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Typical trivium fan
Typical trivium fan
Matt Crimmins digs them
Matt Crimmins digs them

Trivium is a shitty emocore band from somewhere on the US that is worshipped by 16_years_old_girls, otakus, pedos,/b/tards and of course, hardcore kids. These guys (thank you antitrivium crusade] redefine the concept of shitty metal attempts. Here are some fact about their first album.

  • They sound like a shit metalcore band, the same of another thousand bands out there.
  • Trendy hot topic clothes
  • Annoying emo screams.
  • Stolen riffs
  • you know the deal, "metalcore is the new kind of metal, grow up! metal changes, and metalcore is the future"
  • Singer sounds emo
  • Their label, roadrunner records is focused in nu metal and metalcore bands, so that doesnt help at all.


[edit] Facts about the new album

  • Now they think theyre an 80s heavy metal band with an 80's heavy metal band hype.
  • Matt heafy replaced the emo screaming with a screamo version of James Hettfield wannabe vocals.
  • But songs still sound emo, accept it!
  • They steal riffs... again.
  • They think they're the new metallica
  • They think they're the "destroyers of false metal, fuck metalcore!" (see oxymoron)
  • They claim to be pure metal, although, they mention a lot of metalcore influences in a past interview. Good job, smartass.
"fuck off trivium haters!"
"fuck off trivium haters!"
Another Trivium fan. Trivium kicks yo ass weneva u want
Another Trivium fan. Trivium kicks yo ass weneva u want

[edit] Funny lyrical facts

They often use a few words on their songs, including "burn", "eyes" and "fire". But in the song "boat rudder on your strange mountain", they sing about Smalheys germacide.

Emo version of Master Of Puppets (see crap)

[edit] Matt Heafy, a heavy metal dude

(see sarcasm). Matt Heafy is the lead singer and cock sucker of Trivium. Metal bands often give a fuck about internet tough guys who throw shit to them, but Trivium are an exception. Interestingly, when the bassist realized about ED, he made a dedicated myspace just for bashing it. Wow, he taught us a lesson, don't fuck with him, or else. Oh yeah, Matt. Well, Matt Heafy is a shitty screamo singer whose idea of kicking someone's ass is calling him "asshole" and then calling security to beat him. Good job, you're so bad ass pal. I would love to see him against Mile Petrozza, he would bite the dust in seconds.

æ The Moar You Know Did you know
that... Trivium refers to grammar, logic and rhetoric in medieval educational theory: "tri-vium" refers to these "three roads"?

[edit] Important fact

Remember, one thing is to have influences, and another different thing is to steal, if you steal a Van Halen album and tell everyone in your block "this is my band", that doesnt mean that you have a Van Halen influence, fucknut, when a real metalhead appears, he'll notice, so dont do it, kids.

[edit] External links

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