Youtube Poop

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The official Youtube Poop Logo
The official Youtube Poop Logo

Youtube Poop is a term used to describe youtube videos that consist of clips from various TV shows mashed together in a chaotic mess. The first YouTube poop was "I'D SAY HE'S HOT ON OUR TAIL" by SuperYoshi. All makers of Youtube Poop want to fuck Luigi, or Mama Luigi or whatever. The second most commonly used clips are from the CD-I games, mainly the intro to Hotel Mario and the Zelda CD-I games. Mama Luigi just hopes they made lotsa spaghetti for dinner. He is not hungry enough to eat an octorok. In a shocking twist, some people who make these videos scarcely use these clips, opting for either their own memes or something more "original". Regardless, most Youtube Poops are surprisingly popular, enough so to have spawned a site. There are over 9,000 poops on YouTube. Most are made by 14 year old boys with no friends, and the rest are made by college students that can't get laid.


[edit] How to make a successful Youtube Poop

You're not doing it wrong!
You're not doing it wrong!

1. Download the CDI Zelda video clips, Hotel Mario clips, Volvic Water commercials,(with Volcano George) any videos you find funny and the episodes from Sonic the Hedgehog or the Super Mario World (Mama Luigi is suggested) cartoons. Or any other stuff you're sure will get lulz.

All of these clips you download resemble the deity of lulz for youtube poops. To go outside of the lulz and use anime/shit will summon the deity of anti-lulz. Which is something no one wants to do.

2. Import clips into a movie editing program and repeat each segment about 100 times. (Extra points if you add in Mama Luigi and Cdi) Most use Windows Media Maker which crashes every five seconds because Microsoft wants you pay 1,000 dollars for a better one but that's okay because you can just use bit torrent to get a better one for free.


6. ???


See also: A confusing but quick guide on how to make Youtube Poop. 404'D!!!

[edit] Notable Youtube Poopers

[edit] 1upClock

A cock-sucking motherfucker who makes this shit, sometimes he makes the volume get loud as fuck to piss people off.

[edit] AntiEthan (EATAN, TofuAnti)

Wait, who the hell is this cunt-face? What the hell?

[edit] ApolloBoy

Has a Bill O'Reilly fetish. Would suck his dick if he got the chance.

O'Reilly's thoughts about the Mushroom Kingdom

[edit] BigMarioandTailsFan

This motherfucker loves doopliss, and masturbates to tubgirl and/or Mario every hour on the hour.

Robotnik laughs about legal issues

[edit] Calculate900

Stick's his dick in calculators then makes them divide by zero to feel the error pulse in his cock.

FaceNapped! Movie Trailer

[edit] conradslater

This mega douche bag created the site these fuckers all go to. He also makes some fucked up short films at his film school in Europe, but who the fuck cares?

wow technical much?

[edit] Drpimpwii

One of the few poopers that use Satanstudio. On some of his newer video you will notice the disturbing watermark thats say "I will eat your Babies". This shit head eats his own fecal matter.

Zelda: What the fu** is that sh**

[edit] GameCubeHero

GameCubeHero Once went into a ruin, there he found a golden emblem. The earth opened up around GCNhero and he fell for hours, He eventually landed at the feet of Lucifer, Lucifer wanted his help in bringing the fall of Heaven upon the world, So naturally GameCubeHero accepted his request. While raiding the heavens GCH got himself into a dance off with God, and won, bringing the apocalypse upon the world. Shortly after Nintendo phrased him and named a system after him, and the Game Cube was born. Shortly after Lucifer wanted him to start doing something called Youtube Poop, and the Gamecubehero once again accepted. His tools of choice are, well anything he can get his hands on. He is a sick, sick, fuck.

his first poop, made with Satan's help

[edit] Idiotska

One of the few poopers to put musicians in their poops, Idiotska is a firing dildo from outerspace that wants all the hate from the fanboys and fangirls when he does this. He uses the stuff people hate. Such as ear rape, anime, and Nirvana.

A Youtube Poop starring the Soldier

[edit] igiulamam

Most known for his YouTube Poop Music Videos.

