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4chanarchive has epic archived /b/ threads related to this topic for great justice.

How /b/ AKA: the INTERNET HATE MACHINE created Spengebab
How /b/ AKA: the INTERNET HATE MACHINE created Spengebab

Spengbob is like Spongebob, except not. Y'see, once upon a time, Spongebob got lost on his way to a Russian bath-house and ended up in Goatse after consulting Mapquest for directions.

Upon arrival he was welcomed by the Goatsetards with a complete MS Paint makeover so's he'd fit in moar. However, like The Picture of Dorian Gray the moar he lurked his likeness became moar gruesomely disfigured and hideous to behold.

It wasn't long before his MySpace friend list (including Mudkip and Pikachu) were 'disfigured' by association.


[edit] The Most Disturbing YouTube Evar

Watch this and your immortal soul will forever burn in hell. Disregard, Weeaboo crap, JUST REMEMBER YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Srsly.

[edit] wtf?

[edit] Gallery

[edit] See Also


[edit] External Links

Spengbab's MySpace BALEETED

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