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A common lie is that the Earth is a sphere. As you can see, it is a perfectly flat disc
A common lie is that the Earth is a sphere. As you can see, it is a perfectly flat disc

Lies make the poor work hard so others can do nothing and/or exploit the poor even further for the lulz. Lies make up the majority of what you've been told your whole life.


[edit] History

The lie was discovered by ancient Mayan people in search of Europeans to borrow all their excess gold. The Europeans did come one day and pwn the Mayans; history tells us whitey told them to STFU and subsequently GTFO in a polite and organized fashion. As they were getting pwnt, Prometheus bitchslapped the Europeans and gave humanity the gift of lying. Duh.

Once the theory of specific lieivity was published, it was only a matter of time before teh internets learned about the magical lie and its mysterious powers. Ever since, corruption, world starvation, and Mariah Carey have been unleashed on the Earth, ravaging everything in sight. This portion of the story is readily available in the Bible. It's next to all the other factual documentations of things that actually happened.

"a real metal band" huge lie
"a real metal band" huge lie

[edit] Common Uses for Lies

[edit] Common Users of Lies

[edit] See Also

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