Sarah and the City

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Episode 337/2x081
Sarah and the City

All that way to see a sign....

Blogger Sarah
Date Posted November 1st, 2007
Forum forum discussion
Length 2:55
Description A girl has to keep busy in this town.
Location(s) Los Angeles, The rented house
YouTube Tags lonelygirl15 lg15 danielbeast daniel jonas jonastko soccerstar hymnofone order
Sarah Alexandra Dreyfus
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Sarah and the City is the three-hundred thirty-seventh video in the lonelygirl15 video series. It is also the eighty-first video of season two.


(Sarah is indoors, sitting on a red couch)

Sarah: Well, Daniel's off trying to be the next Martin Scorsese, and Taylor's back in Zavalla trying to be the next David Beckham, and Jonas is trying to be the next guy who... (pauses, shakes head) takes down a really big cult. Leaves you thinking, what is Sarah doing? (Cut to Sarah, outside) What the hell is Sarah doing? I mean, I came to sunny California to help save Bree, which went great, by the way, and ever since then I've been so busy running after babies and being chased by bald guys in suits that I haven't even had a chance to check out the big city--Los Angeles!--until now. Join me, won't you, on a tour of the City of Angels, Tinseltown, Jim Morrison's woman. Just as soon as I figure out the bus schedule.

(Scene change to Sarah, standing on a slope below the "HOLLYWOOD" sign)

Sarah: So, after three hours, four transfers, and a one-mile walk, we're finally here. Our first stop, the Hollywood sign. This, my friends, is the site of unemployed actress Peg Entwistle's 1932 fatal dive from the letter H. (Cut to view of L. A. skyline) Anyway, there is the famous downtown L. A., home to the Staple Center and... other stuff. (Cut to downhill view of houses) And over there is Charles Manson's house. A little morbid? Sorry. Take two. (Cut to view of a mansion) This is where they filmed Mary Poppins! (Cut to view of dead tree) And this is Lassie's favorite tree. OK, kids, let's go check out L. A.'s night life.

(Scene change to neon sign showing a cocktail glass and a cigarette, with the cigarette ash changing to a cherry and back again)

Sarah: Maraschino cherry... cigarette ash... maraschino cherry... cigarette ash. Where's the velvet rope, the lines of size-zero, 800-dollar-Stella-McCartney-cocktail-dress-wearing starlet wannabees? I want my, uh, Lindsay, Paris, Britney... maybe they're inside.

(Scene change to dark bar interior)

Sarah: Nope, but it does say the Liquid Kitty serves the best martinis in L. A. (Bartender sets down a martini in front of her) We'll be the judge of that. (Cut to Sarah with two martini glasses in front of her, one empty) Know what? This, my friends, is L.A.'s best martini. No, this one, this one. (Nods, looking slightly drunk. Cut to vertical shot of Sarah with her head lying on the bar, martini glasses in front of her) See that, Daniel? That was a camera trick used by Martin Scorsese in the film "Mean Streets." Listen and learn. I'm bored. How can I make myself unbored? (Sits up, sees guy from other side of bar get up) My God, I think he's coming over here. (Guy walks by and says, "What's up, baby?") What? (Drinks, sets glass down unsteadily, sighs)

(Scene change to Sarah in bed, lying on her side, covers up to her chin)

Sarah: Two and a half hours, four transfers. You know, it's a funny thing about Peg Entwistle. The day after she jumped off the Hollywood sign, she got this letter in the mail saying that she got this great acting gig. If she'd 'a just held out one more day. How do any of us know how long to hold out? (Pauses) What the hell am I doing here?


  • Sarah wears a cap.
  • The title of this episode is a parody of "Sex And The City."
  • Sarah twice references the 1932 suicide of out-of-work actress Peg Entwistle, who jumped from the Hollywood sign tragically just days before receiving a letter announcing that she had won the lead role in a play. Sarah uses the anecdote to discuss her own situation: "How do any of us know how long to hold out? ... What the hell am I doing here?"
  • Sarah enjoys a couple martinis at Liquid Kitty, a cocktail lounge in Los Angeles, but shows no signs of intoxication.
  • This video marks the first mention of Taylor in a canon video in almost two months. Although her last canon video appearance was in Sister to Sister, Taylor was active in the forum in helping decode Emma's messages.
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