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December 2006 - Posts

5 things you don't know about me

Well Daniel tagged me, so I thought I'd enter into the spirit of this too. There's been a tagging meme throughout the blogosphere for the past few weeks. You get tagged by someone who asks you to reveal 5 things that people wouldn't know about you, and
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 7 Comments
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Looking ahead in Outlook

I like to see the week ahead in Outlook, some people need to view the whole month, but some people only like to deal with one day at a time. High on many people's Outlook wish-list is the ability to view your Outlook calendar a year at a time. If you're

Secure messaging solution advisor

I noticed this on the Microsoft Security Newsletter the other day and thought it was worth passing on. It seems like a useful tool and I think - long overdue ... Free Secure Messaging Solution Advisor Now Available . The Solution Advisor is a tool that

Working at Microsoft

Do you want to work at Microsoft in the UK? We've produced a nice little site that talks about jobs working on Xbox 360, Vista, Office and Windows Live. Have a look at this site and pass it on to anyone who you think needs a change of career, change of
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 7 Comments
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Get Office 2007 for free...

If you're wondering what all of the fuss is about Office 2007, then you can try it for free for 60 days. Free 60-day trials of all the products are now available . Trial versions have all the same functionality as the version you buy, but just for a limited

Do you want to work flexibly?

I got quite a response to my blog post the other month about leaving the office on time, and whenever I'm at an event, someone usually mentions how brave I am to swan off early (to avoid the traffic) and not come in to the office on Mondays and Fridays

Deploying Exchange 2007 at Microsoft

I'm impressed with the information that we've released about our own internal IT deployment on Exchange 2007. Internally, we were kept fully informed before, during and after the migration, any issues (due to server name changes etc.) were highlighted

IP media gateway connection to Exchange 2007

Now this is useful - I get loads and loads of questions about this subject. If you have a Dialogic gateway and are thinking of Exchange 2007. Dialogic has rolled out it's new website at . This website focuses on Dialogic Gateways that are certified for

Influential bloggers - who are they?

Well I'm winding down for Christmas, tidying up my inbox to a sensible level and clearing down all of my teams expense reports, holiday requests and stuff like that. I received a mail which refers to the blog post the other day about Influencers . We're
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 2 Comments
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MOM & SMS Webcasts for January

TechNet Webcast: Server Management (Part 1 of 3): Managing the Environment with Microsoft Operations Manager (Level 200) Monday, January 08, 2007 - 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time Keith Combs, TechNet Presenter, Microsoft Corporation http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032321932&Culture=en-U

Real Time collaboration Webcasts for January

Microsoft Office System Webcast: Tips and Tricks for Live Meeting 2005 (Level 100) Thursday, January 11, 2007 - 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Pacific Time Evan Archilla, Consultant, Projectline Services http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032318886&Culture=en-US

Mobility Webcasts for January

MSDN Webcast: Introducing Windows Live Service on Mobile Devices: Using Web Services (Level 200) Thursday, January 04, 2007 - 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time Maarten Struys, Windows Embedded Product Manager, PTS Software bv http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032320650&Culture=en-US
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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Groove Webcasts for January

TechNet Webcast: Enterprise Deployment and Capabilities of Office Groove 2007 (Level 200) Thursday, January 11, 2007 - 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Pacific Time Abbott Lowell, Senior Product Manager, Microsoft Corporation http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032322226&Culture=en-US

SharePoint Webcasts for January

TechNet Webcast: Upgrading and Migrating to Office SharePoint Server 2007 (Level 200) Wednesday, January 03, 2007 - 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific Time Blain Barton, TechNet Presenter, Microsoft Corporation http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032321929&Culture=en-U

At last! Thank you Windows Live Messenger

Richard has noticed that Live Messenger includes a link to the forgotten your password web page. I've been harping on about how difficult it is to change your password or secret question in Messenger, and now we've included it at the sign in page. So

Exchange Hosted Services

I got this interesting mail the last week demonstrating how effective Exchange Hosted Services (EHS) is at filtering out spam. The volumes of mail sent are quite staggering. I'm including the original email message and the graphs for you... "What I wanted

What is an influencer?

I've been on a team offsite event in the Midlands of England, in a pretty little market town with 900 years of history. Unfortunately, we were ensconced in a conference room (as usual), discussing various aspects of evangelism. One of these topics: influencers.

OAB best practices

Darren is panicking about all of the OAB's in his company and wondered if there was a better way of managing OAB's, downloads, and general housekeeping as he prepares for his staged migration to Exchange 2007. I did some digging around and found that

Ancient calculator

I was impressed when I saw this story a couple of weeks ago about this ancient calculator that has been discovered in Greece. it looks like a mechanical computer - which is what it is really. Fairly complicated gearing system too. Mind you, the Mayans
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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So glad its over...

As Steve said, lots of servers (3 actually Steve - we had a backup) 650Gb of Virtual images, quad proc servers, 8Gb ram, 7 Virtual machines spun up at the same time (thanks to the Unified Communications demo!), 14 demo gurus, and me.... And the logistics

Small businesses go live - for free...

There's been lots of excitement about Office Live recently, the newswires have been buzzing , since it came out of beta. We've been talking about this for some time, as the impact on small businesses is going to be huge. If you're in a small business,

More IM on mobile phones

I blogged about our announcement the other week (we entered into a partnership with Orange). eWeek have noticed that Radicati have released a report showing how much more room for growth there is in this market. Radicati says business users want IM services

Get protected - use Forefront

We've released some betas of Forefront for you to try. Here's a selection. Microsoft Forefront Client Security - Public Beta Microsoft has released a public beta of Forefront Client Security, a new product that helps to protect business desktops, laptops,

Cool way to add contacts

Jason was bragging to me about just how organised he is. So, just where does he get all of this stuff from? Have a look at this neat little tool called Anagram to get all your contacts into Outlook with two easy keystrokes: Aargh! it's so simple. I wish

Jane gets some fame...

I just noticed this video about Jane over on Partner TV . I hassled Jane into joining Microsoft and then into blogging, Now she's a star in our Field Engineering team and I'm basking in her limelight!.. Nice video Jane...

Who would have thought it?

So. The Register uses Live Search on it's site.... Hats off to the Windows Live team...
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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Second Life Grey Goo

Steve (who is still making superb bits of machinima ) told me about this worm affecting Second Life. it's a proof of concept worm that caused a lot of aggravation - a "Grief bomb" I'm quite impressed by the idea of the Second Life concept - apart from
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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