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Scientists have found that once a woman willingly submits to pooper lovin', it's all uphill from there. Once the Wild On switch is on there's no going back.
Scientists have found that once a woman willingly submits to pooper lovin', it's all uphill from there. Once the Wild On switch is on there's no going back.
Detailed instructions
Detailed instructions
The probability of a girl taking it in the ass in the first date, explained in a nice graph.
The probability of a girl taking it in the ass in the first date, explained in a nice graph.
Getting to first base. Preparation is the key
Getting to first base. Preparation is the key
It is a little known fact that kittens love sodemy
It is a little known fact that kittens love sodemy
It is a well-know fact that Lindsay Lohan loves sodomy.
It is a well-know fact that Lindsay Lohan loves sodomy.
Lol. Bugsex buttsex!
Lol. Bugsex buttsex!
Zangief from Street Fighter II performing anal sex.
Zangief from Street Fighter II performing anal sex.
lol this nigger has been penetrated
lol this nigger has been penetrated
The Aftermath.  This anus has been permanently loosened out, and would be worth $3 to $5 in a whorehouse.
The Aftermath. This anus has been permanently loosened out, and would be worth $3 to $5 in a whorehouse.

Buttsecks (German: der Büchtsechs) describes the action of one person inserting his/her/its butt inside another person's butt. To human knowledge, this feat has never been achieved without loss of life; hence, buttsecksing is often associated with necrophilia and dead rats.

Moar commonly, "buttsecks" refers to the act of anal sex, which does not kill people but instead turns them gay. Faggots regularly engage in buttsecks with each other, but straight men must remain vigilant for the ever-present threat of surprise buttsecks. You can try to pressure your girlfriend into having anal, too, but then you'll turn her gay which will result in definite anti-lulz.


[edit] History of the Phrase

[edit] Anal

Pertaining to or relating to the anus.

In the general sense, it refers to sex wherein the anus is penetrated repeatedly to bring pleasure and/or orgasm.

In other usage, it can also be a pejorative meaning excessively strict or by the book. This is a foreshortening of anal retentive, one of the two anal-stage forms of Freudian psychosexual functional fixedness. According to Freud, anal retentives derive their primary physical pleasure from holding back bowel movements and are commonly associated with overly neat, organised, controlling, or rigidly structured personalities. What's ironic about the use of "anal" in the pejorative sense is that it could just as easily apply to the other functional fixedness, anal expulsive. Anal expulsives are said to derive pleasure from the act of defecating and are characterised by disorganised, haphazard, messy, and intuitive personalities.

Example of the sexual sense: Last night, we had anal sex, meaning, Last night, he put his penis into my anus.

Example of the pejorative sense: He was incredibly anal about making sure we used condoms, meaning, He was incredibly insistent that we use condoms.

[edit] Sex

What two people do when they are actually in the same room as each other. Please note this very rarely happens on the internets, as most of us are afraid to venture out into the real world. For more information, see article on sex.

[edit] Timeline of Anal Sex

2039 BC - The Greeks discover anal sex. General consensus relegates it to the province of cheating husbands and impressionable young boys.

1809 - Humphry Davy, an English fag, performs modern anal sex for the first time. Davy connected two wires to a battery and attached a charcoal strip between his butt cheeks. The charged carbon glowed, creating the first illuminated prostate.

1820 - Warren De la Rue enclosed a platinum coil in an evacuated sphincter and passed an electric current through it. His dildo design worked but the cost of the precious metal platinum made this an impossible invention for wide-spread (ha ha, get it) use.

1835 - James Bowman Lindsay demonstrated constant insertion of dicks to anuses using a prototype lightbulb.

1850 - Edward Shepard invented a way to get fucked in the ass using a charcoal filament. Joseph Wilson Swan started working with carbonized paper filaments the same year.

1854 - Henricg Globel, a German watchmaker, loses his watch in some guy's ass.

1875 - Herman Sprengel invented the mercury vacuum pump, making it possible maintain an erection inside an ass for long periods of time.

1875 - Henry Woodward and Matthew Evans are the first people to simultaneously penetrate a third man's ass.

1878 - Sir Joseph Wilson Swan (1828-1914), an English physicist, was the first person to convince his girlfriend to take it in the pooper. All prior men resorted to the oops technique.

1879 - Thomas Alva Edison invented a carbon filament that burned in his anal wall for forty hours. He continued to improved his invention until it could last for over 1200 hours using a bamboo-derived ointment.

