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Coffee and a Chat at Starbucks

Well after last nights get together at Starbucks I'm going to volunteer to do more of them. The cosy coffee atmosphere meant I got to talk to everyone there, we had a private room upstairs in the centre of Cambridge and a mix of people giving lots of

Enabling NDR's

This made me smile last night. I'd asked a colleague in the Exchange team for the name of one of the program managers in corp. I'd had to resort to email as his presence indicator showed that he was online and working, but all of my attempts to contact

Holiday templates in Excel

We use shared calendars quite a bit at Microsoft, and everyone gives read access to their calendars. We also have group calendars which are team based calendars. Some of our customers use Excel instead to track team holidays though, and with the ability

Microsoft Coffee Chats

I love coffee, And I love talking about technology. Usually I'm to be found in one of the 5 coffee shops we have around campus in the UK having various coffee meetings and chatting about technology. Well we've decided to expand on this a bit and chat

Running Exchange 2007 across 2 AD forests

I was at the TechNet roadshow in Manchester (and heck was it COLD!). It was great to see so many people, chat about my recent diving holiday. Talking Nitrogen tissue saturation always makes me wistful :-) I answered a few Exchange questions too, strange

True romance - in a junk email

This mail was caught by my junk mail folder. I'm copying it here because it made me smile: Good day, my friend This letter is of great importance. I am here in order to build my own Planet which will be called a Planet of Love. My future family will live

Exchange 2007. Getting certificates working for OWA

Eric is trying to get his certificates working: I have installed exchange 07. I have not turned it on yet, meaning clients are getting email from a web server we do not host. I am getting sync errors saying a url can't be located for OAB. I can't get

Take control of your Inbox

I don’t t think I’m an email ostrich – I currently have about 220 mails in my inbox at the moment which I’m trying to get down below 100. I clear my server folder once a year and archive off old stuff to a .pst file which I delete when it’s 2 years old.

Messaging and Mobility User group - November meeting

Nathan has sent me details and asked me to remind you about the next messaging and mobility user group in November in London: Here are the details of the November MMMUG meeting. This event will be held in London at the MS offices at Cardinals Place near

Sending large files via email

Dave had an interesting issue with a mail he was trying to send: Yahoo only allow 10MB to be sent. I tried to send 47MB. I cannot delete it from Outlook. I get a message it is "sending". It will not send or delete. How do I delete the "outgoing Email"?

Sessions and sights to see

It's great to be back home in the UK after my extended trip - the warm waters of the Bahamas seem so far away at the moment, and the hustle and bustle of IT forum is exhilarating and exhausting. Its glad to be back home. I've missed loads though whilst

Giving Data Protection Manager 2007 away

Isn't it always true that the best things in life are free and at IT Forum exhibition booths there were certainly a lot of giveaways. Some gifts are really useful (like the 2Gb memory sticks at the Windows Server booth), some funny (like the antlers that

IT Forum Day 3: Filming and being filmed

Well everyone is running around with video cameras this week. There's Tony and Daniel who host the Virtual Side , David and Adam who are filming for Edge and other people wandering around videoing people. I did a part of the Day 3 wrap video (out tomorrow),

Microsoft RoundTable - Star Trek Style

I just had to share these as they made me smile - and I'm a big fan of Star Trek too. Here's their version of RoundTable from long ago... I reckon that our version of RoundTable is actually an homage to star Trek as it looks like the Enterprise although

My personal calendar assistant ikordo

I got an interesting email last week inviting me to a meeting. I'm an automated system called ikordo and I'm helping Jim Cook find a time for a 2 hour meeting. I am checking availability before proposing a time for the meeting. What's your availability
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