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SonicGirl11, also known as Maresuke, is a devianTARTlet and psychopath, best know for her mediocre cosplay of Reala from some fagtastic game, which pretty much resembles a fucking potato sack. Her twisted obsession with Reala has disturbed many who had the oppurtunity to see her deviantART gallery. She wishes she was the rival fangirl of Astrima.


[edit] Apparently... She's Reala.

This photo speaks for itself.
This photo speaks for itself.

At one point, for whatever reason, SonicGirl11 just fucking snapped. Instead of idolizing and writing faggot love letters to Retala (in a scarily obsessive way), she discovered that she is Reeala. Along side of that, she believes the other characters are real. She thinks this faggot is her Dad, and also God.

She has actually publicly said that she enjoys prepubescent girls, not just for the sexual thrill, but to help them figure out if they are otakukin like she is. She day dreams of finding people (preferably little prepubesent girls) in Claris cosplay to rape, similar to what she seen in some faggoty hentai comic.
This is an accurate portrait of Realagirl raping little girls.
This is an accurate portrait of Realagirl raping little girls.

Apparently, this otakukin has begun the process of tattooing herself blue. No pics yet but they'll flood in sometime soon.

[edit] Shitty-Ass Cosplay

Thank god that her lack of tits and basic feminine features allow her to portray the character just barely.
Thank god that her lack of tits and basic feminine features allow her to portray the character just barely.
She apparently frequents conventions wearing the costume, and also wears it outside of conventions as well. She actually has two versions of this costume. Her mom made both, but the first one was not the right shade of blue, so Rertala fantard bitched and cried until mommy made her a new one in the right colour.

Many videos of her and her friends cosplaying in a set of shitty looking costumes can be viewed on her Youtube Page.

[edit] Camwhoring Clown

Just like her rival, SonicGirl11 loves to take photos of herself. Almost always dressed in her foggot shitty Realalala costume.


[edit] Creepy Child-Groping Clown Things

... What the hell?
... What the hell?
SonicGirl11 is also well known (lol what?) for her Rekala fanart and despite her fangirl rage for Astrima she draws the exact same kind of shit. Good examples of this and other crappy batshit fangirl fanart can be found at her deviantART Page.

Sonicgirl11 claims to have a sex phobia (namely, a fear of the cock), dispite her love for Hentai, involving not only artwork but her faggot jester dolls. Her non-lesbian crush joined in on the fun of exchanging homemade hentai of their favorite characters while masturbating in their basements until she figured out what a crazy bitch SonicGirl11 was and ran in fear of a terrible fate.

Even with her claims of sex phobias, Sonicgirl11 draws shitty Sonic the Hedgehog smut too.

[edit] Drama of the Llama-faced Girl

SonicGirl11 at her senior prom with the only person on earth willing to escort her: a plushie.
SonicGirl11 at her senior prom with the only person on earth willing to escort her: a plushie.
SonicGirl11 making fun of herself.
SonicGirl11 making fun of herself.
Despite acting almost exactly like Astrima, this girl apparently hates Astrima the burning passion of a 1000 vaginal infections. They engage in furious faggot fangirl wars in their tiny internets circles each insisting their otakukin delusions are the correct ones, each with a handful of n00bs at their disposal. Although both parties have NO FUCKING CLUE how to draw these characters without giving them tails, horns, mullets, and other unnessecary shit, they both whine when people 'don't draw the characters accurately'.

SonicGirl11 and Astrima used to be the best of friends, but apparently are rivals now. Since Nights 'lives' with Astrima, SonicGirl11 (Reala at this point) probably tried to move in with Astrima. RealkaGirl was denied, and cried and decided to haet Astrima 4 life!11 or something. That probably made her even more batshit crazy.

The raving bitch currently runs a livejournal community where she constantly bitches and raves about the stupidity of Astrima's artwork and story. She named it the iMAGNiShamebow, and currently uses it to make fun of cosplayers and the fact that Astrima's boyfriend never smiles. Keep in mind you'll never see any photographs of her cosplay posted up for some fun. Just as her lulz journal was baleted, she made fun of herself on her own journal.

Breaking News: Her hatejournal got baleted because she posted naked pictures of Astrima. Sadly the internets neglected to screencap that shit, so the lulz are lost.


Leaving 4evar image of lol.
Leaving 4evar image of lol.
Apparently, shortly after this article was published, SonicGirl11 quickly decided to react in the most appropriate way anyone on the interwebs could. A very shitty image that looks very much like the result of her feeding a retarded child a large amount of paint and ink, then having them vomit onto a piece of paper, surfaced on her deviantART page. (Similar to the art that her other lesbian crush Yolka used to draw.) The eye burning piece of crap was accompanied by a rather lulzy bitchfit.

"Hi everybody, You'll notice I've done something I've never done before, disabled comments. Why would I do this? I want your undivided attention… or just normal attention will do since most of the time I get a fav and a comment with LOLOL OMG COOL. But that isn't the only reason I did this. I'm announcing my formal leave of the NiD fandom."


"What? Why? I'm tired of it. I'm tired of the bullshit drama and poison it's caused me and my friend. Yea that's right. It's not plural. After a lot of drama I've found I have no fucking friends in this fandom. No one wants to stand up for me or even acknowledge my existence anymore. I realize after a certain point I stopped getting comments and favs from certain people. That's fine. Fuck you. But then I realized that the majority of those still commenting or faving wanted something, so Fuck you too."

Translation: I really have a penis.

"I know I have obsessed in the past but in comparison to others I think it should have been just as much accepted as everyone else in this messed up fandom. I'm leaving because it's no longer a game anymore. It's no longer the NiGHTS I cherished. I no longer want to associate myself with the fandom of NiD because of their actions and immature sass."


Read all the lulz

Her recent faved NiGHTS artwork on her deviantART page.
Her recent faved NiGHTS artwork on her deviantART page.
lulz what the shit?
lulz what the shit?

Dispite "Leaving" the NiGHTS Fandom, She still favorites and comments on NiGHTS artwork, including her own. Whenever someone comments on her old shit, she responds.

[edit] External Links

SonicGirl11's deviantART Page
SonicGirl11's OTHER deviantART Page She used after breaking up with her lez ex-girlfriend.
Her Anti-Astrima LJ Community SUSPENDED!
Her Youtube Page

[edit] See Also

is part of a series on DevianTART

Lordly Assfaces:

Former Lordly Assfaces:

BFD VS DADA dAmn ExploitDeviantWiki RaidThe Great Sonic-cide of 2007DogmonglerGuatamala DayThe Great DA Troll of 2007Nyu's Art Meme

Complaints ForumMusic ForumdevArtex-DeviantWikiThe Anti-ED-ClubTheFABNurseryThe League of Anti-Flamers

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Inflation artOekakiRecoloringTracing

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