Robotnik gets in touch with his inner wigger

[edit] Kajetokun

According to popular belief, he started Youtube Poop with OVER 9000!!, although time and time again, it's been proven he didn't start it. Although he loosely associates with poopers, it is very arguable that he is not a pooper. Poops are difficult to define since people have been making these kinds of videos long before "I'D SAY HE'S HOT ON OUR TAIL" was made. Kajetokun has never called himself a pooper or called any of his videos poop. Until he calls one of his videos poop, calls himself a pooper, or more closely associates with Youtube poop, his status is not certain. He also likes to take pictures of himself stretching out his anus to incredible sizes.

In addition to bringing the "Over 9000" meme into the mainstream of the Intarwebs, he also brought it "Gutsman's Ass", in which the firm, well-toned posterior of Gutsman appears in random places, followed by "DA-NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", followed by a still of Megaman trying to look like a badass. But unlike Over 9000, which continues to be used to this day, the popularity of Gutsman's Ass has since faded, as all forced memes should.

Goku does Vegeta and then all hell breaks loose.

[edit] KingNecroPope

Fucking cunt. He also makes this shit.

The original Ninja Info Cards video.

His typical work.

[edit] Misselaineous10

She has a Vagina. :O Daisy and Peach are going insane

[edit] MrDrunkenFox

A fucking power-hungry furry who, for some reason was appointed mod. If you so much as say "I don't care for furries" he will fucking get right on you and attempt to get you banned, he must be stopped.

Hitler has some bowel problems

[edit] mrSimonAlt (also ElectrictheCheese)

The most popular and sick of these cunts. He is all powerful and faps to pictures of himself. His over-inflated ego could fill the Pacific ocean.

First video that uses his logo, featuring clips from the Megaman Cartoon again. Be ready for 1UpClock-like sudden loudness.

[edit] Nintendomax (FroggoFan64)

See moar on this fgt here.

Cartoonophile that uses Hanna-Barbera and Kids WB shit. Possible pedophile...?

[edit] RetroJape

One of the fathers of YouTube Poop. His work encouraged many to join in the YouTube Poop meme. He is also the pooper that started Mama Luigi, the main mascot of Youtube Poop.

Mama Luigi And The Rapers of the Lost Koopa

[edit] RiotingSoul

This handsome troglodyte created the very very not well known Bison fads: YES!, THIS IS DELICIOUS!, Welcome my Trio of Terror!, and DONK YESH!. He uploads his poop under the username "Youpooper", which he shares with gay lover Sonichuman. He is one of the first poopers to incorporate Street Fighter and ytmnd material.

Madness is Delicious

Bison running down hall for 5 minutes

Bison has done many things

[edit] seconteen13

Makes poop featuring Histeria, Yin Yang Yo! and Robot Jones... Oh and also from time to time the Berries and Cream guy... One of the first of her kind.

Mario LUVS his berries n cream...

[edit] ShreddaX

One of the first to make Ed,Edd n' Eddy and Street fighter poops.This faggot is what inspired a large number of 13 year old boys too flood Youtube with their own shitty EEnE poops. BACON SHOP BACON SHOP BACON SHOP BACON SHOP.


[edit] SpAmStIkA

SpAmStIkA is just YouTube pooper CheezNapkin, reincarnated. His original account was deleted back in February but someone he knew decided to give him his account. For some stupid reason YouTube didn't let him change his screen name, so now he is forever doomed with the name "SpAmStIkA". His poops mainly consist of anything he could find, including episodes of South Park and Beavis and Butthead, old commercials from like 20 years ago, and Bill O'Reilly. His first YouTube poop was made at least 100 years ago


[edit] StegBlob

Best known for his Robotnik poops, aswell as Coming Soon on Sesame Street, Ideh, and Diploma Dope. His alt account is KingStegBlob, which he uses to upload episodes of AoStH, episodes of the Super Mario and Captain N cartoons, and Sonic Sez segments. He is the owner of the Moon, which he enjoys shoving in his anus. (He has a contract to prove it. Unfortunately, due to a Time paradox, it expired 1239 days ago. Boo-hoo.)


