Fat Larry's Band

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Fat Larry prepares for another performance.
Fat Larry prepares for another performance.

Fat Larry's Band are the musical equivalent of Gods, mixing angelic melodies with biting social satire, they've produced such hits as ZOOM and er???… Fat Larry's Band have been known to pwn lesser bands with their Shakespearianesque prose, take their hit ZOOM for example:

Zoom just one look and then my heart went boom,
suddenly and we were on the moon,
flyin' high in a neon sky ohh ohh
Bang Just one touch and all the church bells rang,
heaven called and all the angels sang,
sunrise shine in the midnight sky ohh ohh

His ability to rhyme Zoom, Boom and Moon together has puzzled music scholars for at least 100 years.

The world was saddened on the 24th of August 2006 when it was revealed that Fat Larry had died some twenty years earlier, cutting short what was one of most promising new musical careers.

[edit] Music acts that Fat Larry's Band rule over

  • Death Cab for Cutie
  • 3 Inches of Blood
  • The Specials
  • Sum 41
  • Queensryche
  • Weezer
  • Cher
  • Led Zeppelin
  • your face
  • penis enlargers

[edit] External Links

Fat Larry's Band is part of a series on Music.

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