Michael Jackson

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America. The only country where a poor black boy grows up to be a rich white woman.
America. The only country where a poor black boy grows up to be a rich white woman.

This is a picture from his music video, Thriller. Also known as one of the last times he needed makeup to look like a zombie.
This is a picture from his music video, Thriller. Also known as one of the last times he needed makeup to look like a zombie.
Michael Jackson's YouTube alter-ego, PeppermintPatti.
Michael Jackson's YouTube alter-ego, PeppermintPatti.

Michael Jackson (whose legal name is now Wacko Jacko) is a black man turned white shemale (as seen in picture at right) who got famous in a music career. He-she is a known wealthy pedophile who travels around the world molesting children, proving once and for all that when the big hand touches the little hand, it's time to get the fuck right outta there! Despite now being legally a white woman, he-she played the race card like OJ in his-her last pedophilia trial. He-she is a major proponent of the W's controversial No Child's Behind Left plan. He is also the reason the Beatles are not on iTunes.

In the 80s, Jacko made a music video called Thriller where he-she dressed up as himself, a zombie made out of wax. Since then, he-she has had at least one plastic surgery involving Cillit Bang to look like Diana Ross. Despite having an androgynous physical appearance that frightens small children, they continue to sleep with him because it beats working at Walmart. He-she was last known to have intimate relations with a "Terry. S." but no one knows who this may be. But known sightings place The Terry within the same ranks of the Yeti & Ape Man.

Don't stop till you get enough

—Jackson to his child catcher.


[edit] Life At Home

This demotivator courtesy of Neverland Ranch
This demotivator courtesy of Neverland Ranch

MJ originally constructed for himself the perfect tool for drawing in his preferred cuisine: an amusement park where children "never grow up" and "don't want to go to school." It was his primary romp for years until people realized that a grown man running a theme park for children all by himself was a little creepy. Jacko closed his own pool after his rape trial, moving back to Whorelywood with the intent to rebuild his fondle-factory in Berlin. Just thinking about plump little blue-eyed blonde-haired Nazi children made Jacko drool so much his lips fell off.

He currently lives with his three sex-slaves Prince, Paris, and Blanket, and his Nanny with lupus.

[edit] The Emma Watson Scandal

Recently Michael has been implicated in the sexing up of Emma Watson, with the help of Dwarlinggirlxcore. He along with another person by the name of Cory were found to be in the practice of witchcraft, being demons along with a he-she transgendered asshole, and impersonating Secret Service agents all in an attempt to lick Emma's asshole. Reports are still coming in on this event, and are possibly forthcoming as we speak.

[edit] The Elephant Man

In the Mid-1980s Michael Jackson tried to purchase the skeleton of Joseph Merrick. he ultimately failed to obtain the skeleton. When asked the reason for this Michael Jackson stated, "it was mostly for the lulz." people suspect though, that in fact, it was not for lulz of any kind.

He Tried, He Failed.
He Tried, He Failed.

[edit] YouTube Antics

Michael Jackson occassionally goes without food for days and takes off his surgical mask in order to video himself for YouTube. He uses the alias PeppermintPatti, and pretends to be a persecuted lolsbian so he can get sympathy from others. First Michael couldn't have sex with little boys, and now he can't have sex with women. When will the pain end??

[edit] Michael Jackson's lulzy gallery

[edit] See also

[edit] External Links

[edit] Sites approved by Michael Jackson,not directly related

Jackson stars in his own feature length documentary movie I, Rape.
Jackson stars in his own feature length documentary movie I, Rape.


Michael Jackson is part of a series on Music.

Image:Pedobear_small.gif Michael Jackson is part of a series on Child Abuse.


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