Guitar Hero

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A typical Guitar Hero player. Notice his fat fingers, and how DDR is crammed into the corner.
A typical Guitar Hero player. Notice his fat fingers, and how DDR is crammed into the corner.
Quackadildo THE Guitar Hero
Quackadildo THE Guitar Hero
Compatible with your iPod! Now if only I could find the darn thing...
Compatible with your iPod! Now if only I could find the darn thing...
A real Guitar Hero.
A real Guitar Hero.

Guitar Hero is an unoriginal video game that requires you to glue your eyes to the television and hit the same damn buttons for the next 5 minutes. The only real reason why it's popular is faggots with down syndrome think they are an hero at guitar. If you see somebody getting at least 100 percent on expert mode at a game stop make sure to troll them by pressing the frets while they're playing or "accidentally" bump the guitar.


[edit] Gameplay

The idea of the game is hit colored notes falling down the screen which correspond with guitar sounds in the song you're playing. Star power is implemented by shoving the guitar in your ass and playing notes with your dick. If you can play expert at a decent level it is said you would be able to play a guitar in real life, so long as it's plastic and only has five buttons to hit. Also, many people who play Guitar Hero take a break from their rocking out by playing a video game called Heroin Hero, in which the player injects a syringe in their own arm while trying to follow and catch a purple dragon. Little do these retards know that you can never catch the purple dragon, no matter how long the game gets played. Those who choose to continue to try to catch the purple dragon usually find themselves playing another game in the near future, called Rehab Hero. HAHAHA DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS. George Bush approves Guitar Hero.

Here's a typical Guitar Hero outcome:

[edit] Warning

It's been scientifically proven that becoming good at Guitar Hero will give you the mistaken impression that you have talent. Seriously guys, it's not a real guitar.

[edit] Exemplar

This douche has obviously never been laid and never seen the light of day.
If the poor sap had actually spent more time playing REAL guitar, rather than guitar hero, maybe he would be halfway decent, maybe. Unfortunately, he lacks teh brane sellz and is clinically stoopid.

An guitar hero's fantasy.

[edit] Quackadilly

Here is another example of a real Guitar Hero, except he is not azn or obese. Quackadilly is obviously an attention whore and enjoys making videos to show off his skillz. The numerous comments that Quackadildo's fans leave him are proof to remind him that he truly is a Guitar Hero. His long fingers suggest that he is quite talented with his hands. This would help score him some chicks, but since he plays Guitar Hero, he is just a faggot. Here is a video of Quackanutsack and his gay lover jamming on REAL Guitars.

[edit] An Guitar Hero

This section is a work in progress, in the hopes that An Hero and Guitar Hero can somehow be lulzfully joined together in an amazing news story to come, still searching the netz for stories involving an heroes due to something related with guitar hero fail, possibly by the time the 3rd game comes out and those who wasted their moneyz on a PS3 will realize that they cant download kool new songs like the 360 owners, time will tell, god speed.

UPDATE: A rumored article in the Davis County Gazette details a boy becoming an hero when his top score on a song was knocked off by l33t haxzors who increased their scores with a new glitch. There is no link or picture, but if the article is true, it is likely that the glitchers did it for the lulz.

[edit] Guitar Hero on South Park

South Park made an episode on guitar hero called guitar queero, which can be viewed here.

[edit] "But What If I'm Jewish?"

Kill yourself. Or go play Frets on Fire. They're pretty much the same.

Guitar Hero is part of a series on Music.

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