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Image:Stop_hand.png The following article is true.
If you disagree, you obviously like being fed bullshit from an immature, attention whoring, butthurt tartlet.
Snapesnogger is more than willing to call the Internet Police on this article. [6]
Snapesnogger is more than willing to call the Internet Police on this article. [6]
How most Thais react after finding out what Snapesnogger has done to their country's mythology.
How most Thais react after finding out what Snapesnogger has done to their country's mythology.
A fine example of Snogger's unmatched artistry.
A fine example of Snogger's unmatched artistry.
See, it's not pathetic when I do it on purpose, right? Right? *crickets chirp*
See, it's not pathetic when I do it on purpose, right? Right? *crickets chirp*

Snapesnogger is a whiny little shit from DeviantART who draws lame-ass anime-style Harry Potter fanart, mainly of Severus Snape (Alan Rickman) in thongs and various gay apparel. She also has a hueg jerk circle of mindless weeaboo fanbrats whose insidious lovefests have made her think she's something other than worthless and have caused her to skyrocket to the second most popular deviant on the goddamned site.

She believes it's perfectly fine to draw the same way for several years with little improvement or variety, and if you challenge this notion, she will curl into a little ball and weep like a bitch.


[edit] About Snapesnogger

Portrait of a birdfurry fat pig.
Portrait of a birdfurry fat pig.
Hey, at least we know they don't just like her for her looks! IS IT JUST ME, OR DOES SHE COMPLETELY LOOK LIKE PROFESSOR SEVERUS SNAPE FROM THE HARRY POTTER FILMS?!? What a strikeful resemblance.
Hey, at least we know they don't just like her for her looks! IS IT JUST ME, OR DOES SHE COMPLETELY LOOK LIKE PROFESSOR SEVERUS SNAPE FROM THE HARRY POTTER FILMS?!? What a strikeful resemblance.
Anyone with common sense knows that bubbly discharge from the penis is a sign of STDs. But Snapesnogger has no common sense.
Anyone with common sense knows that bubbly discharge from the penis is a sign of STDs. But Snapesnogger has no common sense.
Graphic gore, graphic violence and uncontrolled sobbing tend to be staples of Snogger's work.  And that's only on the receiving end.
Graphic gore, graphic violence and uncontrolled sobbing tend to be staples of Snogger's work. And that's only on the receiving end.

Snapesnogger has written and drawn illustrations for several of her fucktarded stories which include:

She suffers from the dreaded Bishie syndrome and seems to have a preference for vore/swallowing fetishes, pregnancy fetishes (Mpreg especially), pedophilia, guro/gore, violence with everybody present crying profusely and unrealistically, and of course, furry sex. She also seems to hate noses, though nobody knows why.

Snogger will not be trolled for trying to help! Even though she didn't try to help until AFTER being trolled. What a Saint!
Snogger will not be trolled for trying to help! Even though she didn't try to help until AFTER being trolled. What a Saint!

She is also a Gaiafag who whores out overly priced commissions of other Gaiafag avatars. Seeing how many retarded people are willing to pay for a shitty chibi drawing gives Snapesnogger a case of unwarranted self-importance, possibly because she's not yet as stupid as the people who pay her.

She has also recently joined the deviantART Breast Cancer Awareness bandwagon -- and although that may have most of you thinking "But that's not such a bad thing!" -- we must present the facts. She posted an image for the BCA Quilt Competition of Deviantart, and then put prints of the image up for sale. She only announced her intentions to donate the proceeds to charity after some trolls called her on it, and just to prove she's a good sport, she put some pink in her icon.

Overall, the only notable thing about Snapesnogger is that /b/ considers her a laughing stock and someone phished her for her username and password, then threw a nice copy of Tubgirl up on her front page. Lulz ensued as her equally worthless fanbase shit themselves collectively.

[edit] The Fanbase

A gaggle of typical Snapesnogger fans, poised for battle against the trolls.
A gaggle of typical Snapesnogger fans, poised for battle against the trolls.
A perfect example of the average intelligence of a typical Snapesnogger fan.
A perfect example of the average intelligence of a typical Snapesnogger fan.
Despite calling her fans both "retarded" and "sheep" on several occasions, Snapesnogger now tries to convince them otherwise with her latest devianTART signature.
Despite calling her fans both "retarded" and "sheep" on several occasions, Snapesnogger now tries to convince them otherwise with her latest devianTART signature.

Snapesnogger's fanbase (aka the half-assed G-Fanforce) is composed of belligerent little praisers and worshipers who kiss her ass so much that she won't actually LEAVE the god damn website -- no matter how much others may hope for it. She has threatened to leave the site at least 48 times but every time these annoying little fucks convince her to stay.

Also, if this page is suddenly blanked or says "SNAPESNOGGER IS AWESOM U PPL R A BUNCH OF FAGS!!!11" you know that her fanhorde has been here.

Currently, kineticlightning is her personal e-psychologist as well as a wannabe BFF, and Uchiha-Yuki is her number-one asskisser who always has something clever to say to a well-meaning troll as well as a trigger finger for the report button.

Truthfully, though, this page is dedicated to her fans,whom she has lovingly referred to as "sheep" on more than one occasion. If not for them, we would never have run across such a wonderful lolcow.

[edit] Fan Gallery

Snapesnogger's fans pride themselves (read: fall all over themselves) on presenting to her the most amazing and lavish of giftarts depicting her engaging original characters. Behold!

Now, given the average artistic skill of her fans, one can see why Snapesnogger's formulaic, poorly composed drawings with no stable sense of lighting, proportion, or color are considered "good."

