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Cats are known to be organized anti-semites and    Teh Santa Cat noes waht joo want 4 xmas!!!1! gayhaters.
Cats are known to be organized anti-semites and
Teh Santa Cat noes waht joo want 4 xmas!!!1!
Teh Santa Cat noes waht joo want 4 xmas!!!1!
Instructions on how to dress up like a cat.  (WARNING: If you follow these instructions you will turn furry - i.e. into a gay man).
Instructions on how to dress up like a cat. (WARNING: If you follow these instructions you will turn furry - i.e. into a gay man).
A typical furry asking for it.
A typical furry asking for it.
How Tom was prepared
How Tom was prepared
TOW cat has replaced Fact cat.
TOW cat has replaced Fact cat.

The gay faggot's child, a cat is a common household pet and wannabe furry that people like to take pictures of and post in communities. Jameth has two cats that he very much loves to photograph. Cat owners are primarily people who can't catch actual furries.

Cats are the only thing the /b/astards at 4chan have any love for in their godless lives. As shown here. It has been well documented that a cat is the only thing a /b/tard won't rape, except for one particularly lonely one. Cats also make very common fursuits. It's no surprise the word "cat" rhymes with "twat".

You can also pretend to people you know on LiveJournal that your cat has been set on fire and ask them to donate money to your Paypal to pay the vet's bill, even when this isn't true. This is a good idea because:

NB: There are a variety of options for raising money on LiveJournal by saying your pussy is on fire.

Unlike large dogs, cats are useless for sex. A domestic cat's cunt is too small for even the smallest Asian person's penis. And a large cat will attack you like with Siegfried and Roy's tiger. Interestingly, talking about sex with cats can be stimulating for some cat lovers and, at the same time, quite distasteful to some other cat lovers.

There are rumors that cats are conspiring to take over the world. This is a bit sus. Their main plan of attack is showing people, other animals and inanimate objects their anus. By doing this, they wierd out most normal people, animals and inanimate objects (except furries), causing them to turn away so they are free to further their own nefarious goals, the greatest of which is eating unwatched meals of food. Their plan of attack may also include tripping people up by winding between their legs, irreversible damage to furniture, hanging out on stairs, peeing on carpets and controlling people's minds. In September of 2006, an obese orange cat exploited a vulnerability in LiveJournal's video subsystem to redirect people attempting to load LiveJournal eating disorder communities to pictures of the Donut Girl. It then proceeded to attempt to invite people to lulzcon.

Cats have been historically worshiped by ancient Sand Nigger cultures. It is from this that the seventh planet Caturn was named, from the Egyptian and later Greek god of Time and felines, and today a day in our weekly calander is named for this deity, Caturday. Longcat is the High Priest of Caturn, Administrator of Caturday Ceremonies, and Commander of the Cattic Armada.

Cats are known to be a good alternative.


[edit] Cat Videos

If you watch it enough, it will make your eyes bleed.

How horrible

[edit] See also

In teh future, cats will be in charge of all your Internets.
In teh future, cats will be in charge of all your Internets.

[edit] Moar Cats

Some cats do not follow rules.
Some cats do not follow rules.

[edit] Gallery

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