[edit] SuperYoshi

He is thou whom openeth Pandora's anus and first scateth upon Youtubius.

First YouTube Poop EVAH created

First YouTube Poop submitted to Youtube

[edit] Tabull89

Until his most recent video, Tabull89 uses mostly CD-i, but is still able to come up with something original in every video. He is also the first person to use the frame of the king when he says “for” as a means of a frightened look. His most recent video did not use a trace of CD-i but instead used the TV series Lost in your Mother.

His most praised YouTube Poop

[edit] toadomos

His sister has a vagina. :O Their most popular poop

[edit] Youpooper

^^See RiotingSoul^^

[edit] Humorsphere

More known for his ridiculous titles that are often sentences, he has very interesting youtube poops and a high skill level. he says he's 37 but everyone knows that he is at least 70 years old. He uses the three testaments of youtube poop. Repetition, sentence mixing, and censoring stuff.

Poop- everyone is a jerk except luigi

Poop-mama luigi steals korridi and mario is a hard bargain

[edit] Where Do I Find this Poop?


[edit] Youtube Poop Crap

[edit] CDI Zelda series

[edit] Ganon

A very weak, and a stupid villain. He is a big shame to bosses, as he dies in one hit. Pitiful. He has an obsession with dying. Also he shoots lightning from his fingers, though this does nothing at all. NOTHING AT ALL. He hates the light and thinks the pit (which is a book) BURNS, leading one to the conclusion that he is illiterate. Gwonam clearly says "Only Link can defeat Ganon" In Wand of Gamelon, yet Zelda killed him with the "Wand of Gamelon". He also likes eating people's faces. They make up most of his diet. He kidnapped Zelda in Faces of Evil to rape her in her sleep. Also, Ganon promises many things just so that he may live longer.

[edit] Gwonam

This mysterious man has been dubbed by many names...'Squadalah'...'Freaky carpet guy'....'the genie'....'your mom'...but his name is Gwonam,and his mission is too inform the king of Hyrule of the horrible fate that has become Koridai.Reading from a sacred parchment, he predicted that Link was the only one who could defeat Ganon. Though his only proof of this was a scroll with some scribbles and a Jesus fish on it, the heroes

[edit] King of Hyrule

The King of Hyrule is the father of Zelda, constantly mulling over what could be for dinner. Armed with a variety of bizarre facial expressions conquered only by Link's, he is a force to be reckoned with. He has a penchant for abandoning his kingdom and daughter at the drop of a hat, and repeatedly saying "MAH BOI".

[edit] Link

A very gay dude who is bossed around by everyone, yet seems to love every minute of it. He has an obsession with bombing dodongos and eating octorocks, yet doesn't do any of those things, settling for just throwing a book at Ganon. Link is quite unpredictable as a result of the case of mild retardation he has suffered from since childhood, giggling like a schoolgirl whenever Zelda cock blocks him, and humping Gwonam at regular intervals.

[edit] Zelda

A stuck up cunt who keeps asking her father (King of Hyrule) if he will be alright. Also known to have gotten AIDS from Link and Mama Luigi. Frequently raped by Link in her sleep, only to have him rudely wake her up with a gong and announce what he just did to her.

[edit] Other characters

  • Goronu -- Fugly evil green guy that wakes up dancing skeletons to rape them.
  • Impa -- An old hag with huge-ass hands, that has some pyramid tri-force thingy that sees into the future.
  • The Judge -- An old guy whose only line consists of "This is illegal, you know".
  • The Baker -- A morbidly obese chef who thrusts his hips forward after crying out "My cakes will burn!"
  • Shopkeeper -- Another fat guy. This one's the piggie-like shopkeeper who says "Lamp oil. Rope. Bombs. You want it? It's yours my friend. As long as you have enough rubies."
  • Militron -- An old guy in a suit of armor that looks like a boiler. His sole purpose is to harden worthless Koridians with fire.
  • Harlequin -- A furry Jew in a clown outfit worn over a pig fursuit. He turns innocent Koridians into furries after they lose all their rubies.
  • The Reader -- His sole purpose to read the secret verse in the Book of Koridai.