[edit] Fun Facts

If you can't appreciate the beauty of male pregnant nagas, then you are clearly a troll.
If you can't appreciate the beauty of male pregnant nagas, then you are clearly a troll.
Then again, she's not exactly clear on the subject herself.
Then again, she's not exactly clear on the subject herself.
Being a Snapesnogger fan is obviously a shame.
Being a Snapesnogger fan is obviously a shame.
  • Snapesnogger believes that the trolls hate her because she's popular. Not because she's a querulous little twat, but because she has several ass-kissing fannits.
  • Snapesnogger will plug her ears, sing Fergie songs at the top of her lungs, and pretend she can't hear you when you attempt to tell her how much everyone hates her -- or at least the truth as to why -- then ban you and tell all her friends not to believe anything you say. Ever.
  • Though she claims she is not egotistical, she'll never think twice about telling you to fuck off if you call her mediocre.
  • She will beg her fans not to kiss her ass and then, not five minutes later, turn around and ask for their "opinion" (read: pucker up, ladies).
  • Snapesnogger has had lesbian thoughts!
  • Back in the day Snapesnogger was hired by Squaresoft to do the noseless artwork for the cult-hit game Final Fantasy Tactics.
  • Her biggest fan is Zeriara.
  • Once she gets a high bid for her crap art at her Gaia Online Auction she will disappear, leaving the bidder holding their bag.
    • Jeffree MoonJeffree Moon has tried to recruit her in his "war" against ED.]

[edit] Breaking News: Snapesnogger makes new DeviantArt account!

Reecently, Snogger created a new account on DA to avoid all those who hate her and believe her work is complete shit. Being as brilliant as she is, claiming to be sick of drama, she posted the decision in her journal, in order to gather her fantards in an attention whoring pity party. The latter smeared all the comments with so much failing sobs and hugs, that the server went down, unable to cope with imbecility. The sheer lameness can be seen in the fact that she actually makes her fanbase to fucking dig up the site in search of her zomg-precious artwork, so to cause moar drama than ever.

So, what did Snapesnogger do, and why did she whine that ED soon found her new hideout? Liek, posting utterly recognizable crap featuring her bestest male lesbian dyke friend (who was too smart enough to add the abhorrent pieces of art to her fav), using the same avatards and mentioning ED in the fucking FIRST journal is TTLY CANSPIRACEE LOL.

Drama ensued immediately, and rages on. Despite all her claims of being mature and independent from fans, this current lulzfest clearly depicts that nothing in the whole world will make Snogger moar than a hypocritical lolcow, which hungers moar and moar pageviews, faves, and e-fame, but still can't accept even an ounce of critique.

So here's a link to her new account she doesn't want anyone to see. The raiding/trolling/spamming/butthurt has already begun, because the creepy gay nagas and bunny fucktard people with saw-like teeth are just too obvious to ignore.

As always, she hides comments as fast as shits art, so scrncpzplzthx for great justice.

[edit] Bitter Truth can't be hidden

Some people, seeing this unsurpassable faggotry, tried to reason Snogger, and of course, the comments where hidden with the speed of light. Thanks to GPRS, some of the wise words were saved, as to be an eternal reminder to the whiny shit's fucktardness.

~-kitsune- 45 minutes 51 seconds ago

Well now. I was right, see? And you asked me, "How will my account be popular if nobody knows it?" If you want peace, Gemma, don't create Deviantart accounts. Become a serious artist, if that's your desire, grow up, and leave the playground.

He's right, you know. You just... crave attention. But see, the problem is this: You have talent yes. You know it. And you rub it in your fans' faces. And that is the reason as to why you've become 'Bitter', to borrow your word for it.

Your art is lovely, yes. But see, you can't even climb out of your fairy tale illustration rut, as Knifeguy has pointed out.

You claim you want to grow as an artist: well, here's a tip. Most artists don't make their money drawing pretty, personalized, manga-esue pictures. They work and toil and slave for years to reflect their emotions, and the beauty they see around them.

You may have developed a style of your own, but in the long run, is it really that different from the thousands of other cartoon styles out there? No, it's not, and I'm sorry to say that, but it's not. You're never going to go anywhere in life with it unless you realize that you've stuck with it because it sucks in the fans. On the INTERNET.

If you want to improve as an artist, break away from what you KNOW works to pull people in, and try something different. DON'T post it on Deviant Art. Take it to REAL people with REAL opinions on how you can improve, and how you can grow as an artist. Break away from the 'children's book illustrations' style, and find something that is uniquely YOU, not a combination of everything you see in cartoons and on DeviantArt.

I draw my manga pictures because it's fun. Not because I want to suck the attention out of everyone around me.

It's time to grow up, Gemma, and face the real world instead of hiding in the shadow of DeviantArt, sucking the attention you so desire out of children and teenagers. To truly grow as an artist, it's time to ditch what you know works for you, and strive and sweat and toil for something better.

— Kitsune-, trying to sugercoat the harsh reality,

Of course, the snogger couldn't bear the insults.

Comment on *RavingG

~KnifeGuy 57 minutes 9 seconds ago

You know I've been playing the fool for a while now but I'm going to get serious with you for a moment, so listen up. You're a real piece of work, you know that snogger? You run a tangent screaming that you want to be left alone, that you want to be a recluse, and go back to living in humility and develop as an artist; the sad fact of the matter is, you don't want that at all and you never want that. I point this out to plead with you to drop the act because you're not fooling anybody. You're just pissing everybody off more with your bullshit attitude. Just fess up already: you're a lying, bitter, stupid attention-mongering brat. This is what your popularity on DA has made you, and you relish in it. You don't strive for improvement because you know you don't have to when you're surrounded by as many morons as you are. And you like these morons, they re-enforce your childlike behavior and enable you to act like the spoiled little "starving artist" you pretend to be.

