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December 2005 - Posts

Exchange 64 bit - the definative story!

Well since I gleefully announced at IT Forum that Exchange was going to ship in 64 bit only, everyone has been rather keen to find out all the facts. I promised that the Exchange Team would be blogging about it - but I had to wait a while. Quite a long

Customising your Desktop Search deployment..

I use this all the time - and use the most basic of features to find what I'm looking for - but now I've found the Desktop Search Administrators guide on Technet. Fantastic! This now allows you to customise how you deploy Desktop search to your organisation

More Local Live stuff...

So Blake pointed me to his article on the best bits of Virtual Earth (now Local Live after I blogged about it the other day. He's certinly very thorough! So come on Blake, how about a bake off / comparison for other parts of the world Europe / Australia
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 1 Comments
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Exchange 12 Server roles

Shaji has written a useful article about the forthcoming roles available in Exchange 12. His site contains a useful set of Exchange related resources on E12 and Messaging and he's certainly well informed :-). He also links to some useful Exchange User

Microsoft Virtual Earth - now Live local

I've been playing around with all of the thinkgs that I'd flagged to have a look at over the past few weeks, but never quite had the dime to get on and do things, but now its the holiday season, my Inbox is mercifully quiet, and I've got time to catch
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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Exmerge v Recover Mailbox Data

My blog yesterday talked about the dangers of writing an email after you've been drinking. Well Nino has highlighted all the things I got wrong in my blog entry which proves that it's also not a good idea to blog late in the evening after 3 glasses of

Oops - They really shouldn't have sent that mail!

Well it's the holiday season, office parties are well under way, and certain people may have overindulged in a little drop too much of the hard stuff, and they just may have gone back to the office and just maybe, may have sent an email that they've instantly

Be careful of the Christmas worm

I just noticed this on one of the newswires . There's a worm propagating around the Instant Messaging services pretending to redirect you to a Xmas site. Here's what IMLogic have to say about it: This worm broadcasts a URL out over IM clients which downloads

Exchange 12 Beta 1

So there's now a website where you can follow what's going on in the Exchange 12 world following the announcement . Specific server roles - install the components you need Completely rewritten graphical management console in Exchange System Manager Monad

Office Webcasts - December

Microsoft Office System Webcast: Tips and Tricks for More Secure Communication with Outlook 2003 (Level 100) Thursday, January 12, 2006 – 9:00 AM-10:00 AM Pacific Time Andrew Reed, Senior Training Specialist, Pacific Technical Consulting (PTC) Learn the

Mobility Webcasts - December

MSDN Webcast: Creating a Windows Mobile Line of Business (LOB) Application (Part 1 of 13): Introduction (Level 200) Wednesday, January 04, 2006 - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific Time Maarten Struys, Product Manager, PTS Software This series of 13 webcasts
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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MOM & SMS Webcasts - December

TechNet Webcast: Active Directory Management Pack for Microsoft Operations Manager 2005 (Level 200) Wednesday, January 18, 2006 - 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Pacific Time Keith Combs, TechNet Presenter, Microsoft Corporation In this webcast, we explore the features

Portals Webcasts - December

Microsoft Webcast: HP Scales Knowledge Management Using Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technology Wednesday, January 25, 2006 - 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM Pacific Time Craig Samuel, Chief Knowledge Officer, Hewlett Packard Find out how Hewlett-Packard (HP)

Real Time Collaboration Webcasts - December

Microsoft Webcast: Manage Information Overload with Integrated Communications Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Pacific Time Jason Bunge, Senior Product Manager, Microsoft Corporation E-mail, instant messaging, voice mail, and mobile connectivity

Messaging & collaboration Webcasts - December

Microsoft Webcast: Empower People to Work Better Together with Microsoft Collaboration Tuesday, January 10, 2006 - 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Pacific Time Jason Bunge, Senior Product Manager, Microsoft Corporation Empowering individuals to work better together

MyITForum blogs have moved

Ron mailed me last week when I was out on the road at the Exchange Unplugged roadshow telling me about the MyITForum blogs. They've now moved to this location . Whats even better is that comments now have been fixed - so I can be as cheeky as I want on

Microsoft Management Summit 2006

Yikes! MMS next year isn't in Las Vegas. It's going to be in San Diego instead... Here's some of the information from the official site Microsoft Management Summit 2006 Registration Open ! The year’s MMS 2006 event will take place this April in sunny

Office Communicator Web access

I've been using this for a while now when I'm at a machine with no Communicator client installed, and we were doing lots of demos of the web client at IT Forum last month. Well, it's been announced that Communicator Web Access has been Released to Manufacturing
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments

EASI Passport Domains, PIC and LCS 2005

Dennis pointed me to the following change when using PIC (Public Internet Connectivity). I can't find anything on the LCS website about this - so thought I'd reproduce his blog here. I blogged about PIC connectivity in the past - so here's an update...

The Admin tool for OWA

I found this over on the SBS support blog and thought I'd mention it here... OWA Admin Tool In the past, if you needed to customize features in OWA, such as hiding Calendar or Journal, you had to edit the registry and add some not-very-intuitive values.

How to connect to a specific Global catalog (GC) with Exchange 2003

John has been doing a series of blogcasts showing how to create a secure, well managed infrastructure, and he's up to the stage where Exchange is fully installed and functional. He's been getting several mails asking him questions about Exchange which

User State Migration Tool - on the web

I noticed this from an internal newsletter the other day - useful for your delpoyments USMT 2.61 has been Released to Web Microsoft® Windows® User State Migration Tool (USMT) version 2.6.1 migrates user files and settings during large deployments of Windows

The IMF and SP2

James, who was at the Exchange Unplugged roadshow last week asked me about the IMF and Exchange SP2 and that the IMF no longer seemed to be working after SP2 had been installed. One potential issue to be aware of with Exchange 2003 SP2 is that you will

Technet - Whats new in December

Mike has pointed to a lst of new things that have been released in the TechNet December subscription. I was looking for the Exchange SP2 download and documentation, but the stuff on scripting caught my eye... Advanced Scripting This month's subscription
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 0 Comments
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Real time Collaboration - ask the product team some questions

I picked this up on Kintans blog last week, but thought it was also worth mentining here: The RTC team at Microsoft have started blogging (about time too :-) ) so you can read about how they're getting along with the product here. Certainly a blog to

IMF Archive Manager 2.0

Guy came to our Unplugged presentation in Chesterfield yesterday (his colleague won the funky I-mate that Expansys were giving away at the end of the day). I was talking about spam and phishing and how the IMF deals with spam, and how the Exchange team

Moving mailboxes using the Move mailbox wizard in Exchange 2003

Mohammed has been following our trail on the unplugged tour and sent me a mail Thanks for your wonderfull article regarding migrating delegates & permissions, however i want to know if this can work too when you migrate from an Exchange 2000 Org in

Rock Star Lifestyle - no thanks...!

So this touring lifestyle is starting to get to me. It's Thursday today and I've been in 4 different hotels, in 4 different locations throughout the UK. I'm spending an average of 11 hours in each hotel I stay in which is just enough time to lose a different
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