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How a Deaf person tells you that they are stupid.
How a Deaf person tells you that they are stupid.
typical moron
typical moron

A state of being that can paradoxically refer to two opposing states :

  1. The state of not being smart, gifted, talented, witty, or dancingdrew.
  2. The state of having just completely destroyed your opponent with logic, talent or wit.
  3. The state of being one of teh ingredients of Roudy.

When somebody says that "NN is teh stupid" they always mean definition #1.

However, "stupid" is also most usually the first ad hominem used by someone who has just been completely pwned - which leads us to definition #2.

Stupid people often forget to Scroll up. Don't let this happen to you; always keep your finger on that cute little nubbin on your mouse.

Learning to differentiate between the two is largely a matter of context, and a waste of time.

[edit] See also


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