You know you have it pretty lucky for someone on the internet, which is a pretty backwards thing to say, but hear me out. Artists with TWICE the talent as you have to struggle TWICE as hard for recognition because all jerks like you have to do is pump out rosy pink pictures of their favorite character from their childrens novels--which they have since outgrown reading, like yourself--sucking the nads off some other ass from the novel, and instantly it is internet fodder for prepubescent perverts to oogle over.

To get more to the point (and pardon my language, I know you're SUPER SENSITIVE when anybody says anything MEEEAAN to you) you're a fucking sell-out and an insult to the artists community and don't deserve an inch's-worth of praise for the cookie-cutter factory work you pump out for attention.

Were you beaten as a child? Neglected? Did your mother not hug you enough or something? I ask because it seems to me like you're living vicariously off your artwork just for the attention. This might be because there's nothing about your personality--as displayed online, is obnoxious and wretched--that is at all redeemable. It's obvious you have self esteem issues, probably because you're not all that attractive and just about as likable in life as you are on the internet, which isn't very liked if you haven't noticed. Maybe once you wise up in real life and start realizing that the internet doesn't owe you shit, just like the real world, you will come to terms with all the drama you've started AND contributed to and perhaps see from our point of view, why you are currently one of the most hated artist's personalities on the net.

I implore you to spend some time to reflect on yourself, because the more you try and hide in the shadows and the more you try to pretend to be "okay" with the way things are now, the worse you're going to become and the less you're going to improve, and the less people are going to be able to put up with you.

If you have any sign of maturity, if you have any sense of dignity or ANYTHING, you won't hide this comment and cower under your victim veil

— Knifeguy's TL;DR attempt to surpass "Snapesnogger-Listen",

Seems like Snogger does NOT have dignity as the comment was hidden. As well as she has no logic either.

Comment on *RavingG

~gaskrieger 41 seconds ago I applaud to you, sir Knifeguy. There are some very good points, and I want to add a few more.

Snogger's main problem is that she's really dependant on other people's ideas and personalities.

She doesn't produce original content, like a real artist does. In another way, she's behaving like your typical furfag. I'll explain.

First she thrived upon Snape. That's more or less normal for teen girl, to drool over an experienced harsh male character, and though she twisted him completely, turning the character into a gay chibi, it's understandable. But secondary.

Than the Red Venom and Angel 1000. That's where the furfaginess started to blossom. Snogger's trait is extreme lazyness and neglect. She announced two graphic stories, but what did she actually draw? 50% furfag reference sheets of characters, 40% depiction of luuurve poses of two male naga, and only 10% pictures to illustrate the key scenes of the nonexistent story. Obviously, this is because her moronic fantards are happy with reference cute sheets, and subliming your fantasies for a handsom naga is sooo easy. She's done like, 1 comic page and that's it, letting here fans imagine that she's "working hard on the story" when in reality she just posted every picture of Kave or whoever each time she decided to change the form of his horns.

Needless to say, nagas aren't her original creation.

Now, on to this foofoo bussiness. Again, the characters aren't hers. Foo and Bob are two lesbian dykes, which act like men on teh interwebz and created personas of demonic Gorillaz-like guys in bunny suits. Totally original and attractive, aint it? But for snogger it was just another gay manly ideal to fanfart over. And this time, in a fit of furfaggotry, she finally got the option to insert herself in her art, to finally sublime her wish for being a cute infantile snuggable creature. Again, she posts meaningless narcissistic "fabart", no plot, no ideas, only snippets.

That's what her art is. It's not fanart, it's not illustration. It's cartoonish masturbation to ownself and internet personas, and it has nothing meaningful or spiritual behind it. And prepubescent teens gloat all over it just because they were spoiled by anime and are ready to love anything granted if it's TEH GAY.

btw, snogger, too late. I copied everything.

— Gaskrieger, analyzing the art and preserving the lulz,

[edit] Snapesnogger Returns!

Being the whiny little shit she is, she came back to her original account as Snapesnogger tried to convince everyone the trolls did not phase her. Apparently, they have no lives and are obsessed with her. She claims she feels sorry for them because apparently she's not the one with the mental condition. She goes on to say " i mean...i dont actually do anything bad anymore.", like the hidden constructive critism and blocking everyone who is not a fantard do not count as "bad".

She tries to lie by saying "despite what some of you may do to try and bring me down, i will just take it in my stride. you people are making me stronger and stronger, what doesnt kill me can only help me in the future." even though everyone knows she crawls into a corner and cuts herself every time someone says anything slightly negative about her art.

When a few reasonable people tried to get through her thick head and tell her she didn't get it at all, she tried to pull her usual "You don't know me!" bullshit.Amai-Nihachi suceeded in making Snogger use her RavingG account to reply on the Snapesnogger page. Realizing she made herself sound like even more of a retard, snapesnogger promptly hid the comments, leaving her original TL;DR. By doing this, it's obvious she thought she made herself look like the determined hero, instead of the fool. Succeeding in making a fool of herself, someone reminded her by linking to this section of this article.

After the situation died down, Snogger found a link to a giftart of her character Gemma on her page. The poor fantard Jerica-the-Angel was taken aback when Snogger blatantly refused the gift. Why? simply because Jerica-the-Angel said in response to Amai-Nihachi's "you don't get it" comment, "Don't you see Gemma? :( She's right. I feel bad that you're going though this, but you have to listen :(" Needless to say, snogger AKA RavingG jumped to her own defense and "yelled" at the poor fantard.

I LOL'D! ...But, I thought there weren't girls on the interbutts.

[edit] Snogger EDits?

