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Fail-chan's SecondLife Avatar
Fail-chan's SecondLife Avatar
Fail-chan IRL
Fail-chan IRL

Fail-Chan is a troll of /i/ and /i/nsurgents. He spends his spare time pretending to be a furfag on /i/ (much to the chagrin of the /i/nsurgents), fucking with people in #insurgency, and banning Sparto from various channels.

typical FAILCHAN fanboi
typical FAILCHAN fanboi
new wave goatse, or man genius ?
new wave goatse, or man genius ?

Some argue that FAILCHAN is a cross between a camwhore and Epic Fail Guy. He is best known for random epic shit, such as pwning the fuck out of /b/tards.


[edit] Quotes

failchan fails @ winning

—random Gaia Online Fanboi

failchan is just a bunch of gnaa rejects who like anime

—YTMND user


[edit] History

<Fail-chan> who are you?
<weatherman> fail =)
<Fail-chan> change your nick?
* Xanthine has quit IRC (Ping timeout�)
<Fail-chan> nononono
<weatherman> yes =( i'm ry@old
<Fail-chan> I'm fail-chan
<Fail-chan> I don't like failchan
<Fail-chan> :/
<weatherman> lol
<weatherman> i am not sure anyone does 
* Fail-chan was kicked by NeoLobster (OM NOM NOM NOM NOM�)

[edit] See Also

[edit] History

<Fail-chan> who are you?
<weatherman> fail =)
<Fail-chan> change your nick?
* Xanthine has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
<Fail-chan> nononono
<weatherman> yes =( i'm ry@old
<Fail-chan> I'm fail-chan
<Fail-chan> I don't like failchan
<Fail-chan> :/
<weatherman> lol
<weatherman> i am not sure anyone does 
* Fail-chan was kicked by NeoLobster (OM NOM NOM NOM NOM)

[edit] See Also

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