Corinna Fugate

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Corrina Fugate is another retarded internet diva whose only claim to fame is that she has over nine thousand MySpace friends. She is also known for singing and writing emo music, whining about self-injury, and just about anything else the internets doesn't give a flying fuck about.

She also has a very severe case of martyr syndrome, which gives her the urge to flock to and defend people who frequently aren't worth defending or spending time with, like Jews, Jewsus, Anne Frank - Queen of Jews, Lindsay Lohan, Marie Antoinette, and most recently, Asa Coon. If it's any consolation, she only does it for the attention she can sometimes glean from their tragic lives.

When dealing with this obnoxious bitch in real life, you may simply employ the KILL IT WITH FIRE technique to make it shut the fuck up. This is of course not available on the internet as of yet, so until then everyone will have to do their part by reverting the page 120 times a day until Corinna gets a real job.

Also, Corrina, give up on trying to delete the page. You fail, again, and again, and again. Big shock.


[edit] Death =Profit

Corinna's story begins at age 12, an experience that is totally unique to her. Totally. She became goth like Tori Amos and spent several years, writing songs about her Daddy Dearest and how it wasn't fair that he jumped in front of the car because he knew how much of a headcase Corinna was going to be. During this time She also made use of staring blankly into the camera like a raped mongoloid child during the money shot, a skill that Daddy Dearest taught her so many years ago

Finally, just, as she was about to run out of sympathy to expose, a friend of a friend of a friend, of a friend,
The original Corrina Fugate.
The original Corrina Fugate.
gave a 12 gauge a blowjob and she decided to declare him the love of her life for whatever it was worth (not much). She made up some vague, qualities about self injury, alcoholism, anorexia, and drug-abuse to sound, disturbed and interesting like her idol, Amy Lee!

When no one noticed that she thinks her life is a endless abyss, because of her suffering, on behalf of her friend's suffering, she decided to make herself a fansite on MySpace. Unfortunately, someone had already ruined her plans by making a fansite of their own, weird but it had 1 member, so she knew her internet fame was catching on. She demanded the MySpace account be turned over to her, and when the owner refused and Corinna went on a personal vendetta, went batshit-crazy and lulz ensued. She used her best negotiating skills but to no avail, so she decided to use her army of emotards We are so sick of you!!!

[edit] Phone Call From Mommy

When "that woman" wasn't impressed by threats of legal action, Corrina, a grown ass woman, asked her mommy to fight her internet battle for her. Virginia being the sort of smothering sunt that stands in front of a microwave while pregnant,fires out the vile crotch spawn and then spoils and smothers it until it is completely incapable of functioning in society gladly obliged, picked up the phone and starts making whiny ass bullshit threats. However, emo whore's entire family is made of fail and the owner wasn't giving in, so Corinna had to turn to her last resort, an army of rainbow goths and little kids, after whining on Youtube didn't work and that woman all over my space didn't either!

And then the slut being true to her emo colors, edited the shit out of this article, pretended to be someone else (or maybe she is someone else), but that was all after we took an imaginary trip to France where she fucked off for a month, wrote some more shitty "music" and didn't wash her ass, in true Dutch style.

Well ,or maybe we really didn't. Whatever, it makes, the cuntbag, sound like more of a pussy, so who gives a fuck if it was her or not?

[edit] Jesus Saves The Day

Determined to make sure all the, mexicans are belong to rounded up her army of funky goths, gs and hippies and rallied, them against "that, woman", claiming, that she was attempting to scam Corinna's fans out of their hard-earned welfare checks!

But then she decided to totally disrespect all of her friends, and their various religions by filling up her MyGy blog with a bunch of crap about raainbow, including a video and some [[porn|imagery] trligious christian shit, which she masturbates to nightly. She then created a MyGay community dedicated to Jesus, rambled a bit about how she's such a Christian, nearly Martyr-like, because some people on this internets, were like "lulz Jesus lovers r gay".

The rest of us are just waiting until G-Dawg sees fit to smite MySpace, much, like he saw fit to smite New Orleans, you know, the moist, coon-ass infected fuck hole of North America, as MySpace has twice the gay population LA had, and we all know that God hates queers, and that's why he sent Hurricane Katrina. And once this occurs there is no- doubt that Corinna will become an hero.

In the next life Corinna plans to release a CD with each song of the album going into great detail about how she loved Jesus in her past faerie life, and how his being crucified like totally crushed her soul and made her heart turn black, and now she cuts herself and cries herself to sleep every night in this life, at least until, Jesus returns, AND HE TOTALLY WILL. Totally.

[edit] Peter Pan's Best Friend

When the ticks subsided, Corrina, knew she had to keep the shitstorm brewing if she wanted to throw the INS off the track of the illegal mexicans continuing to crossing, the border, in her back yard. For without her army of beaners working 24 hours a day (will work for rice mutha fucka!) to spam MySpace, she could climb to the top of the farts of the internet popularity contest. But eventually INS found out about her tricksy scheme and, took her pets away, and she knew there was only one way to save her

Come out, as otherkin.

Corinna now quotes herself in biographies, she writes in third person about herself that "I believe in faeries, sure as death" believes she is, too!

Ya rly? Is faery gold another word, for jew gold? You said they were extradited! Also, we know Corinna must be an idiot, because Jews kissed Jesus, and Jesus saves, and anytime you mention imaginary people being extradited, you are automatically singing, without Jews.