After these snowcrashing events, Snogger finally decided to take her fate in her own fat hands. Mysteriously, in sheer minutes, in the link list of this article the link to her new RavingG account dissappears! What can it be - another act in the editing war, or the furry lesbian fucktard or her fans made an astonishingly smart attempt to fuck with the article?

[edit] Friendly comments on her new page

[edit] UH-OH! Better call the Waaambulance!

Gemmy-poo has just posted a journal whining and bitching about how much of a victim she is, beggin people to leave her alone, publicly insulting her fan base and wondering why people have problems with her, not realizing if she grew up and stopped being a whiny little cunt-face things might change... NEVERMIND. Apparently someone succeeded in 'hacking' her account, though this is yet to be proven and may just be Snogger's way of defending her extremely emo behavior. BALEETED.


Yup, Snogger has pulled a DevineAngel and made up a shite excuse for her appalling behaviour - screencaps coming soon folks! Even though any idiot knows that a hacker would not have deleted the journal or hid the lulzy comments, Snogger still stands by her excuse.

[edit] The ConceptArt Incident

How dare they insult such perfection?
How dare they insult such perfection? is a place where serious artists -- many of them professionals or advanced students -- go to receive serious critiques of their work. Snapesnogger, in her infinite wisdom, waltzed into this environment expecting a wave of the same demented praise and adoration she gets from her DA fangirls. Instead, she received a reasonable and honest critique of her image:

I'm also having a hard time with the 60/40 gender percentage. Being a hermaphrodite/intersex or transgendered I get, but your character wants a male pronoun, looks male...but has babies? I'm not sure that's even plausible for the snake half. Is this founded in some sort of science, or just your own fantasy?

The twins looking completely different throws me too, but that's a whole 'nother scientific discussion.

I do like the drawing and coloring (in both pieces, though I'm partial to the marker version for some reason) for the human half and kids. The kids are very cute, and I really like the way you handled the eyes and hair. The snake half looks really lumpy though and the background looks flat and crowds the space of the piece. I think some work on volume might help in the future.

—Mirana, actually being helpful,

The response was, of course, sweetly reasonable:

i really tried at this picture, why are you people so picky?!! im not being ignorant here, but it seems that im doing everything wrong all the time! and you dont know this character! he has a big profile on me and he means alot to me so dont question him. this isnt just to you, mirana, but everyone who is complaining. i like drawing manga, get over it! and the snake part does NOT LOOK LUMPY!!!

—Snapesnogger, classy to the end,

After this Snogger was pretty much reamed by ConceptArt goers (though some chose to simply admonish her, but the reaming is much funnier). The thread itself still exists and is a fun read! Choice words from the pros:

Oh, and we will not "get over" you liking to draw manga. Manga is a disease in many ways, because people think that they can become a great manga artist without a grounding in life drawing and such beforehand. This is not true. There are a few FANTASTIC manga artists who post here, and you can see in all of their work that they have done hundreds of hours of studies on realistic anatomy, lighting and colour, composition. Only then have they settled into their chosen style.

You have not done this, it is quite obvious. Your work is derivative manga. Outside your circle of DA friends, there is nothing to distinguish it from anyone elses derivative manga.

—Give this man a Nobel Peace Prize,

Snapesnogger ran back to deviantART in tears and complained in her journal (which makes it to the deviantART Today Page every single time she posts one because of her dumbass fans) about those mean, judgmental professional artists who dared to judge her by artistic standards. Her fans obediently bashed ConceptArt, calling them elitists, assholes, and of course "jealous".

Between ConceptArt and NagaMaster, Snoggy's journal garnered enough attention to appear in the "Top Journals" on the Today Page and thus drew a much larger crowd. People began criticizing her for acting like a spoiled brat and sullying the name of ConceptArt, so she deleted that journal and put up an identical one, where the criticisms continued (much to her chagrin). That second journal was also eventually deleted, but the incident fixed her in people's minds for life as a whiny, spoiled brat. Catchphrases from her CA encounters such as "What a naga is..." "I know nagas," and "the snake part does NOT LOOK LUMPY!!!" have since caught on as Snogger memes.

This Encyclopedia Dramatica article even earned ConceptArt a few new members! [7][8][9]

[edit] Banned from y!Gallery

The picture responsible for Snogger's permaban.
The picture responsible for Snogger's permaban.

On December, 22nd, 2006, Snapesnogger was banned from y!Gallery after a long period of continuous retardedness and rule-breaking. The final straw was a gratuitous and anatomically incorrect drawing with a supposedly male character who, she quickly revealed, had a decidedly non-male vagina. Y!Gallery, being a site for lonely women and closet lesbians to share their yaoi femmy male on male porn, is very anti-snatch.

She posted to her DA journal complaining about the cruel mods and her unfair treatment and 'frivolous' banning, and added a touch of sour grapes by saying "Perhaps I don't like being stiffled by rules..." This has proven once and for all that in Snapesnogger's mind, common sense simply does not exist (and also that bitch can't spell).

After a y!Gallery mod (who also happened to have a dA account) chastised her -- 1) for complaining when she knew perfectly well what the rules of the site were and yet broke them anyway, and 2) for thinking that because she was popular and had so many fans on y!G that she should be given special treatment -- Snapesnogger replied, "its just a site, a stupid strict site. i wish i had seen it earlier. please dont send me anymore notes."

It should be noted that Snapesnogger's rule-breaking on y!Gallery included:

  • Lying about her age and signing up there before she had turned 18
  • Uploading copyrighted material for a club
  • Harassing a moderator for drawing "offensive hick nagas" (which, as it turns out, had nothing to even do with her)
  • Uploading an image that she stated was of her on deviantART but lied on y!Gallery saying it was just a "REALLY girly guy" (presumably because she didn't get her fill of favorites on dA and sought more from Y!Gallery)

[edit] Forgiveness DENIED

Despite how strict and stupid she thought the site was, just 2 days later, upon the introduction of a form to provide banned users with a chance to return to the gallery, Snapesnogger eagerly filled it out. Unfortunately, it was a trap, and she was promptly redirected to this ED article.

