Trapped in the closet

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Not only is there a man in the cabinet

But the man is a

A "hip-hopera" created by R. Kelly, who is famous for pissing on underage girls. He's also famous for being a nigger.

In August 2005, R. Kelly tried to be an innovative artist by making one hell of a ridiculous soap opera, also known as "Trapped in the Closet". The basic premise centres around a man who is, well, trapped in a closet because his lover put him in there—possibly because said lover was underage and her dad was about to discover them.

From that point, the story gets rather complicated and includes a homosexual relationship, a cheating wife, and a condom-wearing cop. Something Awful was considerate enough to explain the entire story, just in case some jackass failed to comprehend the sheer stupidity of the video in the first place.

He then put out a DVD where he sits in a chair and explains the video, like we were too fucking stupid to follow it in the first place because 7 year old retards could write a better plot. What we do learn is that R. Kelly can't distinguish a camera from a hole in the ground.


[edit] The Fucktard So Far

[edit] Parts 1-5

[edit] Part 6

[edit] Part 7

[edit] Part 8

[edit] Part 9: THE MIDGET PART

[edit] Part 10: MOAR MIDGET

[edit] Part 11: EVEN MOAR MIDGET

[edit] Part 12

[edit] Part 13-14

[edit] Part 15

[edit] Part 16

[edit] Part 17

[edit] Part 18

[edit] Part 19-20

[edit] Part 21

[edit] Part 22

[edit] Parts 100-Over 9000

Trapped in the closet is part of a series on Music.

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