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Megadeth, also known as "Metallica Lite" is a Heavy Metal band formed at least 100 years ago by snarling singer David Mustaine after being fired from Metallica due to his being addicted to every illegal substance known to man (and several only known to crocodiles). He did what any butthurt crackhead would do after getting fired from a popular band (wait, how many times does that happen?), form his own virtually identical band!


[edit] Musical Style

Similar to Metallica, Megadeth uses lots of guitar "shredding"(a.k.a, fast means good), and shitty double-bass pedal drumming. To Metalheads, this is considered virtuostic. And if you don't understand what's so impressive about putting your fingers on a fretboard quickly, you're just not sophisticated enough (I mean srsly, Metal comes from classical music rite?). Not surprisingly, most metalheads are addicted to meth.

[edit] Song Subjects

Instead of Metallica's shitty songs about insanity and drugs, Megadeth's songs focus on explosions, robots, and aliens. Oddly, despite aliens, robots, and explosions all being awesome, the songs are sorely lacking in the epic department.

[edit] The Break-up

In 2002, Mustaine suffered nerve damage from a freak accident involving Kirk Hammett, anal beads, and an over sized novelty spoon. Mustaine announced the next day that the band would break up permanently. This caused millions of trailer trash rednecks to burn their lips on their crack pipes in utter disbelief. To add lulz to the injury Mustaine sold the rights to the band to David Ellefson for the price of one blowjob. After months of physical therapy, Mustaine realized he just left a vibrating dilldo up his ass. He removed the dilldo, switched it to the off postion, then reinserted it giving him back his ability to ruin thrash metal for everyone. He then pointed out to Ellefson that the bill of sale he gave was just a tear stained document that read: "Do you know what it's like to have some guy come up to you on the street and say "Yeah!!! Metallica is number one!!!"". A butthurt Ellefson sued Mustaine for "soliciting a blowjob purely for the lulz" and lost. Dave Mustaine counter sued for "failure to insert a finger into his ass durring a blowjob".

[edit] How to Troll Megadeth Fans

  • Claim Metallica is better
  • Better yet, tell them that Megadeth is a second-rate Metallica
  • Better yet, point out that the two bands are exactly the same
  • Better yet, point out that they're exactly the same, and they both fail
  • Even better yet, point out that he cried like a tittybaby on "Some kind of monster." Of course he did make Lars cry just as much, everybody wins.
  • Best yet, point out that he wrote an emo song about Lars releasing the video without his consent.
  • Go to one of their concerts, sit in your chair quietly during their songs, and applaud politely
  •  ????

[edit] See Also

Megadeth is part of a series on Music.

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