O rly

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The original O RLY? owl.
The original O RLY? owl.
The correct response to O RLY?
The correct response to O RLY?
Megaman, perpetuating faggotry
Megaman, perpetuating faggotry
Old rly, am i rite?
Old rly, am i rite?

"O rly?" is a meme from 4chan. It spawned at least 100 image macros, possibly moar than 9000. with the most popular being the O RLY? owl. Recently O RLY has spread to lj icons. The O RLY? owl is a snow owl image macro popular on the internets.

It is also a password in Starcraft that lets you win the game if you can type it fast enough, but nobody gives a shit.



  1. Oh really
  2. Bill O'Reilly
  3. Orly
  4. Oh rapists love you
  5. o_rly_factor
  6. Orally


  • "You're gay." "O rly?"
  • "I was watching O rly last night." "O rly?"
  • "That kid is choking to death." "O RLY?"
  • "Is John Bolton a man?" "No, not rly."
  • "You're wrong!" "O rly?" "Ya Rly." "No U"

Situations in which one does not know their facts call for the usage of O rly. When Godwin's Law comes into a situation, O rly can be used to combat the accuser.

Standardized Response

In order to combat the widespread evil and gay-ness of O rly, scientists in labcoats invented their own rival term: ya rly. This term can be used to shut up any whiny troll or 16-year-old girl on the internets.

  • "O rly?" "Ya rly!"

Foreign Versions

The Russians, envious of the British O RLY?, made up their own version of O RLY to make themselves feel important. The Russian O RLY is the word PREVED!, which is in some crazy foreign language noone has ever heard of.

PREVED! has a bear instead of an owl, and it what you say when you spot something surprising going on, such as Brotney Spears naked from the waist down, or some people fucking in the woods.

The Japanese use an almost literal translation of O RLY with the same picture of the owl, except they use the text, "MAJI DESU KA?!"

The French, in their ignorance of any legitimate language, persist in having a city named Orly, not to be confused with Orlyans or New Orlyans.

Other Notes

The O Rly owl was immortalised as a clothing item for Gaia Online, an anime role playing community populated by people who weren't good enough for LJ.


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