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Maureen Fulton - Xs and Mo's
Maureen Fulton has covered the University of Toledo, Bowling Green State University and the Mud Hens for the Blade since April 2005. She has worked at the Cleveland Plain Dealer and the Omaha World-Herald, grew up on Nebraska football and the College World Series, and has learned to love pro football (if you're comfortable classifying the Browns as such) and baseball since moving to Ohio. Maureen provides news, analysis and perspective on the sports world. Anything, from breaking stories, Mud Hens transactions, pre-game gossip and post-game reaction, is fair game.

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Ryan Autullo - The llo down
Ryan Autullo has covered BGSU athletics for the Blade since August 2007. He grew up in northwest Ohio, attended school in northwest Ohio, and skipped many classes because he didn't want to deal with northwest Ohio weather. Ryan is a fan of everything Cleveland - Indians, Browns, Cavs, rock n' roll and Halle Berry. Ryan is quite accomplished in EA Sports' NCAA Football, as the last time he lost a game Britney Spears still had a career. Ryan provides perspective on a crazy sports world where terms like "screw ball" and "gutter ball" also adequately describe the athletes. Ryan will occasionally step out of the sports realm to provide insight on happenings in the pop culture world, which will undoubtedly include more jabs at Britney Spears.

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Roberta de Boer - On Second Thought

I can just hear the blogosphere now: "Huh? The woman's already got a column. What's she need a blog for? Cripes, whatta word hog." Hey, if you could see my overflowing notebooks (and brain), maybe you wouldn't be so harsh. But a column really should be one complete, coherent thought, and my attention is so often snagged by less than that. The columns are letters, I guess, while this blog is more like a series of postcards. I don't focus on any particular topics here. As blogs go, this is one big, unholy smorgasbord. I tend to be a raging insomniac, although I'll try to spare you from what floats around my brain during the wee small hours.

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