Happy Negro

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A scene from the porno
A scene from the porno
Original sighting
Original sighting
A /b/tard making the Happy Negro face
A /b/tard making the Happy Negro face
A slightly more happy negro
A slightly more happy negro
Not to be confused with Happy Negro, is his twin, Pissed-Off Negro, who is the lead singer of Killswitch Engage.
Not to be confused with Happy Negro, is his twin, Pissed-Off Negro, who is the lead singer of Killswitch Engage.

Happy Negro is an ancient 4chan /b/ meme. But in reality, his name is Santino Lee from the porn website www.Bangbus.com.


[edit] Making of a Legend

One day he was invited by some trolls to have sex with lusty women in the back of a VW Microbus. He was so enamored with their boobs that he made the most classic face in porn evar.

[edit] Big in /b/

It didn't take long for the fap-happy /b/tards to locate this pornographic comedy goldmine, and at least 100 years ago it was photoshopped onto everything from babies to Sonic the Hedgehog. This enormous flood of images didn't stop until moot forced /b/tards to.

[edit] Gallery

[edit] External Links

Happy Negro on Myspace

The actual video the first Happy Negro image appears in.


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