Rules 1 and 2

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Rules 1 & 2 is a famous piece of copypasta from the Rules Of The Internet that originated in the scenester whorefest of a movie Fight Club, which was adapted by /b/tards in the name of /b/. Because, you know, /b/ IS Fight Club, bitch. The rules are simple:

Rule 1: You do not talk about /b/

Rule 2: You DO NOT talk about /b/

As you can see, from making this article, I have broken the first and second rules of the internet. But that's OK, because the rules were made by Gaiafags. The rules were taken lightly at first, but the results of the Pools Closed have left /b/ a shell of what it used to be. Thus many /b/tards have taken it upon themselves to protect the name of /b/ from the internet. Ironically enough, camwhores are still allowed to talk about /b/ outside of /b/ by writing it on their tits. I guess anon does forgive after all.

There is also some debate over what the rules mean. Some claim that even using the name 4chan outside of 4chan is breaking them, while others know better and tell them to GTFO for retardation. In the end though, it doesn't matter. Rules 1 and 2 are a joke, and should be broken at any possible time.

[edit] Biggest Violation of Rules 1 and 2 to date

[edit] The August Exception

In a face saving move, anonymous attempted to rewrite history with the following declaration:

Rules 1 and 2 only apply to raids.


Anonymous will probably repeat it until it catches on and is accepted as truth by all /b/tards.

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