[edit] The Hotel Mario Brothers

Apart from Mama Luigi, Mario and (gay) Luigi are plumbers who live in the Mushroom Kingdom. They are overly obsessed with spaghetti, toast, and instructions, and they aren't easily fooled by deceiving looks that involve koopas. Mario's main goal is to close Hotels with other nigras and to save the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom so he can get a smooch on his cheek and to rape her behind a tree. Luigi just hopes the princess made a whole fucking bunch of Spaghetti(this his probably his only reason for coming.)

[edit] Super Mario World

Mama Luigi himself. BELIEVE IT
Mama Luigi himself. BELIEVE IT

[edit] Mama Luigi

The mother of YouTube Poop. Mama Luigi is a god and also is the source of Aids. He is a pedophile who is constantly playing with Yoshi and landing on skull rafts. Luigi's true form will be the symbol for YouTube Poop as long as it lives.He is also the tall one.

[edit] Yoshi

The retarded underling of Mama Luigi. Demands over 9,000 Bedtime Stories and Food. Former Biker Gang member. raped by said Biker Gang

[edit] Cheatsy Koopa

An irritating little fuck who is animated horribly.Using a giant army of moles, Cheatsy likes to make his time cum. He usually makes slightly unusual facial expressions.Has also committed incest with his father,King Koopa.

[edit] Volvic Water Commercials

[edit] George (Mr. Volcano)

George the Volcano is a perverted piece of crap who adds volcanicity to his water to impress the ladies. He likes cum and has fucked many people including the king, Tyrannosaurus Alan, and many other victims. His hobby is to eat people for breakfast, or fuck them for breakfast. His most recent project was Volvic Revive. IT'LL HELP KEEP YOU ALERT! ITS GOT GENSING OF GUARANA! Well done to revive.

[edit] Tyrannosaurus Alan

A dinosaur who is obsessed with Volcanicity, also loves eating people for breakfast, and has a brain the size of a pea. George the Volcano and him have a very big relationship. Alan is always pointing out the things you can't say. Watch out, he gets high after too much Volvic Revive.

[edit] Sonic The Hedgehog

Dr. Robotnik himself. DONT BELIEVE IT
Dr. Robotnik himself. DONT BELIEVE IT
Scratch doing what he does best.
Scratch doing what he does best.

[edit] Dr. Ivo Robotnik

A well-animated obese faggot who holds a grudge against Mama Luigi for getting the most attention. He is often being a pervert with his robots. After all, he built them for that VERY purpose. He is a man who likes to rub his ass on people's faces, is the Prime Minister of the UK, and loves penis. He is probably best known for being the Sun, the creator of the SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Squad, and a lover of tea. He also likes to hold diplomas and wear graduation caps while making retarded faces. He has written a poem about Bilah Abdul, gotten naked to watch an episode of Countdown, and done many other ridiculous stunts.He has also performed the Morning Rape, and has had an enjoyable Sodomy Hour with Sonic the Hedgehog. Typical evil genius... only dirty-er.Also,he is very prone too seizures.

[edit] Scratch and Grounder

Dr. Robotnik's gay sex robots. Their hobbies include getting shit-faced on Saturday nights, kissing Robotnik's penis, and giving him head.

[edit] Tails

Sonic's sidekick, he is a technical and mechanical genius who has combated enemies like the Coca-Cola Company and Starbucks (often working with Robotnik to stop them). Although a genius, Tails is very naive, often breaking the law before Sonic stops him and gives all of us a word of advice, and has known to accidentally hurt Sonic in the most brutal ways.Is afuraid o' lightnan'.

[edit] Sonic

Robotnik's arch nemesis. Sonic's a blue hedgehog that loves chili dogs and teaching kids about what to do if someone tries touching them in a place or way that makes them feel uncomfortable. Ironically, he does that to Tails on a regular basis. He has also stolen beer from Scratch and Grounder, and has given road safety tips whilst standing in the middle of a road. A great role model for children,despite lacking a neck.

