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The original.
The original.

LOLCHAIR (or SMILECHAIR to newfags/GRINCHAIR to oldfags) is an unfunny meme that was born last Thursday on /b/, when Anonymous posted a picture of a chair for the lulz. Not much is known about LOLCHAIR other than the fact that it will probably be a dead meme by next Thursday.

The lulzyest part of this meme is the furious debate about what it should be called: LOLCHAIR, SMILECHAIR or GRINCHAIR. It should also be noted that you disregard this because I suck dick. It is LOLCHAIR and there is no debate. That and the constant menstrual whining of Gaiafags (who came to /b/ circa FUCK YEAH SEAKING) about the "newfags" (who came to /b/ from the Google circa Fox News) being the cancer that is killing /b/. NEWSFLASH: POT MEETS KETTLE...BUTTSECKS ENSUES!!!

LOLCHAIR also serves as a textbook example of why American schoolboys are worse than 16 year old girls, should not be allowed on the Internets much less given the summer off. Gb2skewl allfags.

/v/ is in the making of a Lolchair flash game! It is scheduled to be finished by next Thursday.

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