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An nother winning (and enduring) /b/ meme born unto Caturday, (RIP), at least 100 years ago, INVISIBLE (your object here) started life as a classic unshooped cat macro with a simple IMPACT lulzline.

Whilst INVISIBLE...(whatever) macros usually depict a cat literally making lulz out of nothing, this meme has devolved to include humankind and other animals.

Those trying to jack a cat's invisible bike have been turned invisible by the cat's harsh judicial system (underfunding leads to invisibilation instead of incarceration or treatment). A famous example was when Tiger Woods, Will Smith and OJ all tried to steal a cat's invisible bike and invisibilised before they could say 'Kentucky Fried Grand Theft Auto!', none of them have been seen since.

The classic and an example of the cats' cloaking device
The classic and an example of the cats' cloaking device

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