[edit] The Judge

This guy is a mole/gorilla thing. All he does is ask people one and ONLY one question... "And who are you supposed to be?" Never says anything else. He was seen in the episode "Best Hedgehog".

[edit] Non Popular Youtube Poop crap

[edit] The Eds

3 most likely gay adolescent boys who are on a never-ending quest too find SPOOKYVILLE.Ed,the stupidest of the 3, contributes a lot by becoming a Dirtpecker,informing everyone of his dad's shovel,saying 'drill' a lot and gluing a block of wood too Johnys foot.Edd,the smartest,believes in raining on everyones parade by yelling 'NO!' as much as he can.Though he comes too some use by fending off villians by telling them of his Fathers garage.His weakness is dodgeballs with his face on them.Eddy,the leader,is in a constant struggle with his DICKIE and tends too catch AIDS from squeezing bananas and hitting the bullseye.Which is really just his own metaphor for a Money shot.

[edit] Scorpion

The iconic Mortal Kombat fighter who is a plague on all realmsssss.He has a talent for saying his catchphrase 'GET OVER HERE' in a variety of different ways,sometimes even prompting certain individuals too respond with 'TOASTY'.His master plan was too awake the evil dead so he could rule the living....however,if he actually spent more time doing this,rather than turning around a large number of times...he may have succeeded.He also enjoys making stupid puns about ghosts,as it is the only thing that soothes the pain of his horrible illness which causes his face too turn yellow for one frame.In his spare time,he hosts a cooking show.

[edit] M. Bison

M.Bison is a dictator that finds various things(sometimes souls) to be delicious. He has killed lots of spaghetti, all toasters, Mama Luigi, assorted parents and Guile. He ravaged SMB stage 1-1 with a Psycho Crusher and fucked Cammy. Welcome my trio of terror. He often has orgasms without any needed sexual stimulus. Bison enjoys running down a corridor then frame shifting 3 feet behind him to repeat the task many times. "Yes" is his favorite word. He has the uncanny ability to mimic Tupac Shakur. He also enjoys having cameras zoom in on him a large number of times. He was never killed by Akuma.

[edit] Ryu

This very sensateeev street fighter was locked in a battle with M.Bison,but unfortunately was slimed by Arnold the pig.Now he is forced too execute poorly animated Tatsumaki Sempyukaku's whilst making unusual sounds for all eternity.But it has its perks,as his arm gets too experience the occasional orgasm.But be advised, don't give him noogies....or he'll just make you fucking explode.Enjoys buying cold ones but believes everyone needs too grow up.He also has girly eyes,one of which is glass.Has fucked his Master Gouken many times.

[edit] Cody

Cody is the inbred hero of the vidjea gaem 'Final Fight'.His girlfriend Jessicuh was recently sodomized and feels he needs to rescue her from that which has already happened.He usually tends too have horrific flashbacks of the time he was sodomized by Ken,but drowns them out by grunting a lot.He has also been sodomized by Rolento.

[edit] Froggo

The son of the King. He likes to drown his sorrows in a tumbler of cow-juice. He eats a lot of cookies by shoving them in his mouth. He is best friends with Ganon and when people poke his large stomach he sicks Ganon to eat their face. He also enjoys erasing things.

[edit] CaptainFleaSam & his Legacy.

A reincarnation of Yosemite Sam, who was killed during a raid by police in Arizona in the early 1900s. CaptainFleaSam found a living as a pirate on the Persian seas of Saudi Arabia and forcefully took over the ailing Motel-6 hotel chain. But when Hitler formed a militia and launched raids on the Persian Seas, he accidentally hit one of Sam's shipments. CaptainFleaSam delcared that he would track and kill Hitler. After several battles with the Stoner Hotel Brothers (Mario Bros.) and Hitler's right hand man, Propagandist Nazi Hawk; CaptainFleaSam launched his scuppers to stop Hitler's attempted raid on Bikini Discount, where his underwater crew were mining for oil. Hitler went down into the sea and was never heard from again, but a plane launched a revenge attack and bombed CaptainFleaSam's ship, sinking it and sending CaptainFleaSam to Davy Jone's locker. Both sides lost the battle. However, new enemies began popping up. A fat magician by the name of the SilverFatMagician decided to cover all the trees in the world with posters and fliers of his name and assuming Hitler's role as ruler of the Al Padangoba militia; and a fat businessman by the name of Fatso Garret took over Motel-6, thinking CaptainFleaSam was still under the sea. However, CaptainFleaSam rises from the sea and walks to shore. He calls two mercenaries to take down Fatso Garret while he searched for his valuable weapons to stop the SilverFatMagician's evil plan to take over the media.