She didn't seem to like this very much, judging by this message that was reportedly sent to a moderator:

Also i would like to ad how fucking immature you stupid site is, the form of forgiveness? how come when i tried to submit a form it went straight to a site full of insulting stuff about me? how come? i suppose you and your nasty little mod friends think its hilarious? well its not!!! I TRY MY BEST TO IGNORE THAT FOUL ENCYCLOPEDIA DRAMATICA AND YOUR DUMB NASTY MALICIOUS SITE PUSHES IT IN MY FUCKING FACE???


—Snapesnogger, unleashing the fucking fury

[edit] The New Me - Snoggy's New Years Resolution

As a result of the y!Gallery Forgiveness trickery, Snapesnogger came up with a New Year's resolution to "stop recording bad experiences in any of my art userpage journals or to respond to rude people." Fortunately for continued lulz, she has made such claims in the past (see below) and they've never lasted for more than about 5 or 6 days.

[edit] Banned from y!Gallery... again

wut!? CLEARLY THIS IS A TOTALLY DIFFERENT PURSON! Also, lol that she faves a noseless chibi that looks just like her "unique" style.
wut!? CLEARLY THIS IS A TOTALLY DIFFERENT PURSON! Also, lol that she faves a noseless chibi that looks just like her "unique" style.

On July 1st, 2007, Snapesnogger created a new account on y!Gallery using the name Veserus (and even rejoined one of her own clubs). So she hates the site's strict rules and believes the mods are all out to get her SO MUCH that she makes a new account to circumvent her banned one? I think we all know what that means..

Less than 20 minutes after her first post to the site, she was banned again, thus proving that no matter what uninspired pseudonym you use, your retarded art style will always rat you out.

[edit] I Nose Nagas - Snoggy Breaks Her New Year's Resolution

Snapesnogger trying to control who does and doesn't laugh at light-hearted pseudo-fanart.
Snapesnogger trying to control who does and doesn't laugh at light-hearted pseudo-fanart.
heh you nasty bitch. noone at niko's likes you,NO ONE!! everyone just bitches about how patheitc you were!


moar related lulz
moar related lulz

There were bad puns and butthurt for all when a particularly clever TARTlet, FoxNede, cooked up a masterpiece called "I Nose Nagas" featuring a character resembling Snoggy's emo hermaphrodite fag in a Groucho Marx getup.

The image was pretty harmless and light-hearted, but oddly, that's not what set Snoggy off, no. The picture didn't bother her but the people laughing at it did (LOL WUT). Just having a giggle was enough to set Snapesnogger off and get her bitching about cruelty and people hating her (her usual rap), thus predictably breaking her New Year's resolution. Only, you know, these weren't trolls and meaniebutts so much as people just chuckling at a cute drawing that Snoggy herself claimed she didn't find insulting.

Though she threw a few insults at people (like the one above), devianTART deleted the artwork rather than banning her for her verbal attacks, since she's popular. The system works. (Now if she had been spouting 4chan memes at the same time she would have been permabanned.)

During her hissy fit she also insulted her fanbase, again, and yet they continue to lick her ass and beg for more:


[edit] GAIA LULZ

If you've been living under a rock for at least 100 years, you may not have noticed -- or perhaps just not given a shit -- that Snapesnogger ALSO has a Gaia Online account (just one more milestone in her plot to take over the internet). But one must remember that where there is Snogger, there is SURE to be lulz!

For example, she insists that she hates all the drama that surrounds her and yet -- like a fly on a particularly foul pile of shit -- she just can't stay away. Witness for yourself the drama that actually preceded Snapesnogger on Gaia Online -- a site where fags generally go to complain about Tartlets:

Snapesnogger is a bitch -- Who knew?

This thread was created in February 2007 just so people could bitch about Snapesnogger, which is practically a national pastime now. Interest died out after a while, and the last post was made on February 20th. However, after the thread was dead and gone, Snogger (under one of her numerous Gaiafag accounts, "Jerrymalou") shows up -- NEARLY TWO MONTHS LATER -- and drags the drama right back up to the top of the forums.


We thank you for insisting that everyone is a sick fuck just like you. Even if it were true, most of us still have the sense not to post gay anime furry porn and Harry Potter slash all over the internet (or in /b/'s case, not to post their own).

[edit] ART LULZ

Snapesnogger likes to believe that she's the second most popular artist on deviantART (following her idol Bleedman) and has so many fans/watchers because she's a great artist. While it's more probable that she's so popular because she draws kawaii chibi anime fanart and Mpreg slash from popular TV shows and movies on a site where weeaboo idiots reign supreme, we'll let you be the judge:

[edit] Snapesnogger Listened to Art Critique!? O.o

On November 25, 2007, Zelda164 decided to troll Snogger's deviantART page. However, this troll would be very different from the trolls Snapesnogger was used to. It all started with an honest critique of her artwork:

Hey. I was searching for some Harry Potter artwork, and on my search for Snape, I cam across your artwork. I must say, your artwork is very cute. However, looking at your artwork from 2004 and comparing it to your work from now, I have to say I don't see much change. No offense, but I don't like it when people draw the same way for years and years with little improvement. I see your potential as a great artist, but there is room for improvement. My advice is that you start trying to draw new styles. Try cubism, try impressionism, try realism. Who knows? Maybe you are really good in those styles. You're a good manga artist, but if you want to be better, you're going to have to try and draw new styles. It's not that I don't like your art, it's just that manga gets boring after a while. Sometimes people want more than that. If you want more fans outside of DA, you're going to have to.

