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April 2007 - Posts

Life by PowerPoint (not Death)

James has been nagging me to watch this for ages. It's been sitting in my inbox for ages waiting for a catch up day when I've actually caught up with things (Ha!). But my mailbox is so damn full of stuff I actually need to do that its the sort of day

Eileen's tips on blogging effectively

So Ian wanted to know the sorts of things I did around blogging, and the sorts of stuff I regularly talk to other Microsoftees about. Sarah has also asked me for "a day in the life" type blog post. Not easy Sarah, as I'm sure people wont be interested
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 6 Comments
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Office 2.0 on the way...

I'm obviously on the lookout for anything with 2.0 in the title, so this naturally caught my eye. I like the idea of software delivered as a service, and software plus services (which I use now with Office Live). Information week had an interesting article

TV directly to your phone

Now this is interesting, but will upset some carriers... Business week reports that technology is on its way that will allow broadcasters to deliver programs to mobile phones without going via carriers. There's a catch though. you need to be within 45

Blogging safely

I like this article. I found it on the Security Newsletter that comes out from time to time (subscribe here if you're interested). I spend a lot of time in meetings talking to Microsoft people about blogging. Starting a blog, how to blog effectively,

Mobility Webcasts for May

Small Business Webcast: Learn About Small Business Server 2003 Features for Mobile Devices (Level 100) Wednesday, May 16, 2007 - 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM Pacific Time Greg Randall, Small Business Technical Advisor, Microsoft Corporation http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032336824&Culture=en-U
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 2 Comments
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Office Webcasts for May

Microsoft Office System Webcast: Advanced Tips and Tricks: Customizing the Ribbon Using Office Open XML (Level 300) Tuesday, May 08, 2007 - 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific Time Stephanie Krieger, Author and Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP), Arouet.net

Unified Communications Webcasts for May

MSDN Webcast: Building Office Communications Server 2007 Telephony Speech Applications (Level 200) Wednesday, May 16, 2007 - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific Time Albert Kooiman, Senior Technical Product Manager, Microsoft Corporation http://msevents.microsoft.com/CUI/EventDetail.aspx?EventID=1032337307&Culture=en-US

Exchange Webcasts for May

TechNet Webcast: Exchange Server Database Troubleshooting and Recovery with the Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant 1.1 (Level 300) Wednesday, May 02, 2007 - 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Pacific Time Weiguo Zhang, Senior Software Development Engineer, Microsoft Corporation

Exchange 2007 SP1 now available to download

I got a call from Jon this evening who was pulling his hair out. he's in the middle of a Notes to Exchange 2007 migration and had reached a stumbling block over .PST migration: We are doing an Exchange 2007 implementation for a customer with 2000 seats.

Watching Webcasts on Exchange

I'd like you to have look at these 2 webcasts which are both on Exchange 2007. One is a TechNet Webcasts and it's about Installing Exchange Server 2007 and the other TechNet Webcast is about Exchange Server 2007: Recipient Management, Policies, and Permissions

Influencing Women

Well I'm delighted. I've been asked to present at TechEd. In Orlando . Florida. (note to self. Extend trip. Book scuba diving). This means I get to meet all of the US based IT pro's I connect with regularly, but never have had the chance to meet face

Microsoft moving to more places

Now this is a major reason for me to work in corp. I really love the Bellevue area and would love to work there instead of the traffic jam getting into Redmond. The Seattle Times reports that we're leasing 1.3 million square feet of office space in two
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 2 Comments
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SaaS in the 21st Century: becoming more agile

I'm blogging about this even though its a developer tool that I'm going to talk about, but primarily because this tool will help you if you're interested in getting your business ready to take advantage of Web 2.0 technologies (which fascinate me) and
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 1 Comments
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Outlook 2007 and POP 3 performance issues

I received a request the other week from Lars, who was having issues with Outlook 2007: I am desperate for help. Having installed Office 2007 in Vista Business, I can no longer use Outlook with any POP3 account. It is simply too slow. I downloads approximately

Tahiti: Collaborate in small groups

Quite often we don't need the full enterprise solution, that may provide you with far too much stuff that you don't need, or may just be overkill for your organisation. We've released Tahit i into beta (the software, not the island). Tahiti allows you

SharePoint User group meeting

If you're around Manchester and are interested in Sharepoint, then come along to the Sharepoint User Group meeting tonight . Here are the details: Part One - Nick Swan As it's our first visit to Manchester an introduction to MOSS 2007 and WSS 3.0 seems

We all make mistakes - but this one is baad...

I've been wanting to blog about this since I first heard about it in February, but it's the sort of thing that I can't quite just come out and say without deeply offending someone. So let me try to put some context around this. Whilst we were preparing

Deepfish: What your phone needs

I was desperate to get onto our internal beta of Deepfish after it was announced last week, but because I was deep in IT Evangelism planning and concentrating on my tasks in Redmond, I didn't get onto our beta, and when I did, all of the spaces were full
Posted by Eileen_Brown | 1 Comments
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Getting up to speed with Office 2007?

Here are some training materials and courses I stumbled across recently - very useful too... Microsoft Enterprise Learning Framework Video - The New Office 2007 User Interface Video Tour Training courses Up to speed with Word 2007 Up to speed with Excel

Deploying Exchange 2007 server roles

I love this. I found this on one of our internal aliases and thought It was well worth sharing. It's so simple. How do you deploy the correct Exchange 2007 server roles in the correct order? Deploy the server roles in this order by site: 1. All Client

Exchange Live - out in the cloud

Mary Jo Foley is right on the money here with her prediction about more and more bits of our software moving out to hosted environments. It's a natural progression actually. We're already providing a hosted Exchange set of services (well partially) with

Messaging and mobility user group meeting

From Nathan's User group site: It is time to let you all know about the April MMMUG meeting. The topic is one that several people have asked for so let’s hope we get another good turnout. This event will be held in London at the London Hilton Paddington
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