X is not your personal army

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In the era of web 2.0, many netizens get impression that they have the power, at any given time, to create their own movement -- blind to the fact that community they represent is essentially controlled by a group of executives geared on exploiting them, lol. So next time you make a thread, remember, X is not your personal army, and you probably have a serious case of unwarranted self-importance.

[edit] X can be


[edit] See also

X is not your personal army
is part of a series on Web 2.0
Web 2.0Social networkingSocial networking sitesBloggingBlogospherePodcastingWikiingAjaxRuby on RailsInternet HumanitarianismX is not your personal armyITunes Store

Web 2.0 Sites
bebo | Broadcaster | chacha | digg | facebook | justin.tv | last.fm | livejournal | livevideo | myspace | slashdot | stickam | wikipedia | xanga | yahoo! answers | youtube | ytmnd

People of Web 2.0
Tom Anderson | Steve Chen | Brad Fitzpatrick | Max Goldberg | Iain Hall | Chad Hurley | Kevin Rose | Kathy Sierra | Jimmy Wales | You | Mark Zuckerberg

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