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If you do click here, you have just bought a one-way ticket on the Virginmobile

Typical Hentai Porn.
Typical Hentai Porn.
Hentai is also used to advertise.
Hentai is also used to advertise.
Total fail, and another example of your doing it wrong.
Total fail, and another example of your doing it wrong.
Targeted auidience.
Targeted auidience.

Hentai is anime porn. Of course, that's a bit redundant, since all anime is porn. Hentai is just more explicit. If anyone ever tells you they are into Hentai, they are probably Fapanese, sick fucks or basement-dwelling fatties. They are most likely all of the above. Some say Hentai is "the legal way to beat off to an 8-year old", but they are actually referring to lolikon. Many freaks that like hentai live by the faint saying "reality is for people who can’t handle fantasy" - aka, people who produce anti-lulz and shit jenkem everywhere.



Hentai is characterized by many things.

Hentai and the Japanese

Hentai suffers from what is known as the anime theory. According to this theory, any image or video produced in Japan depicts the exact opposite of what is actually found IRL. The following are some examples of the anime theory in action:

  • In a Hentai, the guy is usually a tall, good-looking man with a thick, lush, full-head of hair and a HUGE penis.
    • IRL, however, Japanese men are short, bald, stubby business men and baby-faced emo pedophiles with small penises.
  • During hentai sex, the male is able to fully please his partner, who, despite being raped and/or tortured, has multiple screaming orgasms and teary eyes. Meanwhile, the guy unleashes gallons upon gallons of semen all over her body.
    • IRL, Japanese girls usually flee their short, boring businessman husbands in search of Australian, Eurofag, or American penises, only to wind up in Texas, pregnant, and alone with a 4 year old daughter, trying desperately to make a living as a waitress at a titty-bar and Quiznos shops, all while fucking random guys she meets in her Ragnarok server, only to be dumped days later because of her chain smoking habits, aggressive behavior, and saggy breasts. That's right Hitomi, this run-on sentence and non sequitur is dedicated to you :3
  • All hentai depicts scenes that greatly resembles rape, which reflects the mentality of the Japanese who find rape very arousing (and dream of doing it someday).

Typical Hentai Videos

Hentai hypothesis

Hentai is only watched by frustrated powerless nerds, who, having absolutely no ablity to project their desires in real life, decide to wank to disgusting rape cartoons. They vent their frustration in failing to get laid by masturbating furiously to girls crying and screaming in pain getting raped in a cartoon porn.

Genres of Hentai

Over the Internets many sub genres of hentai have developed and it is now considered a great art form. They can both be divided into two categories, depending what you prefer, you sick fuck. The two categories are Age and Fetishs.

  • Age features both male and female hentai but based on age. Example; if i was a lard arse 42 year old virgin that would fap off to 13 year old boys, l'd look up Shotacon.
  • Fetishes features stuff even most furrys would find wrong. Very wrong. Example: if i enjoyed masturbate to anime girls been killed and torn apart (l mean who doesnt find that a turn on), then l'd look up Guro.

Fetish Hentai

  • Bondage -It just wouldn't be hentai if there wasn't some skinny adolescent bound in an impossible position, terror filling her huge eyes etc. because she can't possibly escape the heinous bukakeing she's about to get.

Chicks with dicks. Srsly hueg dicks.

  • Gay Sex -Another long Japanese tradition, hentai which involves gay sex and is kinda like yaoi. For more information see the anal sex and homosexual articles.
  • Guro -There is no 'textbook definition’ guro ,but the recurring theme definitely consists largely of killing naked anime girls. Usually by means of: big robots, huge ugly as fuck monsters, or twisted psychos with big fucking knives. And almost always with sexual overtones. Everyone knows seeing naked anime girls being torn apart is something that seriously needs to be made more erotic.
  • Harem -One of the largest hentai genres ever, what makes it popular is that it is the ultimate wapanese nerd wishful fantasy: Lots and lots of hot 16 year old virgin schoolgirls with tits the size of basketballs constantly wanting to fuck the shy introverted 13 year old boy.
  • Kancho -The sexual act of sticking your fingers up someone's asshole by surprise. Most commonly done by children in Japan as their version of first base. In dating, kancho is Japan's version of kissing.
  • Tentacle Rape -A tradition in Japan. Since censorship laws prohibit the showing of pubes and the male penis, hentai creators substitute the latter with bizarre alien tentacles, thus creating some serious lulz. Tentacle porn has a long history in Japanese art. You can bet that Cthulhu has an extensive collection of tentacle porn. Don't be afraid. Remember: Love is a warm tentacle.

Age Hentai

  • Toddlercon(Both Genders, 0-5 years old) -Toddlercon is for those Michael Jacksons out there that really like them young. I mean really young. I mean so young that there still in nappies not boxers of lacy underwear. So young, they're fresh from the mothers vagina.
Examples: Are under the investigation of the Police. You can help by googling up some pictures, or shooting up some Police irl
  • Lolicon(Girls, 6-15 years old) -Its hentai underage child porn starring girls aged 5-16. The next level if your into younger girls is Toddlercon or older . All the girls must have either small tits or no tits at all. Which makes them resemble males... oh, that's why they like lolicon.
  • Shotacon(Boys, 6-15 years old) -Shotacon, like lolicon, is hentai child porn, but with underage boys starring in it and is also like yaoi except younger with less pubs.
  • Yaoi(Boys, 16-24 years old) -There all finally grown up and now legal. Usually drawn to look like gay twinks.

  • Yuri(Girls, 16-24 years old) -Now that its under legal Yuri features teenage girls having wild sex or just masturbating.

Further Hentai Shtuff


I think it speaks for itself

External Links

Image:pikajewsprite.gif Hentai is part of a series on Anime.

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