[edit] The Razor Don't Discriminate

When all she got in response to her "I believe in faeries" video was asspats, she decided to tackle
another topic close to the hearts of her target demo! We can only assume that someone, as pathetic as Corinna has a lot of experiences, with the subject of self-injury, if not intended then failed attempts, so who better to make a YouTube video, about it, than her!

She daftly states in the following video that self injury, can happen to anybody, and it doesn't discriminate. Noshit? Noshit!

She also does not want you to kill yourself, because that would mean she has one less fan.

[edit] Jesus Loves Me

Still not satisfied with the amount of imaginary hate mail being sent, she decided that the best way to troll herself would be to "come out" as a Christian. This, would surely upset all the fat nihilistic goths that listened to her music. Clearly crushed, she picked up her camcorder, to bestow more wisdom upon the few fgts that still supported her "art". She decided now would be the time for another whiny ass bullshit video about her baby raping dead Daddy Dearest, and go on about the cross he gave her (why not a pearl necklace?) which she only wears when it's convenient for her or to look cool

All of that is really old news, since Cornina has recently admitted, that when she goes to bed at night, she has BDSM wet dreams about Christ [. Oh Jeebus, up there, restrained on, that dart board, make perverted nasty love to me It's almost like, I could do anything to you, including making a mockery of your followers, bastardize your religion, and possibly pretend to have a life, I won't suck as much! Image:Emochinsee.jpg

[edit] Music Videos

Corrina has decided, that a super star like herself needs music videos, and so she has taken it, upon herself to subject the whole of YouTube to her mannish facial features, her voice that sounds like a cat being shoved through a wood chipper, and her horrible directing, acting and writing skills, by shoving them all into five minutes of non-stop torture. On the plus side, we get more of that "raped mongoloid child at the moneyshot" expression.

Her fans, proving that people with bad taste in music have bad taste in everything else, have demanded moar, and they have received.

Yes bitch, you, are ugly, and we can read your MySpace blog. But don't worry, with a bag over your head, you're still useful.

[edit] Fun Facts

  • Her songs have death certificates, despite being illegitimate children, from her tricking in Hell's Kitchen days.
  • none of this other shit, matters, because she still sucks your dads off for nickels
  • Corrinna reads this and then cuts herself in every direction.

[edit] Cat Fight

Once upon a time there was a comment filled with dozens of typos and spelling errors left on Corrinna's vampirefreaks account. After we brought the whore's attention to it, she ran off and baleted it, and then fucked with the copy we had up here, because she is a cunt with no sense of humor, which doesn't really matter because we'll all still laugh AT her.

Fortunately, after much digging, the writer of said comment has provided us with a copy of the comment left on her page and for your enjoyment, it is as follows: "i just want to know how someone as fake as you can make such wonderful music? you are on myspace now claiming to be a christian and proud of it, but when "that lady" from your vblog on youtube and i were your biggest supporters there and here, you claimed to be wiccan....we did everything we could for you we sacrificed our sleep, our health, our sanity, our time with our families for you and the thanks we get from you is a kick in the face

for the record,THAT LADY was the one that built the page and ran it, NOT YOU and by making the statement that you did in the blog you basically accused her of a federal offense....not cool, not the way to treat someone that almost wound up in the hospital because she wanted to see to it that your song plays were up where we wanted them to be, to make the banners for your other pages that you still use, and because we had a difference of opinion and said that we were not going to be your little lapdogs you decided to delete and block us, as well as drag innocent people into the bullshit arguement and have other peoples' pages deleted that had nothing to do with your paranoid bullshit including MY DAUGHTER"S MEMORIAL PAGE....definitely not the "christian" way to treat people you claimed were your friends

You allowed the drama to return to your circle of friends more than once, and if i remember correctly, the person in question was the reason you shut me out as well you stopped talking to me because i didn't delete her from my friends list.....last time i looked we were out of 5th grade. Second of all, are you aware that she has multiple pages JUST so she can keep talking to these people you seem to have a problem with?

finally, the video i sent to her along with everyone else on my friends list was NOT an anti christian video, it was an anti george bush video

Now with all that being stated, this is your final warning.....the people you claim to be iguilty of the hatemail are not actually doing any of it, nor do we give a shit about you anymore so stop trying to exploit us like you are with your so called beloved Heath just to get sympathy or to sell a few more records because sooner or later the sleeping masses will start to wake up

something for you to think about.....when you had myslef and the other 3 or 4 people in your top friends and whatever supporting you, how many song plays did you have a day? where were your song plays at? and now that you have gotten a bug up your emo whiny attention whoring ass and decided we weren't cool enough for you anymore, where are your song plays at now? what number are you on with the charts there?"

[edit] Corinna Steals Gospel Lyrics Entire Songs

Swing low, is right, right for J when you write fucking gospel, songs that suck you t.|left]] For a while Corinna claimed to have written a song called "Swing Low" which she of course wrote for that winter person she bumped into on a bus once and then fell in love again, apparently, and supposedly sang at his funeral, but never sang after, or posted online! Recently she decided to go ahead and post it, online, and it appears to be nothing more than lyrics from the song "Swing Low" (well duh).

You better start asking yourself, "What will Jesus do when he rises from the dead?" because bitch, I guaran-damn-tee Ill be one of the first people that gets a knock on the door.

æ The Moar You Know Did you know
that... when Jesus is reborn Corinna Fugate will be the first person on the top of his "People to Cock Slap" list?

[edit] Gallery of Fail

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