Mindless self indulgence

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Little Jimmy Urine
Little Jimmy Urine

Mindless Self Indulgence is a crappy band from New York. To the untrained ear their music may sound like complete and utter shit. But for those with a more sophisticated pallate they are considered to be musical prodigies. Lead singer James Euringer has been quoted describing their unique sound as "Industrial Jungle Pussy Punk". However last thursday science has proved this to be impossible due to the fact that "pussy" is not a genre and their music contains absolutely no elements of the other 3 aforementioned genres, and falls more into the Acid Punk genre.


[edit] Fans

average MSI fan
average MSI fan
MSI fans are your typical angsty 7th graders. They think MSI is the greatest band ever, because they have edgy, funny songs like "dicks are for my friends","Pre-Teen Violence", "Faggot" and "pussy all night". MSI along with their fans think that acting like wiggers somehow makes them cool and funny, despite the fact they dress like mall goths. Songs like "Kill the Rock","Wack!", "Grab the Mic", and "Ghetto Blaster" are prime examples of such faggotry. MSI fans typically wear everything hot topic shits out as well as dying their hair as many stupid fucking colors as possible. Despite the fact that MSI are obviously a bunch of immature pseudo-goth wiggers, it is completely pointless to argue witht their fans as their IQ is typically below 60. Chances are if they are any older than 12 they are completely batshit insane. The females, and many of the males, too, think that Jimmy Urine is God's gift to earth and want to fuck him, even though it is more likely than not they will contract AIDS or Herpes. They also appear to be collectively blind, as they cannot see that Jimmy Urine is about as attractive as a pile of shit.

They also all believe that MSI is underground, despite the fact that you can buy their overpriced shitty crap at Hot Topic. Many all of them are obsessed with Jhonen Vasquez and seem to think that by ripping off his style on DevianTART they will be 'cool' and 'alternative'.

[edit] Lyrics

The group's lyrics are an intellectual tapestry woven with stimulating subjects, such as, sexual intercourse, Drugs, the correlation between male reproductive organs and friends, allophilically emulating the mannerisms of young urban black men and their unwarranted, undying hatred of Jimmy Page. Here is a sample of their lyrical prowess

I've been denied all the best ultra sex I've been denied all the best ultra sex I... I tried to consume just like a super faggot I got some dude how can y'all give a mutha fucka something so good he couldn't say no you nailed me hard I love em when they don't give a mutha fuckin' shit I could have been someone instead of falling flat upon my ass dig me now, fuck me later and sing it to the tune of faggot faggot faggot ohhh dig me now and fuck me later and sing it like that... I've been denied all the best ultra sex I've been denied all the best ultra sex I.....I could have been a star it freaks me out when I sound just like my mom I couldve rocked the spot instead of being just another faggot like I am I played that shit straight blowin' suckas to the side hopin' I get laid now everybody knows no way in hell I can ever live it down dig me now, fuck me later and sing it to the tune of faggot faggot faggot ohhh dig me now, fuck me later and sing it like that.... I've been denied all the best ultra sex I've been denied all the best ultra sex I could have been someone instead of falling flat upon my ass dig me now, fuck me later and sing it to the tune of faggot faggot faggot ohhh dig me now, fuck me later and sing it like that.... I've been denied all the best ultra sex I've been denied all the best ultra sex molest faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot -

—Mindless Self Indulgence

In terms of their accomplishments; this song is to Mindless self indulgence, as Stairway to Heaven is to Led Zeppelin, or as the 9th symphony is to Beethoven. It is considered their greatest composition of all time

[edit] Live Performances

As a complement to their brilliant musical compositions and engaging, thoughtful, lyrics; their live performances are truly a marvelous sight to behold. Like many other dignified, well respected musicians, their live performances include a variety of clever entertaining techniques. Lead singer James Euringer commits various acts of Urolagnia (drinking your own fucking piss) wearing fairy wings, skirts etc., lighting his pubic hair on fire, Throwing objects at the audience and encouraging them to throw things back. Despite the constant barrage of insults and objects flung at the audience the MSI fan tards always stick around until the end of the show when Jimmy Urine gets naked

[edit] Band Members

  • James Euringer a.k.a Little Jimmy Urine, is the lead singer of Mindless Self Indulgence. He is typically seen with spiked neon hair, wearing the most homo-erotic clothing as humanly possible and various other articles such as ties with crucifixes on them. He is also a pedophile, as he tends to hang around after shows and make out with the jailbait that lust after his small cock.
you gonna get raped
you gonna get raped
steve riiiiigh?
steve riiiiigh?
  • Steve Righ? Steve is the guitar player for Mindless Self Indulgence. Typically his equipment includes a beat to shit guitar with only 4 strings on it. This unusual setup is completely revolutionary. It has paved the way for many other guitarists, who like Steve have absolutely no need for those extra 2 strings because they suck way too much to solo, and only know how to play the same damn bar chords that they use to write every song.
nice drum kit, or lack there of
nice drum kit, or lack there of

[edit] Random Facts About Mindless Self Indulgence

  • It takes the band members longer to do their neon colored hair than to write and record an album
  • James Euringer has an insatiable pee fetish
  • After Swallowing enough Aqua Dots Lin Z consented to marrying Gerrard Way from My Chemical Romance
  • Bass player Lin-Z has a penis, hence the only reason Gerrard Way wanted to marry her.
  • Steve Righ? is actually tone deaf and doesn't know how to play the guitar.
  • thier song dickface is considered one of the most poetic songs ever written http://www.elyrics.net/read/m/mindless-self-indulgence-lyrics/dickface-lyrics.html
  • MSI's original band name was [Insert Funny Name Here]

[edit] See Also

13 year old boy
16 year old girl
Fake Goth

[edit] External Links

http://www.mindlessselfindulgence.com/ Official website

Mindless self indulgence is part of a series on Music.


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