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From FOSS.IN/2007

From around the web...

Lennart Poettering on Back from India

FOSS.in was one the best conferences I have ever been to, and a lot of fun. The organization was flawless and I can only heartily recommend everyone to send in a presentation proposal for next year's iteration. I certainly hope the commitee is going to accept my proposals next year again. Especially the food was gorgeous. More....

Kevin Ottens on FOSS.IN Day 5.5 and Day 6

Most of the talks are all done by high profile speakers… I even wonder how I got talks there. You definitely have the best people in their field coming here. The “who’s who” of the Indian Free Software contributors is there, but you also have quite a lot of famous international Free Software contributors. If you don’t believe me, look at this year speakers list but also past years…I hardly know any other conference with such speaker lists (except maybe FOSDEM) More...

James Morris on FOSS.IN/2007 Wrapup

I'm finally back from FOSS.IN/2007, although my body clock seems to be lost somewhere in the Arabian Sea.

The push to make the conference more contributor-focused seemed to work very well.

The final talk slot, which was given to Rusty on short notice, included an invitation for FOSS developers to come down and stand on the stage. First, people who had contributed code to a project -- way more people than anyone expected -- stood up and came down. Then, progressively, people who'd submitted a bug report, or written documentation, or helped others, and finally, anyone who'd used FOSS. Here's what it looked like:

Members of the then non-audience passed the microphone around for some ad-hoc lightning talks on what they were doing. More...

Rusty Russel says FOSS.IN: I had fun

For me, it's hard to properly enjoy a conference I'm speaking at. So I judge a conference by the discussions I have after my talk(s), and on that scale FOSS.in rated highly. Good technical questions, ideas and interest.

The chief organizer, Atul, made my enjoyment particularly difficult by asking me on Friday afternoon to do Saturday's pre-closing slot: he wanted me to fan the flames of FOSS contribution among the delegates.

I am touched by the faith of my colleagues, but here's the secret: if I do a good presentation it's because I spent a few solid days preparing it, and much longer actually planning it. Spontaneity fills the gaps, but it can't provide content. A restless night rolled into the morning with no great plan emerging.More...


I’m back in Bangkok for a few hours with my family and then it’s the overnight train to Chiang Mai for a few days of outdoor activities with the students in the beautiful north of Thailand.

The FOSS.IN conference was amazing. I learned so much, including a lot of technical stuff, but at least five big ideas will stay with me: More...

FOSS.in, day 1: Namaste Bangalore

I got my flight to Bangalore yesterday after a night in a cheap hotel near CDG airport. In case you’d wonder: yes CDG airport is still as bad as usual… For instance I met Till and Volker there and we didn’t manage to buy wifi time there. Their portal was sooo confusing… More...

Another day, Another Project Day

GNOME was part of the first batch of Project Days at foss.in/2007. If the delegate statistics were something to go by, application of the general rule of thumb would have expectations of around 60 people at the Project Day. Given that this was the first time we had Project Days no one really knew what to expect. So there we were with the goodies well before time at around 0830 and already there was a crowd of people waiting with that patient expectation to get into the venue. GNOME was slated in the 120 seater hall and the start was a bit of a let down. With the hall hardly 10% full, the speakers went outside to rustle up some potential attendees. By the time it was “the talk” on GNOME Art, the audience had increased to around 60% and soon we overshot the capacity of the hall and were averaging around 135-140 delegates in the hall. More...

OpenSolaris Project Day at FOSS.IN

Here are some images from the OpenSolaris talks at the FOSS.IN Project Day yesterday. It was a great day with lots of technical content delivered by the Indian OpenSolaris Community. As I listened to the talks, I was having difficulty figuring out who was Sun and who wasn't. That's good. That's the whole point of building one community. The OpenSolaris Community has clearly made great strides here in Bangalore with BeleniX and the Bangalore OpenSolaris User Group leading the way. More...

Live Blogging@ FOSS.IN/2007

Sun's Official FOSS.IN blog site has live blogging going on, photos, quizzes, contests and lots more. Do check it out. More...

FOSS.IN OpenSolaris HackCenter

Driving more Contribution is a key element this year to the most happening Open-Source conference in India, FOSS.IN. The event organizers have spent sleepless nights to figure out the right kind of infrasturcture to aid more contribution to the diverse participating communities. As a result of this, you will see a lot of new events that will take place this year. More...

Harald Welte is Looking Forward to FOSS.IN/2007

In a few days FOSS.in 2007 will start. I'm departing from Germany on Monday next week. I have a ton of things to do until then, including a trip to my family in Nuernberg on Friday,, visiting a industrial festival in Chemnitz on Saturday and packing my suitcases on Sunday ;)

So this will be the fifth year in a row that I visit Bangalore in late November/early December for the event formerly known as Linux Bangalore. What once started like a crazy reason for visiting India the first time (after enjoying Indian food and bollywood music from Germany for a couple of years), has turned into a regular mark in every years' calendar for me.

