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æ The Moar You Know Did you know
  • RedSkull is not a member of Skull and Bones, but he does own a tazer bro
  • RedSkull is currently persuing a trepanning operation in South America to ease his butthurt
  • RedSkull is under the impression he can DMCA history
  • RedSkull is currently butthurt over Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Red Skull
  • RedSkull is currently on a mission to expose Area 51?
TheRedSkull pays renetto to get his account back
TheRedSkull pays renetto to get his account back
AN Canadian HERO
AN Canadian HERO
Redskulled TheQuestionMarkMan having fun with watersports
Redskulled TheQuestionMarkMan having fun with watersports

TheRedSkull, is an psychopathic internet troll, ED vandal, and self-hating skinhead, homophobic jew. It is assumed the Red Skull became somewhat e-famous after losing an heroic internets battle with the YouTubelerity Renetto. However, many argue he is notable for his ability to be easily pwned. Owing over $1,000 to Renetto, TheRedSkull is currently "on the run"—from both Renetto and the Americunt government for war crimes against the Internets. He is best known for crying over split milk, and enjoys being butthurt over nothing.

More recently, Red Skull has been waging a passive aggressive blitz campaign against the honorable Encyclopedia Dramatica, as shown here [1]. Moar drama is pending, and basically no one cares but "YOU". [2]


[edit] Quotes

I loves me some Jenkem
I loves me some Jenkem
Digger, can you hear me? You Are A Idiot!

—The Grammatically Challenged Theredskull

...the red skull is a douche..he's a nazi basically

Tom Serson

  • "This is a place where I talk about things that are on my mind. Alien technology, government cover-ups, and a variety of other subjects will be discussed here. You may not agree with the things I say but I am perfectly entitled to my opinion. If you disagree make a video response or put it in the comment section..."
  • "The belt and coat James Woods wears in this movie! WHERE CAN I GET IT, ONE OF YOU MUST KNOW, HELP!!!!"
  • I am the have no idea who the fuck you are dealing with....
  • [edit] I WILL DESTROY YOU !

  • I do like to joke around, but in reality I am harmless. Any videos I make which are intended to be jokes I will put the word "joke" in the tag.
  • Sorry guys, but I'm not sticking around here when people are going after me like this.
  • you're shit at html, go die! (reaction to rkane 66)

[edit] EDiot Research

sorry President who ?
sorry President who ?

A great deal of personal information can be found when searching the internets for The Red Skull. Whether it's tracking his IP or contacting the magical "Steve Pheby", it's clear that someone needs to quote "be careful what put on the internet". It is advised that if one were to choose approaching Mr. Red Skull, that they troll with care. TheRedSkull goes easily upset over split milk, and blames everything on 4chan.

The Red Skull is known to make various sock accounts. He even went as far as signing up on Encyclopedia Dramatica (several times), with the idea he could erase this article. That idea is obviously pointless, and a waste of time.

Currently, EDiot researchers is working over time to give their final report regarding this epic drama saga.

[edit] Trivial

troll 3: fell endgame
troll 3: fell endgame
  • TheRedSkull is completely obsessed with himself and his true "identity".
  • Jamie is also known as TheQuestionMarkMan
  • TheRedSkull is trolled by members of YouTube and has a serious case of paranoia.
  • TheRedSkull Is part of Project Looking Glass, and Project MK Ultra Mind Fuck Internet Psychopath.
  • TheRedSkull believes that the government is tracking his every move, because he knows about the "quantum logic gate".
  • According to his clips - "...likes to make little girls cry".
  • YouTube freak Jaikesghost is huge fan of TheRedSkull, and often boasts of sucking Red's 4 in. long (when erect) penis.
  • According to TheRedSkull, he is a freakin' genius and brilliant computer scientist.
  • TheRedSkull is enemy of macgyvergg!
  • Redskulled is desperately seeking James Woods' Bondage jacket from Vampires the motion picture [3].
  • TheRedSkull promises he can find your IP address and DESTROY YOU!
  • MEGALULZ TheRedSkull:"You guys would LOVE to be my friend!".
  • TheRedSkull gets quite angry when others troll him:"fuck you ED!"
  • TheRedSkull is still butthurt over being PWNED for life by DiGGer. History can NOT be rewritten no matter how hard that he tries/cries...though, when we say "PWNED", we mean, "reported to YouTube so that account suspension would occur". Thus denying us further lulz. Damn.
* In German, TheRedSkull's name would be 'Roter Totenschädel', 'Roter Schädel' or 'Roter Fagen Totenkopf'
* In German, TheRedSkull's name would be 'Roter Totenschädel', 'Roter Schädel' or 'Roter Fagen Totenkopf'

