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oclet pwnz weev on #phrack
oclet pwnz weev on #phrack
weev smells of rotting turnips, yet incongruously claims that his turnips are ripe and fresh. He is one of those people that is extremely handsome, and has girl-killing powers, but doesn't realize it. Because of this, weev defaults to his comfort zone: being an introverted eDork. But that's A Good Thing, since if this were not true, all of us fellow eDorks would have never had the pleasure of making his acquaintance, and personally, I would have never had the opportunity to suck his nutsack.

Has huge e-crush on Girlvinyl, even though he's gay. Unfortunately, he has no sense of humor and has never provided an original, hilarious joke in his entire life, which Girlvinyl finds repulsive because she likes the lulz and the cake. weev is a qualified attorney at lol, with a lol degree from distinguished Bann Towne University.

In 2005, weev was found sodomizing hepkitten, in the ass. Becoming visibly flustered over his being caught, he quickly said to the police officer, "You don't think I'm pissed? Just listen to the voice guy!"

Weev has a 40-year-old coug that he lives with and repeatedly cheats on. One night he came home to find her sleeping with the underage slut, garden_snake who indirectly gave weev HIV.

Weev is also a very talented song-writer.


[edit] The Great Andrewpantsing of Weev 2006

Weev was convinced to come to the Bay Area on his 21st birthday. This living document shall document his total and complete downfall. Starting with the first shot of whiskey and cocaine, all the way down to the failure of his second kidney and all of Bay Area Bantown dancing around his rotting corpse screaming "YHBTBBT."

Day 1: The Kidney-Liver Double Punch

Weev was immediately taken into custody by FBCM upon arrival in the Bay Area, put in an official LOLDONGS prisonwear and was dropped off at a 2600 meeting to compete in Hacker Olympics, where he was totally obliterated by a "your mom" joke. Not having his normal hugbox to hide in, Weev resorted to finding comfort in drugs and liquor. 10 hours later he selfruined on a couch and was not allowed to vomit in order to make sure that the FBCM secret blend of herbs and spices had time to work their magic.

Day 2: The Over Lolerdose

After releasing breakfast into the porcelean goddess, Weev was allowed some time in The Yard to see some of SF. This was done after injecting the prisoner with Ruin Juice and a lot of video gaming. Weev came too his senses around the AIDS Memorial Grove in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park and was immediately sent to the liquor store to create various Andrewpants drink concoctions. After getting anally raped by hippies in the Haight Street Cafeteria, Weev was confronted with a 13 year old fat girl with braces that made him go to see an All Pro Wrestling Event, where he fell in love with Cheerleader Melissa and had a total and complete Over Lolerdose upon seeing a GNAA Member in the ring. A video exists of this Over-Lolerdose, but it was removed from YouTube.

Day 3: Brainaphone Echos

Day 4: Ghettoing, Gassing, and More!

Day 5: Brad's Final Solution

[edit] Fursona

[01:33] <weev> what kind of furry bluefox are you?
[01:33] <weev> i have a giant weevil costume
[01:33] <weev> with fawn horns
[01:33] <weev> to symbolize my malevolence

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Related People
Crayolacrime | Ghettofinger | Girlvinyl | Hepkitten | Jameth | Jeremyjx | Kevn | Quasidan | Samia | Scarlet | Weev

[edit] See Also

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