Charles Bishop

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Ooooh shit!111 Interesting Fact:
This article contains an hero.
Charles Bishop
Charles Bishop

Charles Bishop was a 15-year-old Honor Student from Florida high school who became an hero by flying a small plane into a skyscraper.

On January 9, 2002 he stole a small plane and crashed it into the 28th floor of the Bank of America Plaza. Hoping to cause serious damage and kill thousands of people like 9/11, he was too stupid to realize he was only flying a Cessna. He only managed to kill himself, what An Hero. It's speculated confirmed that he was cheating on his girlfriend with Bin Laden. This Dumbfuck believed Bin Laden did 9/11 when we all know those fucking Jews did it. Not only that, but later his dumbshit mom decided his acne medication was to blame.

On a moar lulzworthy note, the loser ate cock.

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

Image:Anhero_icon.gif Charles Bishop is part of a series on An Hero.

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