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A gay hooligan prompts God to remove His protection from the United States, thus indirectly causing WTC
A gay hooligan prompts God to remove His protection from the United States, thus indirectly causing WTC

Parades are fascist rituals used to subvert the ego and promote arbitrary notions of collective power and immortality, and have been used throughout history for recreation and the spreading of smallpox.


[edit] Parades in history

Since the begining of history there have been at least a hundred parades, many of which have included floats. Here's an abreviated list.

  1. 1944 Normandy, code-named 'Parade Day' shortened to D-Day
  2. 1950's Black people paraded around the American South because it was too hot to ride the buses. Local firemen were nice enough to cool them down with a fire hose.
  3. 1963 In Texas, John F. Kennedy got pwned during his big parade. This remains the funniest thing that has ever happened in Dallas.
  4. 2001, Arabs parade right into the twin towers, probably by accident.

[edit] The Science Behind Parades

Now that you know about parades, you might be asking yourself, just what makes a parade a fiesta? Well the top scientist from Germany the US and others were kind enough to explain just that!

Parades are made up of three things, one is colors, which are beautiful and pleasant on the eyes. The next is balloons, which some people jokingly say are nothing but 'airheads!'
this comment makes balloons very sad. The last and/or 'final', is or 'am' the least important thing about parades; which is or 'are' the people.

[edit] A Parade? For me?!

Thats right, you too can make your very own parade! All you need are the above mentioned things! And guess what? You're in buissness! The beauty of parades is it only requires one! Just walk down the street carrying colorful ballons and watch as the ladies flock to you like pigs to a corpse!

[edit] Parade... MAGAZINE?!

Thats right as of 2006 there are plans underway to make and entire magazine focusing on parades! We can only wait and hold our breath until the first issue comes out some time this year!

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