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FA also may stand for FurAffinity =^_^=

This is what FAs fap to.


FAs, or Fat Admirers, are people who like fatties. I mean, really like fatties. And not just overweight people, I mean morbidly obese fatties.

Subclasses of FAs can be found in almost every fandom, churning out horrible fiction and photoshops of "what Hermione would look like 13 months pregnant". Or "Lara Croft and the force feeding machine".

Some say that most FAs ONLY like fat women. This is not true. Some only pretend to like obese women because they themselves are so fat and ugly that they could never hope to find love with a normal woman.

Many react to overweight girls with "You are so hot baby, I wanna rub your belly and feel your fat rolls!" Normally disturbing comments which are enough to make mundanes vomit.


[edit] Feeders

A fact-based thriller about the horror of feeders.
A fact-based thriller about the horror of feeders.

People who get off on feeding people until they are so fat they can't move, as well as those who get off on being fed in such a way.

Feeders are monsters, and often rape and kill young babies for the purposes of feeding them to their hideously obese slave-women. They hate black people, Jews and America and many of them are nazis or communists. Society's attitudes towards them reflect their nature as irredeemable bastards who will burn in Hell until the Day of Judgment comes, at which point Jeebus will mock them and kill their atoms (See: the Bible). Sick shit.

90% of FAs are turned on by women pigging out, and will fap to anything that has an overweight female character.

[edit] Inflation/Expansion Art

Average "fat admirer" artwork.
Average "fat admirer" artwork.

Inflation Art, or Expansion Art, is horrible artwork done by FAs, and usually consists of drawings of inflated females, usually anime characters or furries. Please note that Inflation artists invariably:

Inflation Art can be found in a variety of places, including DeviantART, but the fat furfags are not above skimming through hours of regular media to find 8 seconds of unintentional expansion-themed footage. Fatfurs come into a disturbing subculture of their own, which is alienated by most FAs.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I hope it has brought some understanding as to why this is such a fucked up fetish.

P.S: Please forgive the lack of sources from which we obtained our information, as all sources wish to remain anonymous. We didn't make any of this shit up or anything like that

[edit] Trolling FAs and BBWs

So far, every troll who has approached the FA community has been hospitalised with varying degrees of facial burns and brain haemmorraging, sometimes blindness and permanent impotency. Do not approach without eye protection and some anorexic counter-porn, or become An_Hero.

After donning appropriate protection, trolling these people can be very hard. BBWs like being called fat, whale, cow, obese, huge, and many other words associated with being overweight, thus that fails.

[edit] Average FA Youtube Videos

[edit] External Links

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