—Zelda164, telling the truth

This was followed by RedCrayonAristocrat agreeing with the statement.

Normally, a person with common sense would listen to someone's criticism, especially if TWO PEOPLE CAME TO THE SAME CONCLUSION. But Snapesnogger, being the psycho bitch she is, responed:

well the most important thing now is i know i have improved. so i dont really understand where you are coming from :/ bye.

—Snapesnogger, being her egotisitcal self.

Snapesnogger then hid Zelda164's comment, because she thought she could hide the truth. However,

Excuse me, I was just offering critique. And I said "I don't see much of a change." I didn't say you haven't improved, you HAVE, just not that much. What's the problem?

—Zelda164, responding to Snapesnogger's faggotry

Apparently, everything's the problem:

i think ive improved alot, and not in the sense of an ego, but for crying out loud! jus cos i dont actually enjoy drawing realism, means that i havent improved? get off my back please?

—Snapesnogger, showing off her leet grammer skillz

Zelda164 fired back:

I never stated that not enjoying realism means you haven't improved. I'm just saying if you would try more styles, you would be more popular on places outside deviantART.

—Zelda164 showing his leet grammar skills.,

Snapesnogger, being out of ways to fight back, began to lie:

i have been trying new styles. jus cos you cant see it doesnt mean i havent been. anyway, i dont want to be in a bad mood...

—Snapesnogger, lying through her teeth,

Well where are they, then? Why won't you show them to us? Are you so egotistical that you won't show us that you CAN do different styles?

—Zelda164, heating things up,

Snapesnogger began to hide everyone's comments again, thinking she could win. That's when Zelda164 delivered what he thought would be the final nail in Snigger's coffin:

You bitch. You've proved everything your ED article says: your a whiny shit who curls up into a ball whenever someone tells you that you need improvement. Too bad I'm a troll, or I wouldn't have had the balls to screencap these events. These will be put on ED, providing even more proof of who you really are. You cause all the drama to levitate toward you then you blame other people. You shit all over your fans, but they keep crawling back to kiss your ass because they don't know any better. Do us a favor and get off the internet, it would save us the trouble of having to hear from a whiny diva.

—Zelda164, winning,

Snapesnogger responded with:

so fucking what. immature little asswipe. do us all a favour and stop being alive.

—Snapesnogger, out of ideas,

And so, just to prove how mature she really is, Snapesnogger hid Zelda164's, RedCrayonAristocrat's and Decieving's comments, and blocked them all. Well done, boys, we salute you.

Snapesnigger thinks she can hide the comments to hide the truth, but its a fruitless effort when there are screencaps!

Afterward, RedCrayonAristocrat had this to say:

Alright! You're my new heroe! When I first joined here, i thought she was a really great person. Then I read ED. I wanted to see it for myself. Turned out to be true. ED opened my eyes.

—RedCrayonAristocrat, thanking Zelda164 and ED,

[edit] Snapesnogger - The Talented Poet and Prayer Writer

The bitch ruined my fucking religion.


Voldemort and Peter Pettigrew having buttsex is kawaii. Also note that she drew a nose on the one Harry Potter character that doesn't fucking have one.
Voldemort and Peter Pettigrew having buttsex is kawaii. Also note that she drew a nose on the one Harry Potter character that doesn't fucking have one.

This is, without a doubt one of the most fucktarded things a fangirl can do, write a prayer -- or rather, take a Christian prayer and make it even more fail -- for one's own fetish.

So -- before she deletes this sorry piece of filth -- we feel a strong need to show you how Snapesnogger shits in the face of Religion and -- once again -- ruins the name of Severus Snape.

How Gemma responds to criticism.
How Gemma responds to criticism.


The Snape's Prayer!

Our Severus, who art in hogwarts,

Hallowed be thy nose.

Thy caulrdon come.

Thy will be done,

On the astronomy tower as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily potion.

And forgive us our bad grades,

As we forgive those who curse our asses off.

And lead us not into detention,

But deliver us from evil.

For thou is the hotness,

and the smartness,

and teh SEX,

for ever and ever.

Avada kedavera

This is a crap sandwich. It is made of fail and AIDS. And a typo.


[edit] Stacey English

One day Snoggy was moaning in her journal (now deleted) about an art thief who stole some of her art and posted it on Elfwood, posing as her, and sicced her fanbeasts upon them. While this is acceptable in and of itself, she never gave a crap when "Stacey English" was stealing other people's artwork or posing as them.

Deviantartist Kez-ler-tron decided to call her on this. The full conversation can be found here.

Quotes are no different from any other artist this person has scammed...


you can piss off :D


[edit] Venezuela

She's laughing to hide her tears.
She's laughing to hide her tears.

So when Stacey English steals Snogger's art, she flies into a batshit rage. However when a Venezuelan newspaper, a T-shirt shop in Canada, and some anime convention in Mexico hosted in a barn on a dirt farm does it -- and makes money off of it -- Snogger is A-OK! Even honored!!

She doesn't have the sense to sue or ask for royalities from any of these people, even as they profit by using her shit, thus proving that she will never make any money off her art. But she claims that as long as it's fanart and not her pregnant homosexual snake furries or fucktarded angels (Who would use any of those for anything anyway, amirite?) that she doesn't care.

It should be noted for the lulz that the Venezuelan newspaper ripped off the only thing that made Snapesnogger an internet celebrity in the first place.

Also, with this out in the open, she's pretty well given us all the option to totally fuck around with her art! So sell it on DA! Sell it in your town! It's "lol, funny" according to Snoogy and she won't have any problem with it at all!

