Lady Sovereign

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Here she tries to ingest a microphone. It is a ritual that any female MC must perform once per lunar month - until it becomes a pleasure.
Here she tries to ingest a microphone. It is a ritual that any female MC must perform once per lunar month - until it becomes a pleasure.
She has big, inflated tits that sadly were missing seconds later. Shed a tear for poor girl's ex-b00bs.
She has big, inflated tits that sadly were missing seconds later. Shed a tear for poor girl's ex-b00bs.

Lady Sovereign is the nickname associated to a female English MC. Her true name is disputed, though incessant voices on Intranets and TOW credit her as having two names: none of those are worth of mention whatsoever.

In her appearance, she looks like a young girl with the body of a wood fench, and this is a twist on the common plot of being a delusional white guy trying to escape the suburbia by his "fresh" rhymes. Her success may derive from the fact that she actually embodies the wet dream of any discographic producer, with cunning lyrics, a good girl appearance and a pair of non-surgically enhanced bewbs to make the MTV addled girls take her as a model.

[edit] History

She was born a poor English girl, trapped in her sad London apartment. She decided to overcome her sufferings and become hXc as soon as she reached her adolescence, and acquired her street credibility by having a rival gangleader auto-take his anal virginity with a broken beer bottle with the severe menace of starting a session of her obsessive, annoying rapping style. The outcome of this encounter has made her believe she could do the same trick by convincing people to worship her m4d skillz. Her poor conditions didn't keep her mother from giving her access to teh Interwebs, exposing the then 14 yo to pedophiles and to this guy:

You're white. You're a girl. You're British. You're crap.

—A gentleman who speaks the truth

nonetheless, someone reached a spark of profitability in her and brought her to international success.

Noteworthily, she enjoyed raep of fellow female rapper Jentina, dissing the latter's Romanian heritage and her birth in a caravan in a parody song. Way to go, girl.

Scientists at our HQs are eagerly awaiting for her to jump out her moment of success to study another case of a phenomenon that bursts in itself. Which means that in three minutes we'll be ridden from her. Several suppositions have been made about her possible futures when she'll be out from the jerk circle:

it's only a matter of time.

Lady Sovereign is part of a series on Music.

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