[edit] Wario

Mario's even fatter evil doppleganger, Wario. He hypnotizes people into obeying him (or a random object), to not let Mario get the Six Golden Coins and to destroy Mario (or a random object typically opposite of what needs to be obeyed).

[edit] Dr. Rabbit

Nigga hating Dentist Bunny. Traumitizes Children. Travels by Gay Air Balloon.

[edit] The Cartoon All-Stars

Consists of:

  • Simon Chipmunk - Hates to suggest that his guess as to the contents of the box under Michael's bed is marijuana.

[edit] Thistle

From The Elm-Chanted Forest, one of the greatest furry films ever devised. Likes to let his fur down with a friend. Is also an alcoholic, and possibly the biggest faggot in all of cartoondom. Is a known marijuana user, and is terrified of even the very mention of beavers

[edit] Popular YouTube Poop Quotes

[edit] Hotel Mario

"I hope she made lotsa spaghetti!"

"If you need instructions on how to get through the hotels, check out the enclosed instruction book."

"Looks are deceiving when koopas are involved."

"You know what they say: all toasters toast toast!"

"Hey, you! Get off of my cloud!"

"It's been one of those days. Come on, Luigi."

"Be careful! When you pinch Wendy's pennies, they pinch back."

"Remember, where there's smoke, there's fire."

"You're the best player ever!"

[edit] Mama Luigi

"That's Mama Luigi to you Mario! *wheeze*"

"Yeah, well I didn't think it was that funny."

"You know what they say, the early bird gets the worm!... Or is it the bagel?

"Koopa Football Players grabbed the princess! Mario was attacked by a Koopa Wizard, and a Magnum Bill! And I was face to face with a Fire Sumo!"

"I fell for hours!"

"Good thing I found a Magic Balloon!"

"Then luckily, a skull raft came by!"


"No Yoshi! That's my brother Mario!"

"Stay here while I wring out my cap."

[edit] Mario

"Now I know how a meatball feels"

"He's captured the princess and taken her to his Coney Island disco palace!"


"Imma comin', Luigi!"

[edit] Dr. Ivo Robotnik

"Always buy new shoes in the afternoon, after your feet have expanded."

"Why, the FUN is just starting! BWAHAHAHAHA!!"


"I didn't forget to pull that lever!"

"Hmmmm, the train is late"

"See You Next Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllll"

"Now you may lick my BALLS, and my PENIS!"

"You're all incompotent, and you STINK OF FISH!"

"Once 'Robotnik' lagoon is open, every 'Robotnik' vacationer on Mobius, will become, MY 'Robotnik' slave."

"Oh, didnt i 'Robotnik' tell you? Tomorrow i'll 'Robotnik' conclude the grand opening, by pulling a 'Robotnik' lever, that will 'Robotnik' flood Scrap Valley."





"It's a navigator."

"I am Metal Robotnik."

"Planet Freedom."

"Oh, didn't I tell you? Tomorrow I'll..."





"I want You to go help Breezy eliminate Sonic. This is one time, I'M going to do some rottenness. And that hedgehog can't stop me. In a word, they'll all be sunk! BAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAAHHAHAHAAHAHAHA!!



"I thought I was rid of you, you fish-fondling fruit cake!"

"For GROUNDER'S sake, I hope that was a WRONG NUMBER!"

"With you Tails"

"I'll melt you down... MY way."

[edit] Link: Faces of Evil and Zelda: Wands of Gamelon

"Gee, it sure is boring around here"

"Mah boi, this peace is what all warriors strive for"

"Your majesty, Ganon and his minions have seized the island of Koridai!"