I've been told that FOSS.in this year will be very different from all the previous events. The focus has been shifted from doing just another round of 'this is free software and this is how to use it' event, the focus is now entirely on the community developer. More...

Namaste KDE!

The following text is the proposal for KDE Project Day at Foss.in/2007. Please feel free to comment on it and send in suggestions/corrections. Send them over to pradeeptob *at* gmail *dot* com. Thanks in advance. More...

The conference with attitude is back

foss.in 2007 announced

It’s always difficult for a community based conference with a multitude of demands all pulling in different directions. The temptation is always to try and please everyone. There always seems to be people who want the focus to be on converting people to Linux (inevitably because they’re trying to sell something, and figure the conference is there to create new customers for them). These groups seem to object if the conference isn’t all about new users and explaining why Open Source is so great. More...

Less than a fortnight to go...

FOSS.IN/2007 looks to be shaping up well -- here's the shortlisted schedule.

The live registration stats are interesting -- 57% of delegates have indicated interest in the Fedora session of the project days.

I'm honoured and very happy to be returning this year to give talks on general kernel development and the state of SELinux. While preparing the slides, I was surprised at how much has happened in SELinux since my last talk at the conference in 2005. Things really move fast in FOSS.

It's lucky the talks this year have been extended to 90 minutes, as I have approximately several million slides to get through. Well, perhaps not so lucky for those attending my talks. I'll post the slides after the conference. In the meantime, catch this interview with Dan Walsh on some cool SELinux features in Fedora 8. More...

Jim Grisanzio on FOSS.IN/2007

I love the artwork for this year's FOSS.IN conference. Very nice stuff. The images are all based on freedom, opportunity, personal expression, coding, participation, and contribution. That last part is most important to me because I think we need to focus more on contributing in the OpenSolaris Community, especially as we grow and diversify globally. More...

Arun Gupta will be at FOSS.IN/2007

I'll be attending FOSS.IN, Dec 4-8 in Silicon Valley of India (more popularly known as Bangalore). This is going to be my first formal conference in India so I am excited! Find me and talk anything about GlassFish.

Sun Microsystems has held open systems to be the cornerstone of its business philosophy since the beginning. Today, through shared technology innovation, Sun's continued commitment to Open Source is reflected in its leadership and key contributions to the many projects including GlassFish, OpenSolaris, OpenOffice.org, GNOME, Grid Engine, java.net, NetBeans, and Mozilla. And here as well, Sun is a Principal Sponsor of the event. More...

Till Adam on Lots of K in Bangalore

Now that it's getting closer, I'm getting really excited about being able to go to Bangalore again this year, for one of the most fun conferences in the world, foss.in. It's extra special for me to get to return there, for several reasons: I get to go with friends and colleagues from KDE and KDAB this time, Volker Krause and Kevin Ottens (yes, he's been assimilated too), get to meet friends from Trolltech (who are sponsoring the event this year), I get to meet the wonderful KDE.in community and we get to present to them and all of Free Software-dom in India the wonders that are KDE 4 in general and Akonadi in particular. It's just great to see how far KDE in India has come, largely because of the amazing job done by a little guy who was following me and Taj around at foss.in 05, bothering us to do BOFs and meet various people, my friend and colleague Pradeepto Bhattacharya. Dude is famous now, as this poster clearly proves, and he has become a great leader of the KDE community in India and an inspiration to future contributors from his country. The KDE project day at this year's foss.in will be amazing, and a long, long way from the 7 person BOF we had two years ago. I'm also looking forward to picking up many conversations with various folks from other projects, Indian and otherwise, again. Can't wait. More...

Mozilla on How we decided upon FOSS.IN

If you’ve been following this blog, you may have seen some posts over the past few months about Mozilla’s participation in India’s largest open source conference, FOSS.IN. Our initial planning culminated with Mozilla’s project day proposal being accepted by the FOSS.IN planning team. That was exciting. More...

its foss.in time!

One more week to go, will begin one of India’s famous FOSS conferences foss.in 2007. I have been attending it for the past 2 years, first time as a mere delegate and last time as a part of sponsor’s team from NRCFOSS. This time, am taking up a new avatar, experiencing it more closer by being a volunteer myself. This gives me a chance to be a part of such a big conference, though volunteering is not new to me. This experience might prove useful in future endeavors when I take up more responsible roles. More...

foss.in, and why that’s a conference worth submitting to

it was only after reading the amazing spunk that atul chitnis possesses, that i decided to get cracking, and submit to the foss.in cfp. i like how there’s no reason for special treatment, and a select quote would definitely be how foss.in doesn’t understand the concept of “status”. More...

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