[edit] Pudge03


As Snapesnogger is ultimately a clusterfuck of confusion and failure, she baffles us once again. To sum it up:

  • It's NOT OKAY for some random online person to steal her art and claim to be her.
  • It's A-OKAY for other countries to steal and sell copies of her crappy fanart IRL and not give her a single lick of credit or royalties.
  • It's NOT OKAY for some random Tartlet to make a freehanded copy of her art and submit it to their gallery.

Recently, one of Snogger's brain-dead fans posted a comment to her userpage with a link to a picture that was freehanded from Snogger's fucktarded Harry Potter chibi heads and stated that the artist -- Pudge03 -- was 'trying to steal' it.

Upon hearing of such an unimaginable travesty as freehanding -- when one copies an existing picture entirely by hand (which differs it from tracing as there was actually effort put into it) -- two of Snogger's lackeys, as well as Snogger herself, went to confront the hapless Deviant and urge them to take down the picture or face being reported. This proves that Snapesnogger will forever be obsessed with petty shit that happens on the internet and it is a lost cause to try and teach her that real life should be more important. Thus far, it appears that the artist doesn't give a shit and deviantART staff has yet to remove the picture.

What's particularly faggoty about this incident is that this is certainly not the only submission on deviantART that was made referencing Snogger's work and one has to wonder if she and her fucktarded weeaboo superfan intend to scour the entire god damned website and report every single one of them, thus making more work for the lazy deviantART staff and giving them yet another reason to hate her.


Snogger now has a YouTube account where she submits shitty picture slideshows (which she incorrectly calls animations) and five minute videos of her producing those shitty pictures. Since it is all anime Harry Potter fanart, and the background music for her videos includes selections from Avril Lavigne and Nick Lachey, she's sure to be a big hit.

It should be noted that Snapesnogger --due to flames -- has deleted her more notable YouTube submissions including:

Father must be so proud.
Father must be so proud.
As you can see, Snapesnogger has improved a lot over the years.
As you can see, Snapesnogger has improved a lot over the years.

The following is the only video remaining on her account. Trolling the Hell out of that shit is still highly recommended so that the internets may be rid of it as well. Also, she has an Australian accent, please wear proper ear protection.

Snapesnogger giggles and blows into the microphone alot as she blames her

crappy drawing on her recording program and narrates herself drawing a

chibi Snape for 6 CUKIONG minutes.
TL;DW version, minus 'LOLBRBPHONE'
TL;DW version, minus 'LOLBRBPHONE'

[edit] FCTC Spoiler Theatre

Well, there’s one crapfest I don't have to read.
Well, there’s one crapfest I don't have to read.

A few weeks ago, FCTC (Foocy Toocy/Fried Chicken Trolling Crew) posted a video on YouTube (now deleted by staff) and linked to it on Snogger's page as well as used it for a video response to her submissions. The video seemed innocent enough, featuring Harry Potter art...but then a video-cap of Meatspin pops up.

FCTC then proceeded to spam the hell out of her page with spoilers from the final book of the series.

Snapesnogger's immediate response was to make a deviantART journal (see Fig. 1) threatening to "delete all the snape art and get a new account" if it turned out that Snape killed Dumbledore Snape was evil. Anonymous rejoiced as he knew that Snape did in fact kill Dumbledore Snape was probably evil, but solemnly as Snapesnooger has made threats to leave the internet before.

As anonymous predicted, Snogger released a journal the next day apologizing for being a fag (see Fig. 2). And as it turns out, anonymous' hopes got fucked since Snape was proven to be good -- as "good" and "your mom's creepy stalker" apparently mean the same thing in the Harry Potter universe).


[edit] No more kawaii? ):

In a startling turn of events, Snapesnogger seems to be wanting good comments instead of bullshit ones! But most of us know that she's just trying to feed us moar crap and trying to cover up past drama.

[edit] Paintchat log

See the paintchat log here

[edit] Lulz not-epic story

Snapesnogger proves once again how much she fails, making this entry for her latest awesome story and begging for artwork. But was shortly thereafter deleted, because even Snapesnogger could tell that it was too EPIC for other people to know about, because ZOMG SHE HAS TALENT. It was recovered thanks to Bad_RPers_Suck.

I have a book I'm writing and all and like uhh...My character who is also my RPC like is an elf halfling and she is princess of the land of elves bu her life and power is all of the lands put together ((basically she has the powers of an elf, vampire, lycan, demon, gargole, fairy, and whatever else she learns and she is wanted in every land)lol She is cursed and has to find a mate in other species that is not human or elf in order to brake a curse placed upon her. She has to give birth to a baby before or by her 18th birthday or all her power will be stripped away...She will become Queen and her Mate King once she is queen she becomes queen off all the lands around...My girl has three different stories to this one story...the first she falls in love with a Vampire with demon in him of Fire who is a single king of the land of Fire named Angel...Then a Naga named Darius who finds her in the forest one day and he learns of her quest and 'helps her out', Same thing with a Naga named Dark(goes by Fang sometimes) he's looking for a mate and see's her in the forest and his body says "I agree you can be the mate" and Sina agrees as well and they hit it off as well heehee Dirty little 14-year old lol

I was wondering could you make some pics for my book lol me and the guys could use the 'visual' help lol!

—Snapesnogger-Batshit, begging for art

[edit] Troll Artwork

Here we hope to collect some lulzworthy Snapesnogger hate and parody art (most of which is probably by Zeriara) and post it here -- mainly so we can giggle immaturely at it, then flood her page with them. If you find any more Snogger haet or parody art -- or have made your own -- upload that shit and add it to the gallery!

[edit] Special Lesbian Edition!

