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This is what happens when you get old
This is what happens when you get old
One of ways to conclude one's oldness is to see resemblence between the silhouette of one's hair and an apple.
One of ways to conclude one's oldness is to see resemblence between the silhouette of one's hair and an apple.
Dude, this chick is fucking old.
Dude, this chick is fucking old.
Old people can be emotionally sensitive
Old people can be emotionally sensitive
Old people can drive
Old people can drive

Old refers to something that has either happened at least 100 years ago or never happened at all (like the holocaust). An alternative to using the word old is olde, which is a fancier way to say the same thing, it is commonly used by elitist faggots and pseudo-intellectuals.

[edit] See Also


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