Yamaguchi | "Crush" Adams | Charmaine Dragun | Megan Meier

Those Dying Alone

Potty Pete| Nullcherri | Amy Winehouse | Jimbo Wales | Joy Nash | Argent009 | GoddessMillenia | Snapesnogger | Sceptre | Ahotwheelscar | Anonymous Borg | Chuck M.

Their Methods

Self-seclusion | Jenkem | Drugs | Booze | AIDS | Anime | IRC | LiveJournal | MySpace | DeviantART | YouTube | Fleshlight | 4chan

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