Anyone who has followed Snoogler drama long enough knows well the standing rivalry between her and fellow internet dramawhore, Zeriara. The truth of the matter is that they are so much alike in terms of faggotry, drama/attention whoring, and lame-ass art that it's obvious they were made for each other. Behold the testament to their everlasting love!

[edit] A New Chapter Begins

A few days ago Snapesnogger announced that DA is no place for 'professional artists' to try and make a living (no shit). Now that Snogger has crap printed on a t-shirt, and SOLD her fucked up 'over 9000' inspired shirt, she is a pro, guys. Therefore, she no longer needs her legions of fans to make her feel like she is loved. In her recent journal little Snigger tries to bid a fake farwell:

LOL I'm leaving this account :3 Don't worry, I'm not upset, rather i feel alot more relieved.

I'm not leaving DA but I'm not mentioning the name of my new account either and please dont go out of your way to look for it.

This account is turning me into a bad bitter person and I've tried a long time to overcome the crap I've gotten and be brave XD; me leaving is not a sign of me being weak. I was weak for clinging to this popularity that was twisting me into a piece of Crap. XD paranoid and sad most of the time. Jhonen Vasquez told me that DA is Not a reliable place for a gorwing artist... and though many people have told me this it didnt sink in. I've realized with the friends i have and the urge to push forward with my work, i Dont need this DA account.

I'm still leaving my art up here, ill prolly post my fanart crap here and post sales information. but original art and anything else wont be posted here. i wont be replying to Notes or messages.

—Snogger-lying to her pitiful self,

Screencap of 'farewell journal'
Screencap of 'farewell journal'

Snigger claims she no longer needs to feel consoled by her millions of pageviews. Obviously, she is full of shit, being the popularity whore she is. By creating a new DA account, Snogger is once again trying to run from her "drama" in which she has always brought opon her stupid self. Running (or slithering, in Snogger's case) away from her once thriving hovel of kiss ass fans and numerous flames is going to solve her problems and get her moneys, obviously. Snogger admits that she was emo at least, yet she still tries to hide it all and make herself seem like a hero and lie again when she says she has friends.

Snigger may believe her method of lowering her vendetta with Anon will work; whoever finds and posts the link to this new account will bring sweet, epic lulz. One may choose to interpret Gemma's disowning of her precious Snapesnogger account (and alias) a victory for nigras everywhere. Also notice Snogger's new, potential website which has yet to be launched. Expect some horrible coding, nagas, and haxxing when she finally decides to finish it.

[edit] External Links

Quote for fukkin' truth
Quote for fukkin' truth


She make her own website! Under construction.

[edit] Art-Related

Snapesnogger on DeviantART ABANDONED.


Snapesnogger's Chatroom on DeviantART Made by none other than the Queen Naga herself. Be sure to drop by and tell her you love her.

Yet another account on sheezy? Registered on 12/18/07. Came into sheezyart's IRC to bitch about her not stealing her own art for some unknown reason, wtf?

Another Sheezy!? Seems she's made a new ShittyART account. >:3

Another FurAffinity! She's back on FA! Fucking hypocrite. TROLL FOR INFINITE LULZ.

Snapesnogger on Y!Gallery BANNED. However (if a y!Gallery user is logged in), you can still find copious amounts of her lulzy noseless porn.

A second Y!Gallery account made to circumvent her original B& account. Banned within .5 seconds.

Snapesnogger on Entervoid See Entervoid. I smell another ConceptArt incident in the making. Supposedly abandoned now that Entervoid has decided to critique her too.

Snapesnogger on GFXartists Taking another crack at life as an elitist.

Snapesnogger on FanArtCentral Full of lulzy-ass old Snogger art.

Snapesnogger on Storm-Artists

Snapesnogger on Elfwood. Disregard that, it was an imposter.

[edit] Gaia-Related

Snapesnogger as jerrymalou (questionably active)

Snapesnogger as Lee Osprey (questionably active)

Snapesnogger as Snoggerific (currently active)

Lee Osprey Gaia Online Store ZOMG She iz teh bestest on there!!11!

Snoggerific Gaia Auction (See Fun Facts)

[edit] Literature-Related

Snapesnogger on Lulzy old Harry Potter fic.

Snippet of her Red Venom story Quick! Go steal the plot from her and make a motion picture masterpiece! But not before making sure to tell her how great her writing is.

[edit] Misc.

Snapesnogger on MySpace

Snapesnogger on Livejournal (as ravingartist)

Snapesnogger on YouTube Her fucking shit YouTube videos...what a cunt. Make sure to comment the shit out of it.

Her Army of Fantards

Wanna relive fond Snogger memories? Check out the Way Back Machine!

Snapesnogger on Last.FM

[edit] Snapesnogger Clones

People who are well on their way to being JUST LIKE SNAPESNOGGER:



(plz ad moar)


Snapesnogger on Furaffinity Where she migrated after being b& from y!Gallery. She likes the site for accepting and congratulating her for her fetishes HAS LEFT FOREVAR DUE TO TROLLS. Unfortunately, she deleted most of the lulzy-ass porn in an attempt to keep ED from posting it.

Snapesnogger on SheezyART Not even lethal doses of lens flare background can make this any more tolerable.

Snapesnogger on Abandoned since they decided to critique her. Check out her gallery and you'll see a final lulzworthy attempt to "subtly" tell off the critics. Check out her journal and you'll see pathetic incarnate.

ConceptArt haet Snapesnogger :( The original ConceptArt lulzapalooza. If you click the drop down list by her icon, you can find all her forum posts. Doing it for the lulz is highly recommended.

A SEKRIT LIVEJOURNAL! Snapesnogger's first Livejournal.

[edit] Support the Troops

Get the bitch off the Internets