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wtf balls
wtf balls
Halp, I has a problem...
Halp, I has a problem...
Some men love balls
Some men love balls
  1. (Usually plural): The ability for someone to do stupid shit that most people's brains would tell them not to do. This shit is usually awesome.
  2. Spherical object.
  3. If they touch, you are gay. No exceptions. So we can kiss and suck each other off.
  4. It doesn't make a bit of difference, guys. They're inert.
Now that is a pretty sight! Video!
Now that is a pretty sight! Video!

The most common storage location for balls is in the asshole-- see Tony Eveready

[edit] Quotes

"Testicles? I don't need no stinkin' testicles!"


Balls can also bee used as a bungee rope.
Balls can also bee used as a bungee rope.

[edit] Fact of the day

The testes of the Blue Whale weigh 26kg [1] which is 4 stone, the weight of an obese dwarf [2] .

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