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Ooooh shit!111 Interesting Fact:
This article contains an hero.

[edit] The man, the legend, the hardcore

04:49: <ripper> I told u I was hardcore
04:49: <ripper> I told u I was hardcore

Ripper was the IRC handle of Brandon Vedas, a guy who committed suicide on teh Internets via his webcam while his mom was doing crosswordz in the next room. He told us he was hardcore, and we just didn't believe him. He had a grip of drugs. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~shoa. He was fukcin (sic).

Quite soon after typing the legendary line I told u I was hardcore, he became an hero.

<ripper> I got a grip of drugs
<grphish> show us ripper

<ripper> 320mg methadone
<ripper> 24mg klonopin
<ripper> 120mg resotril
<ripper> 1.5 grams KB
<ripper> 4 grams mersh
<Oea> plus the 130mg inderol
<ripper> I drank some 151

<hast> is enough to kill kurt cobain
<Smoke2k> you pussy 
<Smoke2k> you pussy 
<Smoke2k> eat more 

<grphish> i really love you man
<Oea> ripper
<Pnutbot> ripper is a gangster!!!
<Oea> i love you
<grphish> its sad to see you die like this
<grphish> :(
<Oea> byeb ye
<grphish> NOW
<ripper> I told u I was hardcore
<grphish> ripper: we knew that already
<ripper> fuck u
<ripper> pusys
<ripper> u are so fucking stupid

Although ripper requested to have people call 911 if he looked dead, the pussy faggots of his IRC channel were too afraid of getting into trouble. And thus ripper was down for the count.

<Oea> i am on line with 911
<Oea> is this the right choice?
<theKat> NO
<Oea> lolol
<Oea> i talked my way out of it

Ripper is survived by his mother and stepfather, his father and stepmother, his 2 brothers and his 2 sisters, his stepbrother, and a friend that did so much to help him, Smoke2k.

Also of note, the legendary meme "I told you I was hardcore" has been immortalized by PC Speaker and Coaxke of the "Gangster Nerd Rap" band "Futuristic Sex Robotz" in their single "Scheduled Rhymes", released on or about Dec 12th 2006, which is a tune filled with bass, lulz and epic win about enjoying the recreational benefits of prescription and illicit drugs which can be found here

[edit] See Also

[edit] Logs and shit

Ripper's website has since been taken over and converted into "Ask Ripper". Full IRC logs are available there as well.

Image:Anhero_icon.gif Ripper is part of a series on An Hero.


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