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Possible mental patient/dog in drag.
Possible mental patient/dog in drag.

Insanity comes in a few different levels, as broken down by expert e-psychiatrists.

The word "insane" comes from the Latin 'in sano' meaning, 'You are a complete fucktard for having a different opinion to mine!'

Oh snap, dat nigga's CWAZY


[edit] Insanity 101: An Introduction

The merciless pepper of Quetzlzacatenango, grown deep in the jungle primeval by the inmates of a Guatemalan insane asylum; as depicted on The Simpsons
The merciless pepper of Quetzlzacatenango, grown deep in the jungle primeval by the inmates of a Guatemalan insane asylum; as depicted on The Simpsons

"Insane," as it is normally used on both the Internets and IRL, is a general, typically harmless and nonspecific irregularity of thought or perception. It usually refers to lower level leftards, generic Christians and members of various fandoms.

Prima: I think that people should be given free health care.
Secunda: You're insane!

[edit] Other Types of Insanity

[edit] "The Sky is Falling!" Insanity

Ever since the Bible was collated and printed into English, some people (most notably everybody from America) have erroneously thought that it was correct. If you read the Bible from the beginning, you see a deliberate structure:

Everything was made. Then..:

By making you incredibly bored, you become susceptable to the eschatology and apocalyptic sections of the Bible. One begins to think that it might happen in The Future.

Thus, people started suffering from "The Sky is Falling!" Insanity which causes them to invade otherwise fairly sensible communities and attempt to convert everybody to their religion, using their insanity alone.

Prima: If you don't eat Jesus' flesh or his blood, you're going to burn in Hell. Jesus is coming! Jesus is coming! Cthulhu cannot save you!!!
Secunda: You're insane.

[edit] "I Own the Internets!" Insanity

Usually suffered by LJ mods who realise they can ban anybody they like at will, the "I Own the Internets!" Insanity is the largest cause of migration between communities.

Prima: You're not allowed to post this comment against me here. I'm the mod! I can ban you!
Secunda: You're insane!

[edit] Batshit Crazy

Batshit crazy is one of the highest levels of insanity. It's usually a combination of all of the above, to wit:

Prima: Repent of your sins! Frienditto is the Antichrist! If you don't repent I will ban you from my community!
Secunda: You're insane!
Prima: That's defamation of character! I have unlimited disposable income and will bring you to Internet court! I will have your humility!

You may wish to confirm your own insanity with this handy insanity test. You may skip this part if your room is already decorated like the following:

Tinfoil hats and plans to summon the antichrist, or at least Dubya

Not to be confused with Apeshit crazy.

For a reference into batshit insanity, one should look no further than KurtBatz, who, in addition to being batshit insane, actually believes he is a bat.

[edit] Swedish Crazy

[edit] Hidden Internet Crazy

Taking place on the fringes of the known Internets, and inaccessible to the casual user, Hidden Internet Crazy can be considered an OL Easter Egg. HIC consists entirely of a Prima who maintains and updates a generally non-interactive website, which invariably stuns and bewilders anybody coming into contact with it. Discovery of HIC results either in a meme which spreads hilarity, or a jarring illness as the last vestiges of one's belief in humanity's sentience leaks out of one's eyes.

HIC sites will always be coded badly because HICs cannot type whilst wearing tinfoil hats (see below) and because they love font size=5. Examples include:


Sometimes, a special combination of cosmic rays, GRIDS, and dongs can lead to a whole other sort of crazy altogether. This type of crazy, named after its first victim, astronut Lisa Nowak runs rampant inside the International Space Station, spreading faster than herpes in a gay bar, or AIDS in a pool. The two most common symptoms of SPACE MADNESS are sudden incontinence and psychotic delusions of "That bitch is stealin' mah man!!1"

[edit] Insane Fashion

Pirat ponton models the latest in designer aluminumwear.
Pirat ponton models the latest in designer aluminumwear.
Mexican wearing a tinfoil sombrero
Mexican wearing a tinfoil sombrero

[edit] Tinfoil Hats

Tinfoil Hats are the new Black. The headwear of choice for conspiracy nuts like azad slide and puremisery. They keep the sunlight, UV rays, birdpoop and evil alien mind control rays out out your head so you can continue to go throughout your day with the confidence of knowing all of your thoughts about the world and the government are completely unread and unaltered.

You cannot actually make tinfoil hats. The ones that actually keep out all the alien mind control rays are manufactured by some guy out in Tuscon who has perfected the process. I lost that guy's number.

If you are said to be wearing a tinfoil hat, that means that you are thinking on such a high level of rational thought that other more succeptable minds cannot fathom why you are thinking the way that you do. So, go get a tinfoil hat and wear it with pride! (You wouldn't BELIEVE how much they paid me to say this!)

[edit] The Tinfoil Song

I've got my tinfoil hat on, hip hip hip hooray, my tinfoil hat will shield me from your mind controlling ray.

See also: Poetry

[edit] Fursuits

Ok, this isn't so much insane as it is fucking sick, but hey, insane people wear this too because they really think they're animals or otherkin or some other bullshit like that.

[edit] List of Insane people on LJ

[edit] List of Insane people on IRC

[edit] List of Insane people on DevianTART

[edit] See also

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