Massive damage

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spanish warrior getting gored for massive damage
spanish warrior getting gored for massive damage

Probably the most overly-used and shortest lived memes in video game forums. The phrase came out of e3 2006; this video-game producer Bill Rich showed this game Genji at the Playstation 3 press conference. He says the game is about battling and battling in AIN-SHUNT japan real time weapon change, attacking, fighting, swording, salashing, and stapping. Teh guy said that it's all about "famous battles which ACTUAL actually took place in Ancient Japan." Then he fights a "giant enemy crab" that actually existed in AIN-SHUT japan until they got extinct by tentacles.

whatevs. Now it is mostly a second-rate meme that is used in video-game forums (i.e. gamespot) as soon as anyone asks "how do i get beat the boss" they get at least 100 replies telling them to "flip it over and hit the weak spot for massive damage". The only time it was ever funny was at the time of the actual press conference, and maybe the first few times it ever came up otherwise. It should be okay to use this sparingly. Oh, and almost all massive-damage pictures come from Wii fanboys from

[edit] How does it work?

You use real-time weapon change to get the crab on its back and hit its weak point for MASSIVE DAMAGE. Weak points are usually in the middle of some guy, in the stomach or the back, or even eyes and head. Oh, and this isnt really innovative, every single other boss in every other single game has a weak point. Common meme for when somebody gets attacked and or pictures show massive damage. You can see it on the internet. This technique can be used on cats and other animals, combo-chains and what not. .massive damage is also in that game VIVA PIÑATA by rare.

[edit] Gallery

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