[edit] Controversy

fucking scary, TheRedSkull actually wrote this in a video
fucking scary, TheRedSkull actually wrote this in a video
exhibit A: Zionistacat Violated by TheRedSkull
exhibit A: Zionistacat Violated by TheRedSkull
wait isn't the book called "The Enemy Within" ?
wait isn't the book called "The Enemy Within" ?
  • TheRedSkull has professed on at least three occasions that he has an e-stiffy for Zionistacat.
  • TheRedSkull directed the Google Video Epic "Fell Endgame", and "Fell Endgame Deleted Scene".
  • Time Magazine's Person of the Year 2006!?
  • Often claims to have various e-nemies and stalkers.
  • According to his stickam profile hates, "Haters. People who think they are trying to teach someone a lesson. Hypocrites..."
  • Wears a mask because he doesn't like people making TheRedSkull look stupid
  • Swears he will never post to YouTube again, after being blacklisted by Renetto. (which became a lie, rather fast)
  • Often threats members of video sharing sites.
  • Claims he owns a "crystal skull", and wrote the script for the new Indiana Jones film.
  • TheRedSkull went after one of his critics, Rkane. He decided to upload a clip where he revealed what he thought was Rkane's personal information but really belonged to an elderly couple. "FAIL"

Unforunately, he didn't bother to check his references and gave out the wrong phone number. PRO-TIP:call the number and give the person on the phone all of your information about TheRedSkull.

  • TheRedSkull and themaskedanalyst are currently locked into an intense battle. This video best summarizes the conflict: Sadly Theredskull DMCA'd these videos. :(


[edit] TheRedskull's Blog Resurrected from Blogger Cache System


UPDATE :TheRedSkull admits to writing the Nazi Blog during his #arbchat
UPDATE :TheRedSkull admits to saying he is going to rape renetto's wife during #arbchat

The Full TL;DR Arbchat Transcript can be found here

[01:57] <Zenophile808> renetto said he doesn't want your 
money cos you are crazy in the head and post death 
threats and "i have a cock full of AIDS CUM on peoples pages
[01:57] <TheRedSkull> LOL!
[01:58] <TheRedSkull> yeah I imagine that probably 
freaked renetto!
[01:58] <Zenophile808> which you do - and you 
were mister weir i saw your solomon video
[01:58] <TheRedSkull> Oh yeah the Greg Solomons 
Microwave cooker
[01:58] <Zenophile808> it was lame
[01:58] <TheRedSkull> really? I thought it had 
some humor to it
[02:25] <Zenophile808> and your white power 
"i want to kill everyone - blacks, jews, 
women the disable etc " 
blog is quite thought provoking
[02:26] <TheRedSkull> thought provoking, interesting 
choice of words
[02:26] <Zenophile808> did you enjoy writing your blog?
[02:26] <Zenophile808>
[02:27] <TheRedSkull> I feel some what remorse
[02:27] <Zenophile808> - the blog is not bogus - 
[02:28] <Zenophile808> why do you want to kill disable 
blacks jews homosexuals?

[edit] Previous History of redskull

Befor youtube redskull was regularly pwned and laughed at on the gothampublicworks forums [4] - where he failed to make any friends but entertained us by being the most pathetic person we had ever had the misfortune to sign up on the boards.

If he was not threatening suicide, then he was asking for peoples addresses so that he could beat them up in real life after they had owned him, or talking about how he liked to masterbate wearing his grannies panties and liked putting dildo's up his ass. He also talked often about the videos he made of himself playing with his dog's balls.

