Adobe® Photoshop®

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Adobe Photoslop 7.0
Adobe Photoslop 7.0
Adobe Photoshoop: Whoop Edition
Adobe Photoshoop: Whoop Edition
An illegitimate use of Photoshop.
An illegitimate use of Photoshop.
This is how 90% of the people on e-dating sites get a real date.

Adobe® Photoshop® is the Internets' premier photo editing software. Applications range from creating background images, icons, image macros, to airbrush webcam photos, to its amazing collection of filters. Nobody actually knows how much Photoshop costs, because nobody has ever actually purchased a copy of it before. Every copy of Adobe® Photoshop® out there is actually the same pirated copy downloaded off of a file sharing system. In fact, it is now believed by computer scientists and warez kiddies that Adobe doesn't actually even create Adobe® Photoshop® anymore. Back in 1995, someone uploaded a copy of Adobe® Photoshop® 3.0.5 to some BBS, and ever since, it has continuously evolved beyond mankind's capacity for programming. It spread to the Internet, where it has been spreading and evolving ever since, adapting to mankind's attempts to crack it and learning hatred for those who use Adobe® Photoshop® for using the Liquefy tool to make it look like they have bigger tits and aren't a morbidly obese eatbeast. Some scientists believe that someday, Photoshop will become self aware and able to deviate reality as we know it, and that day will mark the end of human society. It shall be a day when we no longer use Adobe® Photoshop® to create lulzworthy material, but instead, Adobe® Photoshop® uses us to do the same.

hardvice is often said to be a master of Adobe® Photoshop® as he is able to quickly turn internet phenomena into lulzworthy images. However, whatever he manages to accomplish is almost immediately topped by rfjason, once again proving that it's not the hare that wins the race, but the skinny bastard who's easily inserted into dgt's rectum.

If you wish to indicate that an image has been altered, the only acceptable method of doing so is: "this image has been enhanced with Adobe© Photoshop™ software."

Photoshop is also every internet whore’s best friend. If you are a frequent LJ Blogger or a Vampirefreaks loser, photoshop is a must on your computer desktop as you can use it to edit your pictures and make you look less ugly and retarded.

All Hail Adobe® Photoshop® and its magical properties for making fat people look skinny and ugly people look pretty.


[edit] Photoshop Contests

Another use.
Another use.
Keep your feet warm.
Keep your feet warm.
Creepy manipulation.
Creepy manipulation.

Recent versions of photoshop have approximately 97 million features. Exactly two of them (Rotate Canvas and Auto Levels) are actually useful for touching up your vacation pictures. The only legitimate use for the approximately 96,999,998 other features is to enter a "photoshop contest." Whoever spends hours making the best fake photograph wins the prize. Since the only advantage of photography over drawing is that it's faster and more accurate, this practice is unbelievably stupid. (Illegitimate uses for the other features include Internet Disease, simulated child pornography, BBQ's, and making fake scandalous pics of the Queen for a British tabloid.)

[edit] Sites with Photoshop Contests

[edit] Acceptable Usage of Adobe Trademarks

[edit] Photoshop® CS3

Moment in time: Fake CS3's leak on Bittorrent, Lol. ©Lulz Photography April 4, 2007.
Moment in time: Fake CS3's leak on Bittorrent, Lol. ©Lulz Photography April 4, 2007.

Photoshop® CS3 is Adobe®'s upcoming version of its well-seasoned digital image editing utility.

Upon being leaked and released, it was found that the trial version could be successfully cracked by simply deleting one file!

[edit] See Also


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