Sick fuck

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Softpaw Magazine: sick fuck periodical of today .
Softpaw Magazine: sick fuck periodical of today .
If this is your kind of  thing, rest assured: you one sick fuck.
If this is your kind of thing, rest assured: you one sick fuck.
A sick fuck's sense of humor.
A sick fuck's sense of humor.
An example of naga sex.  The purple one is a male, and the red one is also male. But that is a vagina that he has his fingers in. Shemale fetish?
An example of naga sex. The purple one is a male, and the red one is also male. But that is a vagina that he has his fingers in. Shemale fetish?

The Internets is writhing with sick fucks — individuals so messed in the head that they are actually difficult to ridicule, simply because their degeneracy outweighs any witty banter or sarcasm we could muster up. Doesn't stop us from trying, however. Sick fucks aren't all bad though; the sick fucks at have brought much lulz to us, as has the sick fuck who wrote Raping Little Suzy.

The best example of a sick fuck ever given: John Lockhart, Esq., also known as ohbutyouwillpet. This monster is the very personification of a sick fuck, and was on America's Fifteen Most Wanted until he was captured in June 2005.

The presence of sick fucks on livejournal has given rise to the phenomenon of public e-stonings. If you're a baby rapist, fake cat death fabricator or parenticidal maniac, expect all the little LJers to rush to your journal to watch the train-smash and record their disapproval while at the same time trying to share a little part of internets history, because sick fucks make history.

And now, a message from a sick fuck. (Just copypasta!)

This is a very embarassing confession actualy but i'm going to come out of the closet today may.21.2005 what i have to say is weird...i have this strange turtle fetish...i get very arroused when i see small tutrles i just get so turned on i just want to put the turtles down my pants and let there oh so smooth shell rub my penis...i'm not just just horny when i see small tutrles it's much more then that i had a dream of doing kinky things with turles...the dream went like started off in a chamber of some sort and there they were 15 small turtles chained up to the wall they were wearing name tags that were ever so sexy like "daddy" and "bitch" ect. and there i was wearing a leather suit with a whip and i was whiping the turtles and they were making these little snapping sounds i don't know where it came from but i was very arroused by the end of the dream me and the 15 small turtles were in bed and some were on the pillow and some were down there..rubbing my penis...i'm glad i've got that off my back</small></small></small></small></small>


[edit] Sick Fuck List

[edit] Sick Fuck Fun Corner

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[edit] What every sick fuck owns

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