"Hmmm, how can we help?"

"It is written, only Link, can defeat Ganon."

"Great, I'll grab my stuff!"

"There is no time, your sword is enough"

"How about a kiss? For luck."

"You've got to be kidding."

"Squadillah, we are off!"

"Wow, what are all those heads?"

"These are the Faces of Evil. You must conquer each."

"I guess I better get going."

"Here is the map, where do you wish to go?"

"Join me Link, and I will make your face the greatest in Koridai! Or else you will DIE!"

"I wonder what's for dinner."

"Well done Link! Ganon is once again imprisoned! Come!"

"I spy with my eye, someone who must DIE!"

"Zelda, Duke Onkled is under attack by the evil forces of Ganon. I'm going to Gamelon to Aid him."

"But Father what if something happens to you?"

"I take the Triforce of Courage to protect me. If you dont hear for me in a month, send Link"

"No! Not into the pit! It BURNS!"

[edit] Sonic

"Hey kids, there's nothing more cool than being hugged by someone you like, but if someone tries to touch you in a place or a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's no good! It's your body, no one has the right to touch it if you don't want them to. So what do you do? FIRST, you say no! THEN, you get out of it! Most importantly, you gotta tell someone you trust! Like a parent! Or a teacher! Or a police officer!"

"Wrong Answer!"

"Hooooold It! Only Dumbots drink Liqour!"

"Smoking is for Dumbots!"

"Gotta streak!"

"One, stay in school. Two, stay in school. Three, repeat one and two."

"I'm waaaaaiiiiiiiiting..."

[edit] M. Bison

"Yes! YES!!!"

"Oh, This Is Delicious!"


"Welcome my trio of terror."

"You worthless pile of excrement!"

"I don't give a shit."

"Yes,yes I killed your father.What is it with you women anyway? I killed my father too and you dont hear me whining about it!"

"Well..YES! After all, business is business!"


[edit] Cheatsy Koopa

"At last my time has CUM!"

"The only way you guys are gonna eat, is by shopping at the 'Koopa Mart'! SO LONG SUCKERS!"

"Don't just help him, STAND THERE!"

"I hate those plumbers!"


"I am the emperor of eavesdropping."

[edit] The Mama Luigi and Astronaut Tails Battle

Luigi when he first heard the line 'That's Astronaut Tails to you, Sonic' *WHEEZE*.
Luigi when he first heard the line 'That's Astronaut Tails to you, Sonic' *WHEEZE*.

One day, everything was peaceful in the YouTube Poop world. And then, chaos broke! Tails, starred in a certain poop (which will remain unnamed to protect to innocent), and uttered the line 'Thats Astronaut Tails to You Sonic!'. The world was stunned, and Mama Luigi challenged Astronaut Tails to a battle after his trademark line was stolen. Mama Luigi won the fight because Astronaut Tails couldn't do a damn thing. With one of his yell attacks, Mama Luigi was victorious, and Astronaut Tails was thrown into a trash can. Shortly after, Sonic found Tails and touched him in a place or way that made him feel uncomfortable. That's no good.

Ever since, Tails has been plotting in his secret underground lair (which, ironically, is shaped like an anus), on a plan to take out Mama Luigi once and for all! But rest assured, Mama Luigi will be up for the fight!

[edit] While I play unfitting music

This kind of YouTube Poop involves playing primarily just one, or two clips over and over again with or without the original audio in it while playing an unfitting song that dosn't relate to the actions being portrayed within the video. It was an instant hit, but was soon raped to death by 13 year old boys who wanted to be noticed on Youtube.

The first, and most e-famous of these is Luigi Winds A Toy While I Play Unfitting Music.

The only almost not gay "Unfitting music" poop


The latest trend of YouTube Poop is probably the most fail yet. These kind of videos essentially have clips from typical Poop segments edited to say words that the No Cussing Club would not approve of, over and over again. The fact that YouTube hasn't taken efforts to delete these videos, and that they even became popular, proves once and for all that September will last forever.

Click here to waste two minutes of your life

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