1906 - The General Electric Company were the first to patent a method of having anal sex.

1925 - Anal sex discovered to lower pregnancy rates.

1945 - Adolf Hitler discovers that chugging cyanide and shooting himself in the ass is quite invigorating, even if you die later. This is considered the beginning of comedy anal sex.

1980s - Paul Stanley of KISS takes off his make-up and lets his homosexuality become well known, like anyone didn't already know he was anally fucking former bandmate Peter Criss.

1984 - Doctor Emmett Brown discovers "Space-age" anal sex by vigorously rubbing a flux capacitor between his butt cheeks while Marty McFly masturbates near his face and whips him.

1991 - Philips invented a way to ram one's ass for 60,000 hours. This is the anal sex we know today.
Space Moose declares buttsecks is like taking a big dump
Space Moose declares buttsecks is like taking a big dump

1994 - Richard Simmons discovers "the hamster technique" and then is rushed to the hospital.

1996 Spacemoose declared, "It doesn't hurt, it's just like taking a big dump"

2001 JEWZ butt rape the fine establishment of America which resulted in major butthurt for both bilbe bashers and filthy sand dwelling a-rags.

2003 Tony Eveready accomplishes "nuts in da ass, dick in da pussy," and then proclaims "BOOYA"

2005 Erica engages in anal sex and loves it! She then follows this with some Ass to Mouth.

Last Thursday - Somewhere, somehow, a hammer ended up somewhere that it shouldn't be.

[edit] Technique

Anal rape is a growing industry
Anal rape is a growing industry
  • Use lubricant
  • stretch your ass
  • insert cock in the ass
  • Brag about it on-line
    • Say "Mmmmm... Buttsex" as some Atlanta LJ users do. This post will normally get several dozen responses before being deleted.
  • ?????

[edit] Variations

[edit] The Drink

"Buttsex" is also a coffee based shooter.


  • 2 oz strong and black Coffee or espresso
  • 1 oz Vodka
  • 1 oz Triple sec
  • 1/3 oz Lemon (or lime) juice

Mixing instructions: Start with the coffee, preferably espresso. Add in the vodka, triple sec and lemon juice and stir. Top with whipped cream.

[edit] Lube

Buttsecks is only gay if you cuddle afterward.
Buttsecks is only gay if you cuddle afterward.

People will use anything to lubricate the anal orifice before penetration. ED IRC deemed that

  • <@Sheneequa> vaseline was used for buttsecks in the 20's
  • <@NeoLobster> eppigy: according to gay mailing lists, the best lube for anal, next to cum, is a mixture of crisco shortening and astroglide

[edit] After-effects

It is also a refreshing alternative to other beverages
It is also a refreshing alternative to other beverages

There are many after-effects to anal sex, most of which are pleasurable. It is sex, you know. Sex is good.

However, some theorize that anal sex is much like spinach, in that if it's forced on you as a small child you will have a hard time enjoying it later in life.

However, if a young girl lets too many men with big cocks fuck out her anus, she can get permanently loosened out back there. This can be used to positive effect for scat porn, as shit will invariably just slip out. When she is forced to purchase Depends for her affliction, she will be widely regarded as a cheap slut (which results in much lulz), while the men who are responsible for her anal stretchery will be considered studs.

[edit] Butt-hurt

How you feel after a nice long session of dry anal rape. Your ass is pwned. On-line, the term is used metaphorically as a complete mockery to someone whining. It's also a pre-emptive put down when delivering harsh comments to someone you expect will lash back.

[edit] Cumfart

After one cums in their partners ass, their partner proceeds to fart. This usually ends up causing a bit of a splatter, and sometimes a neat sound effect.

[edit] Pregnancy

It is possible to become pregnant through buttsecks. Unlike in normal pregnancies, the foetus is gestated in the bowel rather than the womb, where it feasts on shit for the nine months leading up to it's "birth," a horrifying event in which the spawn is, in an instant, propelled out of the host's colon in a volcanic display of flame, entrails, and shit. This event is known as a Rectal Womb Explosion, and is the origin of Down Syndrome, Democrats, Republicans and Mic_Gooflander.

[edit] Anal Sex and Drama

un_popular once got herself into a lot of Ljdrama after writing about letting her boyfriend put it in the ass. See LJdrama article #516.

[edit] Demonstrations

Uncontrollable rectal spasming may occur.
Uncontrollable rectal spasming may occur.

[edit] Related Articles

[edit] External Links

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