Dir en grey

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Dir en grey are a lulzy J-Rock band that only faggoth high school kids and wapanese give a shit about. Used to be traps, however in recent years they have chosen to opt out of blatant homosexuality and instead go for a metal look, typical of most American bands.


[edit] Typical Subject Matter

[edit] Band Members

Dir en grey is made up of five Japanese guys that no longer dress up like girls due to ZOMG AMERICA LOL.

It's a trap!!!!
It's a trap!!!!
No srsly, they're guys. Just another sick thing to come out of Japan. But you did think about fapping to it before I told you they were guys didn't you? You sick fucks! Hell, I did, there's no shame in it, so long as you only hang out with Dir en grey fans. Dir en grey are also really popular amongst cosplayers, mostly because there is nothing cooler than dressing up like guys that dress like girls, amirite?
It's a trap!!!!
It's a trap!!!!
It's a trap!!!!
It's a trap!!!!
It's a trap!!!!
It's a trap!!!!

[edit] Typical Fans

[edit] Epic Myspace Hack '07

An event teeming with both fail and win that took place on August 18th 2007. It began with an emo hacker posting a myspace bulletin telling faggot fangirls to add him from Dir en grey's myspace. Within seconds the Dir en grey myspace page was covered in fat fangirls and furrys bitching on a scale not seen since Hide of X-Japan's suicide. Stupid people who thought they could do something and save the profile from this evil hacker poured in by the second and continued to fail time and time again. Fails include (but are not limited to):

  • Thinking the band actually maintains the site
  • Thinking that the members speak English
  • Thinking the members give a shit
  • Thinking they aren't worthless fat fangirls
  • Saying anything serious
  • Threatening a lawlsuit

With fails pouring in by the second, it would seem that (by the laws of physics) soon that their entire intarweb tube would be destroyed. Luckily the /b/tards and other awesome 4chan members arrived and saved the comments page from being a complete failure.

Eventually the hacker left, comments were locked and all previous comments were deleted. This event, which had caused Vampire Freaks fangirls to cut themselves in sorrow, was completely forgotten in about 4 seconds and no one ever gave a shit again.

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links

Official Site, it's in both Japanese and Engrish, but that's no problem because you're an anime faggot amirite?

Fangirl site, not okay to fap to

Fan's Faggot Myspace

Emo faggot h4x0r's Myspace

h4x0r's comment on LiveJournal

LiveJournal entry with screencaps of hack

Dir en grey is part of a series on Music.

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