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The Love Doc posing for the camera
The Love Doc posing for the camera

Poor (Rattus Penuriosus) are a curious species of large rodent that superficially resemble a very hairy, smelly ginger human. Individual poor allegedly have very little money, not even enough to afford a wash (although, The Love Doc is especially keen on a Roman Shower from his bitch, the beast.) Thus there are no poor on the internets. They also lack opposable thumbs. plzkthx.


[edit] The country

Poor is a small 'country' which moves around the map like a plague of locust. It's said the map of poor resembles toilet paper wiped on a fatty's arse after a shit. It's basically Adam Hinson's "personal space" and the reason it constitutes as a country is unknown, some speculate it's because no real nation would grant Adam citizenship, except maybe New Jersey.

[edit] The President

Adam Hinson the ½, is the President and village rapist of poor. When he's not busy begging, or looking emo he likes to try his luck with humans, usually ending in tears and abortions.

Poor's 'face' is covered with mould, and sometimes bits of smegma if you're lucky. It's said that if you touch it, you catch contagious penile cancer and die, but nobody knows for sure since nobody has yet touched it.

Poor is the offical resting place of Small pox, and provides a safe sanctuary for STDs and fatal diseases everywhere.

Poor is in a committed relationship with the Beast, however in order to continue it's subspecies (yes, it's a sad fact of life, the beast has no vagina, or of he did, he lost it somewhere..) it must copulate with raw meat, or Glorph, as it's known in the field. This involves inserting his maggot into the vajayjay belonging to a hideous shemale monster.

It's also known to felch dead badgers.

Adam's sexeh beast lover gagging for some bukkake all over his body
Adam's sexeh beast lover gagging for some bukkake all over his body

[edit] Not Poor

Many jews are mistaken as poor. This is incorrect. They come from an entirely different species of rodent.

[edit] Places the Poor can be found

[edit] See Also

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