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Living Information

Our plans

Use the links below to download copies of our corporate and business plan and our digitisation programme.

A Vision for The National Archives

The National Archives' Vision recognises the importance of information for re-use, for business accountability and for the nation's memory. By working closely with government, the wider public sector and the archival community, we will solve the complex challenges we face.

Strategic Plan 2007-2008

Our strategic plan covers information such as what we do and why this is important, our business objectives and targets for the coming year, and our vision for the future.

Digitisation programme

Our digitisation programme sets out how we plan to achieve our aim of providing digital copies of all of our most popular records online by 2011

E-business strategy

Our e-business strategy describes how we plan to meet the government's targets for electronic service delivery (by 2005) and electronic records management (by 2004).


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