[edit] General Opinion of users of Forum

"before you (redskull) open your mouth to say something retarded which is going to result in me having to hurt your (redskull) feelings which will in-turn result you (redskull) posting either...A. Suicide Threat.....B. Leaving the boards....again....C. Asking me for my RL address because someone owned you on an internet board."
[edit] Typical Posts by redskull
"After too much bull shit, I am now going to kill myself! Bye bye world!" -- another suicide threat
"threads about RedJay and Syringed having anal bum sex?" - peoples impression of thereskull
"if you guys pwn me and chase me off the boards again, then Joker will say "hmmmm, time to wait for the next Redskull suicide threat thread."
"I can't help that I'm a douche bag! Im serious! People like you are the best. Once again, forgive me for being a pathetic loser!!!! Maybe oneday I can give up my fetish for little boys!!!"
"the video of me playing with my dogs balls rules! I think it got taken down tho! Never worry! I took tons of footage!" --- redskull sex pester of his dog
"You wanna come over and dog ball rub with me sometime? You the only one here who understands me! Hold me!"
"Its gonna be awesome to see it! It's not everyday you get to see a man rubbing his pooches balls! It takes alot of skill to be a dog ball rubber! "
"I hope they release the video of me touching my dogs genetals! I love that one!"
"Thats awesome!!! I wish I had a real man!"
"I'm gay. I wear my grandmas panties. I rub my dogs balls.I listen to Yanni religiously. Man I RULE!!!!"
"Well if you guys like the spam, then DONT elect me as moderator, but if you want it gone, make me it, I promise to remove the slime and filth from these forums!!!" --- redskull trying to blackmail the forum into making him a moderator after he spammed the board for a while
"I have been taking pico-salex to clear out my bowels for a colonoscopy I am having tommarrow...ill keep you guys posted about what does it make me have the runs... --- redskull discussing his bowels with the internet
"everytime I see Edward Norton I thank god im a man! Yummy!!!"
"doesnt listen when I keep telling him, I did kill myself, but was brought back to life by a space ship!!!"
"I never made sense of me masturbating with peanut butter while wearing a raincoat and fishnets either! no worries!"
"Ok muther fucker, dont talk about my mom, you think you have seen me at my worst, believe me you havent. Ill let you make jokes about me, but the second you start bad mouthing my mom, is the time I start planning your death" --- death threats from redskull
"i went to a dildo convention. They threw me out tho! they didn't like me climbing on tables sticking random things up my ass."
"Do you guys have any naked gay biker pics? I have tons if anybody's interested!"
"I want you guys to eat the poop that comes dripping slowly out of my butt!"
"anyone got the link to young boys in heat???"
"anyone got the link to"
"Holy crap I just had a brilliant idea!! No one wants me around!!! Wouldn't it be great if I just went away permanently??? Don't worry. Soon as my man gets back from Europe, I will. I'll be to busy taking it up the poop shoot to talk to you people!!!"
"I hate to be off topic, but does any of our guys out there need a blow job??????"
"i will say this...I love the cock!!!"
"does anyone have a spare butt plug laying around? i lost my pacifier!"
"You wanna see my "special" movie???? It's called "Chugging the Cock""
"Screw this topic!!! I want cock and only cock!!!"
"I have a 13 year old mentality and a serious learning disability. Did I mention antisocial?"
"I have made threats on here before and I followed through with them. now i'm gonna threaten you with this! from now on I will jerk off in my grandmas panties while smearing myself with ketchup. Hows that for a threat!"
"Poppies, I can't help that I'm a douche bag! Im serious! People like you are the best. Once again, forgive me for being a pathetic loser!!!! Maybe oneday I can give up my fetish for little boys!!!"
"I like it in the rear!!! What can I say, I'm a taker!!!"
"I don't like girlz!! I chug the c#*k!!! I can't get enough!!!"
"I need a boyfriend! Who wants the old Redskull?"
"managed to use a proxy server to get back onto a forum I was banned from! Man am I happy now, because I can say and do what I want on there, and those guys can bann me all they like and ill keep coming"
"Some of my costumes (!!! I want some of that action!!! I've always had a thing for the Riddler!!! What a sexpot!!!"
"I don't back up what I say huh? about then you give me your home address then if your so tough. I guess you should have nothing to be afriad of then, huh? Waiting...waiting...WAITING!!! Exactly you comment "Coward" is very valid!"
"GPW Harley, whats your home phone number...or better yet, where do you live and when are you usually home"
"Things are going bad up here, natives are starting to look like muslim terrorists and ill be damned if I will be killed in the way most hostages are by those savages. If worst comes to worst, I got my handy shotgun, rifle, semi-automatic, and 39mm to keep me company"
"The person in the video is a loser, theres a reason people like me exist and its to exterminate people like that. But because "some" people made these dumb things called laws, then suddenly it was wrong to take people like that out"
"Don't worry, when all is said and done, and every human on this planet is dead, you will hear all the women in existence pleading with men to forgive them of there actions towards us. Thats why men get to heaven...women dont!And in hell, people like me run the show, so you can imagine what me and the rest of the rulers are going to do them"
"If there is one thing I can't stand, one thing I hate above all others, is women complaining. On and on and on I hear women complain: sexism, racism, he attacked me, on and on and on."
"I always fancied myself as a pretty good Huntress! My boyfriend would really love it as well! He get's sooo excited when I wear tight, naughty things! I'm getting all flushed just thinking about it! Whew!"
"Make a phony id and blaim it on Redskull!"
"In humans, soft poop is really one long, mostly continuous sausage before it comes out. It gets its "link" look because we tend to pinch off lengths of it with the anal sphincter as the poop emerges. If a person pinches hard enough, the poop separates into several turd units. If the person doesn't pinch that hard, the turds may stay connected. If you can remain sufficiently relaxed, you can produce an awesomely long poop that will coil up inside the toilet. "
"Right now, I am working on an experimental space craft which will (hopefully) travel faster then light. The idea behind this is to travel using unconventional means. So for example if I was going to travel to the mall I would have to travel the distance, but what I am trying to do is actually shorten the distance somehow...personally I don't care if the laws of nature says it can't be done. I will break the laws of nature!"

[edit] RedSkull Responds

While checking out my article I noticed someone from GPW posted stuff about me. Let me explain. Yes I was on that site however when I was banned, I came back under proxies. The moderator of the site saw fit to edit every one of my posts to detract me from visiting. Go ask him your self at under the named GPW Batman. If he is truthful he will tell you what he did. But then I guess thats what ED and its users are all about right? Incorrect info —The preceding comment was added by theredskull, who is too much of a faggot to sign his or her own posts. IT'S 4 TILDES (~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

[edit] TheRedSkull's Greatest Hits

[edit] See also

in case you forgot who you're reading about
in case you forgot who you're reading about

[edit] External Links

Theredskull is part of             

is part of a series on


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