Never forget

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So many died that day.
So many died that day.
The NEVER FORGET! meme has inspired dozens of hilariously bad, jingoistic Photoshops and pickup truck window art--some, amazingly enough, not involving crying eagles.
The NEVER FORGET! meme has inspired dozens of hilariously bad, jingoistic Photoshops and pickup truck window art--some, amazingly enough, not involving crying eagles.
A hilarious catch phrase sometimes used by conservatives to invoke feelings of guilt in liberals, because liberals forgot about 9/11 and hate America. They also forgot Poland.
Elephants NEVER forget.
Elephants NEVER forget.

The phrase is often used by emo fags whose friends/relatives/second cousins/someone they're sure they've seen somewhere before died in the WTC attacks. The phrase "Never forget" will be written in AIM profiles and on wristbands and clothes and things like that. Regardless of whether they actually knew the dead guy or not, these people still get really sad about it because they're emotional fucktards.

Also associated with fucktard wiccans who claim to be "more persecuted than thou." They attribute millions of deaths to the Pope's first ejaculation missing by a couple of yards. These fascinating items are also known to take their crystals and incense in the ass.

The phrase "Lest We Forget" was also used at least 100 years ago by Australians in order to make sure they never forgot the ANZAC's that fell at Gallipoli in WW1. So please steal our faggy phrase! I know 9/11 was an emotional time but it was also the most important moment in Australia's history! You've already killed the amount that died in those towers in arabs At least 100 times over with your illegal war, and we hope you'll kill more of those dirty sand niggers!

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